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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. The screenshots look like they're from an older build (the one where PC controls had just been implemented) so I wouldn't be so quick to jump the gun. Oh sure, I will make up my mind when the demo hints, but right now, things aren't looking too bright. DS3 isn't a game whose PC controls are 'familiar' but brought down by the console limitations, it seems to be a game tailored specifically for the gamepad whose controls just don't translate well on the PC.
  2. That woman almost seems obsessed with Jeyne Kassynder . What did she say about Rajani exactly? Also, what does Rajani say in that screenshot? There seems to be some kind of political twist that she's excited about... Also, it looks like I will have to buy a pad...
  3. It's not a 'linear' interview, it's one of those interviews where little bits are separated into relevant topics and inserted into an article. The article is separated in three parts, first a talk mostly focused on Dungeon Siege 3, after that a talk about Obsidian's past, and the last entry is about Obsidian's future. The DS3 preview : - The intro is about how the journalist would be disappointed in his readers if they never heard the name 'Feargus Urquhart', reminding us of his role at Black Isle and the games made under his tenure there, and later at Obsidian. - After that, we're reminded of Obsidian's history with external IPs, followed by a commentary that DS3 really doesn't fit with those, as it really feels like Obsidian's own project, with a vision that shares more with Obsidian's than Chris Taylor's. - Feargus shares his view about the 'right' way to do a follow-up of another studio's game, updating game systems and gameplay while still staying respectful of what came before. - Follows a rather long discussion about DS3 action-focused gameplay and how Obsidian introduced its best elements (story and characters) into it. "You can have a very verbose story with a lot of characters, but players will enjoy it if they feel that they're participating rather than responding.", says Feargus at the end. The Past : - 'Intellectualism', Feargus talks about the difficulties of launching a new IP. He says that one of the big projects they're proposing right now is a new IP and that the experience with AP has taught them how to approach that kind of project, both internally and with the publisher. - 'Pre-Alpha Protocol', Feargus mainly says that communication has to be better thought out, because he thinks that part of AP's bad reception can be blamed on gamers misunderstanding what exactly they were going to receive. - 'A Blast From The Past' and 'Desert Bugs' : they're the bits already put out by Now Gamer, about PST2 and FNV's bugs. The Future : - 'Levelling up' : Feargus doesn't share the interviewer's impression that RPGs are dying, they've been around forever and because they provide a unique kind of experience, they will always stay around. - '+1 AK-47' : discussion about Cliff Bleszinski's quote that the future of video games was in the design of RPGs. Feargus agrees that the integration of some RPG mechanics into other games can lead to very fun results, but that RPGs themselves offer a very different kind of experience. - 'A Memorable Future' : Feargus wonders about where the genre could be taken. Visual things are a given, but what about companions and story? How could they improve that with the new tools at their disposal. - 'Obsidian's Dream Project' : a little list of what Feargus would like to work on. He mentions D&D as the old flame that will probably never be forgotten entirely, the world of Frank Herbert's Dune, the Wheel Of Time that apparently hasn't started production yet and mentions that he once talked with designers of how they could make a 'World War 2 epic'.
  4. Oh Labadal, you liar you ! Still, very nice of Square Enix to do this. I hope we will get to try all the characters.
  5. Thanks for the answers, Dave! Now that the demo has been announced, I have other questions : - do you know which characters we will be able to try in the demo? All of them, or just a selection? - what areas of the game does the demo cover? - do you have a favorite character, both among the playable ones and the NPCs?
  6. Great! Thanks funcroc! And I pretty much agree with Starwars, it's good to have a demo. After Dragon Age 2, Dungeon Siege 3. Maybe they're coming back into fashion? <Off to the SED thread to ask details.>
  7. Also from that interview, he says that one of the franchise he would like to visit is Dune.
  8. Another preview at 3news.co.nz : http://www.3news.co.nz/Dungeon-Siege-III-h...29/Default.aspx
  9. She probably has other siblings on her mother's side. I paid too much attention to the previews and I already knew that Leona was her sister. Presumably, if you don't play as Katarina, she's the one who points you toward her.
