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Everything posted by bugarup

  1. And ever, amen. † Not only this new cookie cutter chick has nothing on Salma, new dudes are awful too. I'd wish for this stupid project to fail but it'll do that without my help anyway.
  2. More, like, boooooring. Samey, predictable enemies. And backtracking. Oh the backtracking.
  3. Have you read HP Lovecraft? Yep. At first I found him too verbose and a bit purpley, but eventually decided it fits the stuff he writes about rather well. I mean if you write about incomprehensible, mind liquefying cosmic horrors, then muddled, meandering run-on sentences convey your message much better than, say, Hemingway'ish concision.
  4. I liked the narrator, her eerie, slightly offset delivery matched godly weirdness very well, but I agree about unnecessity of voicing "he said, she said" lines. Also, I haven't been around when PoE launched, did people whine as much about that game's narrator? Because he totally sounds like that "Here is my dull and dreary powerpoint presentation, gods how bored I am!" dude who delivered NWN2's "rocks fall, everyone dies" ending speech. As for Deadfire's vs Kingmaker's writing (not the same thing as the story), are really there people who prefer the latter? Because as writing goes, Deadfire not as much blows P:K out of water as catapults it into the high orbit.
  5. I had a rather annoying bug with disappearing companions a couple of times, but loading the earlier save that's not in the same location fixed it, albeit not always from the first try. Other than that, nothing serious. Loved Tyranny's setting and atmo to pieces, the story was also great if a bit abrupt towards the end but I didn't really mind. And reactivity to things you do is IMO only second to "Alpha Protocol" albeit not dynamic like in AP but mostly decided by your choices in the intro; that's why I liked the game being short, because story-wise play-throughs were really different -- even you side with the same faction, people might react quite differently because of your previous choices. Loved the IKEA DYI spell system, found combat irritating at first but eh, got used to it. Also, if you're of the people who love playing good guys -- you cannot do that in Tyranny. You can tune your level of murderosity at best, but be a good guy? Nuh-uh. Some tips if you decide to try it: Lore is the king skill, invest almost everything into it; Don't go independent, at least not on your first playthrough -- nobody will want to talk to you and you'll have to murder your way through and it is not a good thing in this game. The dungeons (aka the Walls) suck. Brace yourself for disappointment.
  6. Based on Pelleginas feathers, I would not be surprised if deadlikes have black mist where others have hair. Nature godlikes might have thorns. And Fire godlikes could be even more dangerous. Au contraire -- letting Fire Godlike soak in the bathtub might lead to steamy encounter
  7. Hey guys who played this game. If I get level drained (settings on "restore on rest"), does the game remember what abilities/spells I picked or is it BG2 all over again? Anyway. I just can't with speed (or rather complete motherloving lack thereof) in this game. That's one of key reasons why Deadfire be like "So I just drop there real quick and oh this stuff I need is nearby, mebbe I pay it a visit since I'm in a neighbourhood anyway and oh my look at the time is it hundred hours already " and Kingmaker be like "OMG I feel like I'm playing this game for eternity! Mamma mia let me go! " (Yes, I'm just out of that dungeon with multicolor switches you have to run...ahahahah, what I am thinking, pardon -- ooze to and back multiple times. I could probably out-salt Dead Sea right now)
  8. While I'm all up for ****iing on the most overrated shooter of all times, it really wasn't that buggy on release, no? Which isn't that difficult when one is as...uncomplicated as ME2.
  9. There is a boat on the East side of Undercroft that takes you back to Queen's Berth so it's probably better to do just that instead of going up to Delver's Row and antagonizing everyone there. No idea if it fails the quest though.
  10. I loved Fallen London, but couldn't get into Sunless Sea. Really, reeeeaallllly slooooowwwwww movement, non-intuitive UI, dropped it right after I crashed the ship while trying to steer into the port. Still planning to try it one day, it's just that games that hook me way faster keep getting in the way.
  11. How can I import this bug to Kingmaker? Moving like a legless offspring of geriatric glacier and arthritic sloth is very seriously getting on my nerves, and I'm still in Act 2. P.S.: please don't fix it please don't fix it please don't fix it
  12. Nice to know somebody else favours non-boring colour schemes.
  13. Or mayhaps it's a dulcimer? You need to use them hammer thingies on it, meaning that it matters how hard you hit it, only Benweth is so drunk hardcore he needs no stinking hammers.
  14. Sure. Best racial is ofc Death godlike! When you get close to what the french (those dirty duckers) call "the little death" you gain power levels. Or Fire godlike, if you want to spice up your minmaxing The sentence "Fire in a hole" obtaining a new meaning is this case. Really? No mention of Nature aka wood Godlike? I'm bummed you guys did not reach for such a low hanging nut so that me, who's tailing behind, get to crack it.
  15. Daaaaamn, the discussions you miss when ignoring "Obsidian, I have wisdom to share with you!!!1!" threads. Oh well, I still can go and +1 everyone involved, so annoying I cannot +2 puns and dad jokes.
  16. Started playing, made a pretty banal Rogue/Mage with plans to go Arcane Trickster. Cannot wait to mod out encumbrance and nerf fatigue already because right now the game is a loop of eating and sleeping. Although it's not really odd the party gets fatigued after walking, like, 5 metres because all we do is pig out on enormous quantities of food and nap (= get fat and lose stamina), but hoo boy is it annoying. Writing is...well, there. Obz really spoiled me. Also, Charname reminds me of KOTOR protagonist, who, too, valued not overburdened vocabulary and simple ways of communication such as "Who are you?!!!", "Yay!!!" and "Lets kill things!" And yet, game feels rather charming so far and likely will only be better with siesta-be-gone improvement.
  17. You know what's kind of hot and will definitely happen? Global warming. In other words, go play Plunkbat or Overwatch or whatever other multiplayer thingy you kiddies use today. This parasitic abomination infested enough of gaming space as it is, no need to slap it onto bloody everything. Also, get off my lawn.
  18. How's Bugmaker right now anyway? I kind of want to play something new but where I won't have to learn the system from scratch, but howlongtobeat has this to say about it: Main Story: --, Main + Extras 140 hours, Completionist: -- . So before committing bloody 140 hours it would be nice to know the game would not break halfway there.
  19. Yeah, but we also saved no winery and visited no library. Anyway, I missed this wonderfully creepy moment too and will absolutely run every party member through it now.
  20. Same here. I like what Civ does, but D:OS's system got really old really fast and I think I'm halfway into Numenera but still have no clue how its system works (and no wish whatsoever to try and understand it either, so I just leave AI to its own devices). Also, with all my undying love for F2 and F1 I cannot defend moments like when you sit and read half a book while all the 142 junkies of the Den shuffle to their new positions. Though I will try the new mode, of course. Might be fun. Might actually make those few messy battles in "Seeker, Slayer, Surivor" much easier.
  21. Anyone played Atom long enough to have opinion on writing? It really looks like something I want to play, but I am wary about that retro Sovietica setting. If there is something that I truly want to hate out of existence is nostalgia for Soviet times, with whitewashing, "Stalin was good guy and not a monster" and nonsense like that. I doubt GoG would accept "political disagreement" as the reason for refund, so better know beforehand.
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