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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. Well, I have 'heard' about Dungeon Siege, but apart from the very basics I couldn't tell you much about it! Party-based, fantasy, and no limits on the distance at which characters can exchange items. The facts are, GPG abandoned the franchise when Chris Taylor went back to strategy games, Space Siege tainted the whole franchise for a lot of people and the franchise wasn't 'big' to begin with.
  2. I don't think a hotbar would work. What the game needs, apparently, is for the abilities to be bound to accessible keys. We have three easily attainable keys (E, R and F) close to the WASD keys, why didn't they use those for abilities? Heck, the set-up looks like the UI! Q to change stance, Space for triggering the defense stance, probably Left Shift or C for the enhanced abilities. Hotkeys for menu can be bound to random keys if they like, they're not as important.
  3. Replace 'Obsidian' by 'Square Enix' or 'Bethesda', please. Square is the one who purchased the IP and decided to use it, and they hired Obsidian to make the game. If you're talking about the console games, precise that you played Dark Alliance. The console games are widely different than the PC games. The last game came out six years ago, the IP was pretty much forgotten, the expansion to consoles, both the publisher and developer changed : all these make a sequel that changes a lot of things acceptable. Plus, both Square Enix and Obsidian have some brand recognition that will make people interested in the game because of their name, and the expansion to consoles open to a brand new market that doesn't care about the previous games because they never played them. The success of Fallout 3, for example, was more thanks to new players who responded to Bethesda's brand than old Fallout fans.
  4. I do not think that the new focus on story and characters is responsible for all the 'bad' things you're angry about. It's more the result of going from a combat-heavy, one-solution-to-all-problems 'tactical RPG' to a combat-heavy, one-solution-to-all-problems 'action RPG'. Mostly, yes. Especially for RPGs. A demo can mostly gives you a feel of the universe and tone when it comes to story, it cannot give you a good idea of what to expect in term of plot.
  5. A small update on my situation : every time that he cleans up the Steam cache for the demo, they tell me that a file isn't good and will be downloaded again. Every single time. That's something known?
  6. And of course, the law of maximum fail will ensure that you will be among those people who can't launch it.
  7. Unrelated question : how do I launch the demo? I downloaded the files, but when I click on 'play the game', Steam brings me to the Steam page for the game. Anybody else encountered that problem?
  8. Also, I think it's marketed more toward the people who like games like NWN2, Dragon Age & Co, for its emphasis on fighting and the roleplay being mainly present through 'story decisions', not 'gameplay decisions'. Its twitch-based gameplay is aimed more at console gamers than PC gamers I think.
  9. A Playboy video and the girl isn't even wearing a chainmail bikini. Scandalous !
  10. Why are you being so touchy? You insult someone for expressing an opinion in a respectful way!
  11. You should go on Youtube and search for 'psychopathic Thorton'. Agent Thorton can be an kidnapper, a murderer and a war-profiteer. Not to mention a complete jerkass.
  12. I thought that name was buried under the ire of all the fans of the game ?
  13. Blizzard certainly could use some smarts and making games that aren't copies of their successes of the last decade.
  14. Anyone else finds it funny that Chris Avellone and Jason Bergman are interviewed by one of the Voice Cast ?
  15. Don't act like this is a common occurrence. I'm fine with DS3, but the truth is that there are a lot more games with male protagonists, and few female protagonists are really well done, and now even RPGs are starting to force the gender of the main character (The Witcher, Alpha Protocol, etc.). Not really. The only 'pure' character is Lucas, because he only has close quarter combats stances. And he has powers that aren't so much different than magic (energy bolt, etc.). Katarina is probably the other 'pure' character, as she uses only firearms. I wonder who Michelle Thorton could have romanced? Heck and Brayko? I can't see Albatross as being too much into romance, same for Marburg (hints of homosexuality aside). Although the way it's going, I think the Archon (and thus, Anjali) are going to be a 'female only' race with no real gender.
  16. I think you're underestimating the average consumer. They will see colors and good enough graphics, and they will buy it. Especially if they own consoles and don't have much to play in that genre. And reviews are generally positive, so that's one more point in its favor. That was the publisher's decision, to get the f*** out of the The Witcher 2's release window I think. And who are you to say that they didn't fix anything?
  17. You've obviously never tried a Bioware or Bethesda game then, if we want to stay in the RPG genre. Okay, let me retract my earlier statement, you obviously know Bioware, but for some reason you're confusing them with Obsidian .
  18. That might be a demo feature, like the resurrection. I'm sure I've seen videos of the first hours where the character had only one ability instead of three.
  19. I wonder if the 'e' at the end of Noire is because the guy who titled it has french as a first language and forgot that a city ain't gendered in english?
  20. What's up with the guy making the videos and loooooooonnnnnnng, useless pauses?!? Gah!
  21. I whine loudly when someone in the know gives us what feels like incomplete info so that someone else, also in the know, can tell us the exact facts . Same here. Just hope that the zoom is high enough!
  22. If that is true, that is indeed horrible. I can understand limiting range of movement, and having to deal with the camera of the host in local coop, but having to deal with it in online coop? Hurgh! I'm sick just thinking about it.
  23. Some people cannot make the difference, for them coop and online are the same thing. And given the OP's incredibly bad opening, I'm not inclined to trust his ability to differentiate them.
  24. (1) Matter of taste apparently, since some people really liked it. (2) Those people are morons. We've seen the screens. And not just PR screenshots, screenshots taken from preview builds too. I find them pretty. (3) As if they could judge that on a demo. (4) Proven to not be true. There are cosmetic changes, at least between different kind of armor. Anjali, for example, has a kind of armor that covers her head-to-toe while another kind leaves her arms uncovered. (5) Known for a long, long time.
  25. Katarina for me. All distance, and some interesting spells.
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