  10. The armor of Rajani makes me laugh, it's as if she couldn't decide between bikini armor or full-on armor, and ended up with the bottom of the first and the top of the second. Also, heels. What's up with the heels, Obsidian? Also, damn english for being nearly gender-neutral.
  11. That's merely for drama. How many games out there have recognizable and easy to reproduce bugs like the main ones in Alpha Protocol? I can only remember The Witcher, whose memory management would go completely crazy if I reloaded a game after Geralt's death without first going through the main menu, and would make me wait for a dozen minutes before I got fed-up and Alt-F4 the thing!
  12. Also, Gamesradar : http://www.gamesradar.com/pc/dungeon-siege...607124119104055 I don't find the Now Gamer preview to be very good, I very much like the Gamesradar one though. Informative for people who don't know anything about the game and it gives a good idea of the pace they're aiming for. Also, the second one after Games on Net to mention that PC user may have to overcome a bit of a learning curve.
  13. Thread necromancy, I call upon you! Good, so about this : http://twitter.com/#!/squareenixdave/s...688470070341632 First, let me say I'm grateful that we're getting a demo of the game . Now, can you tell us when it will be released and what part of the game it will cover? Also, on a personal level, are you saddened that the majors in the industry are seen as so greedy that people ask if a demo is part of a pre-ordering deal?
  14. CVG preview : http://www.computerandvideogames.com/30199...CVG-General-RSS
  15. Yep, question is : will it be a good thing or a bad thing? Wait and see, I suppose.
  16. No, the pre-order bonus on GoG was a 10% discount. This there really is just 'fair price policy' as they say.
  17. The today situation is even a complete reversal, seeing that blue was seen as a feminine color and not the symbol of masculinity that it is today.
  18. Ah, to be fair and perfectly clear, the second screenshot, which features '15 items with the same icon' is actually the 'sell' interface, that's the loot the player has accumulated, not what the merchant is selling to the player. The first screenshot has very little repeating icons.
  19. Offering a challenge to the player by putting limits on his abilities and forcing him to pay attention to a certain number of parameters. That's not frustrating, that's what some players want. Why do you think that regenerating health has become the one thing linked to dumbing down those last years???
  20. jeuxvideo.com, the french site who really hated the PC controls, posted a lot of screens taken from that preview. I'm worried about those, depicting the interface for merchants : I find it cluttered, and there doesn't seem to be any option to only show one specific kind of equipment or at least the equipment relevant to a specific character. I think it will be a pain for me to go through all this! There are other screenshots too : - Katarina asks you to act as if you know her. Old friends, lovers perhaps... it would be hilarious if people saw a family resemblance between her and Lucas . - Jeyne Kassynder was quite the looker, although there is something cold about her. - some callback to the webcomic, Martel remembering Reinhart from Stonebridge. - Reinhart is apparently a teacher of magic at the Collegium. - Some lore about the Manx family it seems, since it mentions the son of a character named Merik. Apparently the son, name Gerhart (I can feel a pattern here) started having dealings with goblins, and Merik, who hated that race because they betrayed him two times in his lifetimes, cut all ties with him. I wouldn't be surprised if the 'Manx' name was the name of Gerhart's mother. - Translation : "What... she's just behind me, isn't she?". Classic.
  21. Through the use of the special abilities I think. No, the Reinhart video is the one where people remarked for the first time that the healing power used one orb, and then someone asked Nathaniel how exactly the orbs were used.
  22. A french preview reports that now the left button is used for attacks and specials while the right button is used for movement and only for movement. Did you change your mind on the control scheme for PC?
  23. (1) It reassures me in fact, I was actually afraid that the character we were playing wouldn't have noticeably different dialogues because, well, the player is controlling them, but apparently it won't be the case, so all the merrier . (2) You mean Alpha Protocol and New Vegas? Yep, definitely. But hey, part of Obsidian's appeal, to me at least, is that they do a lot of different kind of RPGs, both in setting and gameplay, they're not 'specialized' like Bioware and Bethesda. Also, the only comment so far in that preview is full of win : "Hmm, how about some detail on the actual gameplay?".
  24. I don't own a gamepad! And I don't want to buy one. I will probably just get used to the controls I suppose.
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