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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. I'm couting since Obsidian's creation, obviously. Five IPs, against Bioware's four. In one of those IPs, Obsidian did 3 games very different in tone, basically covering the whole spectrum of the IE games. And in one year, Obsidian released three very different games, while Bioware released one game, its two sequels (one of them poorly received by fans) and another sequel. Yes. RPGs are probably one of the most diverse genre in video games. Obsidian won't need to dabble in other genres .
  2. (1) It's not Obsidian's fault if some of the people who plays and reviews the game are absolute morons. Impossible to make sense of the stats, AH! Not to mention some morons who flat out said that Obsidian is too slavish of pass
  3. Drama queen much? The 'E' key is one step below the '3' key or above the 'D' key, so no matter where you put your fingers most of the time, its easily accessible.
  4. The art style, the inconsistence of the characters' role, the absence of any kind of plot, the Fuchikoma have nothing on the Tachikoma, there is also the terrible fan service in the latest volume, etc. I read them. And hated them. After FMA, I thought the manga, when coming first, was always better than the adaptation. GIST proved me wrong. That manga is TERRIBLE, and it gets nothing on the anime and movie.
  5. As far as DLCs go, I would like to see more (big) dungeons and perhaps new characters to play with. For expansions, I would like an expansion of the stance system, with more than three abilities by stance and the player has to choose which threes he always has at hand.
  6. Stand Alone Complex : it's the series, the first season actually. And they're not ****ty, they're great . Although inferior to the first movie, I will admit that much. Much better than the manga, obviously (I can't stand that thing!).
  7. He's mentioned it in his twitter though, so that not really stalking anymore .
  8. Can someone tell me where I should post a problem I have with the game? It simply won't launch, when I click on the 'Play' button in Steam, I have the hour-glass icon for a few seconds, then it disappears and the game never starts. Also, each time I do a check of the local cache, Steam always find something wrong with it and re-download a small file. I tried the 'pass everything to english' thing, it didn't work. I use a laptop with a version of Windows that isn't the one sold with the computer. CPU : IntelĀ® Core2 CPU T5600 @ 1.83GHz Graphic Card : Radeon Mobility X1600 OS : Windows 7 32 bits
  9. While we talk about controls, anyone tried the walk/run toggle? I was amused to see it here, knowing how much some people were annoyed by its absence in other games.
  10. My god, Lucas, what did they do to you? You're looking like a Kevin rip-off !
  11. Yes. To re-iterate my previous post : have you tried downloading the drivers put out by the laptop's publisher? I know mine doesn't like ATI's driver.
  12. The game took a three points malus because of the controls, the console versions are rated 15/20 (same reviewer) : X-Box and Playstation Canard PC gave it a 6/10, and says that the game is good for what it, a more-intelligent-than-average action RPG, comparing it to good entertainment for a summer week-end. I admit, the more interesting part of the review were the tales of Omar Boulon dressing up as a princess and dancing in the middle of the office.
  13. Cyn!c, I can't really help you but try to go on the Steam forums for the game, that's where the devs went the first time to collect bugs, and perhaps there will be more people with your issues, since you're apparently an isolated case here.
  14. No, I just don't consider Diablo and DS to be 'action' RPGs. They're combat-and-loot-heavy, but so is Icewind Dale. Action, for me, resides in instantaneous response from the controler, with little to none contextual action. Diablo doesn't fit completely, and Dungeon Siege even less so with its party management and 'active pause' feature.
  15. Healing is part of the combat mechanics since it affects your survival. The rest aren't what I would call gameplay mechanics, more like important features.
  16. I'm going to suppose that Lucas is suffering from 'Early Character Syndrome', also known to me as 'Hunter Syndrome' (from the 2008's Prince of Persia) : he's the first character that was implemented, they focused the basics on him and some of the refinements were lost on him. Compared to Lucas, even the way her attack damage works is very different! Lucas does similar damage to individuals in his two stances, while Katarina's guns do squat in term of damage when compared to her rifle!
  17. I think it's because it comes from a genre that is under-represented on PC but had some great games on console (Dark Alliance, Champions of Norrath, etc.), and most of the developpers probably played them on the consoles. Intuitively, I was skeptical of how they could translate the controle scheme on PC. A console player can use only one finger for attacks and all abilities, while the PC player uses four. A console gamer can use both hands for combinations (blocking and empowering), while the PC gamer can only use one. A PC is not good for this kind of game that uses a lot of 'instantaneous' input. That must be it, I just hate number crunching in games. Heck, I didn't even like the transition from AD&D to D&D 3.5 in CRPGs because of this. I liked myself some 'obscurity' in game mechanics, just not as much as what Bioware put in Dragon Age.
  18. @ Lumathe : have you tried installing with Steam in Offline mode or with your computer disconnected? Annoying trick, but could be worth a try I suppose.
  19. Hunted: The Demon's Forge. Whatever gives him that sore throat, it made him nasty.
  20. At this point in time, I don't think so. They're good market-study tools a few months before release, I think. From a marketing point of view, I suppose it might help get a better picture of the demo's effects.
  21. Knockdown is longer. I would have to verify it, but there is perhaps the possibility of launching mooks in pits by knocking them down, if you aim for the edge of a cliff.
  22. Gromnir is like Lord of Flies recently, they appear for a few days, then they disappear for a few months before suddenly reappearing.
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