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Everything posted by Ommamar

  1. I like the game too but I agree with what you are saying. No idea what decisions led to the acquisition by Microsoft but this game feels kind of like a we signed a contract to do this game so how can we complete it dedicating the least amount of asset and time to it. Still they managed to create a solid experience and system that I to hope they continue developing.
  2. I am personally enjoying the game if you aren't just move on no reason to put energy into something you dislike or feel is a subpar product. On the original post there have definitely been well duh situations I have run across but then watched multiple people stream and struggle to grasp what is going on. Of course streaming is harder to focus on the game particularly if you try to keep up with chat conversations or have in mind you are performing in a way that will keep your audience engaged. It is hard to write a game that will be accessible to everyone, when you are designing and writing code for a game it is easy to forget what may be obvious to you the creator might not be obvious to the end user. So you have people test it as much as possible to try and negate the situation where you loose the end user. Sometimes this will make thing seem to obvious or dumbed down to experienced players.
  3. I haven't tried on Netflix but I know you can play videos at different speed on Youtube which can lead to funny results but on some of the videos I have seen uploaded seems the only way to make them watchable. I think the game is a good fit as you can rush through it if you want but if you are the type of player that tries to find every nook and cranny when many different builds you can really stretch it out.
  4. If you can just preload buffs to combine with a heal at the push of a button it is less immersive breaking then going into the inventory scrolling through the listed consumables to find a 15 second buff. The only build I am maxing for medical is one I had pictured in my head, with the quickness of combat most will only need 2 slots to utilize it effectively which I think you get at level 40. I like the idea of consumables but it would of been even cooler if you could use a lab item or even the work bench to combine different consumables for the different effects. Have it tied into science to allow the max number you could mix.
  5. I understand what your saying, I also agree with you that it will take time to get mods that fundamentally add or change the game play. I was going of this statement " Unfortunately there aren't any mods for this let alone mods in general yet at Nexusmods" that indicated your hadn't seen that there where people interested enough to make the early mods that pop up a week or so for games like this. I have been thinking about this, one of the factors will be how Obsidian develops this universe. If there are DLCs I could see more interest but if a TOW 2 comes out within a year with a more developed universe then I think people will just move on from TOW. Microsoft's policy on the game pass might effect things as well as I understand they aren't allowing modifications of the files at all currently, so basically allows people to get a look at the game for a nominal fee. To really get the most out of the game though I think people will be limited to Epic games for the first year at least.
  6. I prefer having to talk to someone to see if they have a quest. I know it has become common place in MMORPG to put some indicator above NPCs but it detracts from the old school exploration I miss from MUDS and the first generations of MMOPRG.
  7. You are mistaken about the mods, most are ini tweaks or reshaderes but people have been modding the game: https://www.nexusmods.com/theouterworlds?tab=popular+(30+days) Well you would still need to be looking at the dog or human to read the body language, I have heard both maruaders, outlaws, and automechanicals make comments indicating they are hearing movement. Which I found is a good indicator to put an object between me and them. Can the system be improved undoubtedly I am just curious how you would improve it.
  8. To point I agree with what you are saying but TOW made it very clear to me on the first decision of the major quest line that it would be wisest to finish all side quest before making a decision. As soon as I had chosen to help one faction the opposing faction quests where botched thus closing me off from that content.
  9. That is what I gleaned from that statement as well. One thing I think Bethesda has done well when they released a game on multiple platforms they released fixes to the different platforms as they came available. A lot of PC people they where being used as guinea pigs for the changes but I would rather experience them and offer feedback then be set to a schedule dictated by the companies that control consoles.
  10. NV did have a good food system but I honestly didn't pursue it to much of course I never played on a high level of difficulty so might have more of a motivation to utilize it if I had.
  11. There is reports of this quest glitching for quite a few people. In your case I am curious if you closed down the game then tried a load of the last save before the glitch if you still experienced it? It sounds like the game ran for 25 hours so a memory leak might of occurred causing the crash.
  12. Follow you around shouting "Danger <playername>!!!"? I know what you mean though one step quest to get him then he is same throughout the game personality wise. A good solid companion for combat but not much else to add to the party.
  13. I just got the Hammer for a two hand barbarian type build (mostly means I just hit stuff as a strategy). Took the science perk and tinkered so it is 5 levels above my current level, it a ton of fun to swing around doing the different effects. At the current level it seems very powerful compared to any other weapon I can find, I don't need to worry about having a plasma, electric, corrosion weapon as I can just swing the hammer again to get the different effects.
  14. While it would be cool to see companions have more dynamic lives the chance that they might be off doing their own thing would lead to a chance that you would miss out on content as the player. Since you have 25 years of experience it shouldn't surprise you that the companions are only there to move the players story along not their own, you can of course move their story along or not as you desire. I recommend to follow the different paths as it adds to the universe lore and feel of the game, I have played games where a party member would leave a party if you didn't follow the schedule they wanted. It was always a negative to have this happen particularly if the player arc is solving some huge world breaking threat but I have to stop and go look for this item or person or this companion will leave. It is realistic but in generally I don't play games like these for reality but as an escape so I am willing to accept that a companion will always be where I left them sitting idle until I choose to include them. You mentioned Oblivion NPCs that walked went about a daily routine although not as noticeable I have seen NPCs walking around interacting with each other and objects so that is still there. I don't recall any companions in Oblivion other then my horse but been awhile, when I did play it last it was heavily modded so can't say whether that is accurate or inaccurate for the vanilla game. I do agree they didn't do a good job with the marauders who seem to be people expelled from the society of the towns, no idea why that would turn them into mindless homicidal beast. Other then Obsidian was under a asset crunch so decided they would serve as the enemy to fight. I guess the factions in FO4 kind of reacted the same but they at least seem to have some semblance of a community who logically would attack an outsider. With Marauders they just seem mindless beats who attack for no particular reason in lemming fashion.
  15. I liked the system ESO has where there was no penalty for hunger/thirst but if you ate or drank it buffed your character up a significant amount combine that with the crafting system to make the food it is one of the things I think that game did very well. To the OP I agree with you but this has been discussed in other threads quite a bit.
  16. They seem similar to companions in that if you don't invest in the ways to make them better they are weaker then the other equipment you find but if you build for them and put bits into tinkering they become very powerful. They also give another way to play other then just blast through things, and if you aren't interested they do sell for a good amount of bits, also there is the experience for finding them.
  17. I expect there is probably a flag you could set in the INI file to get him back but I am very careful to make sure I don't dismiss any companions so I haven't had to deal with that issue.
  18. Not that I am aware of but might be a mod to adjust something like that on Nexus. What would be your solution to indicate enemy awareness? It makes sense that you would need to actually see your enemy to know if they are aware of you so I wouldn't want something like the open/closed eye in Skyrim. Since it is limited to a first person view this might be the best system that fits the game as it currently is.
  19. Do you mean have them shown on the map without having to be selected in the journal? So for each map have all the quests icon shown then have a separate type of icon or a different color for the selected quest?
  20. That is an idea I would definitely go with story or at least normal difficulty as it takes a little bit to get companions then to get your skills invested to make them decent enough to handle combat on their own.
  21. Socrates40299 I am curious how much information you researched about the game before you bought it? If you purchased on release I can get your position, although since I didn't follow the game much at all information might of been available regarding this topic. What it seems you are asking is for even more censorship to protect you from something that you find offensive with no onerous on your self to look into what you purchase. I wrote a lengthy post for how I thought the development and hints of how npc's thought and acted added to an understanding of how it would be to live within the confines of how the universe of TOW would be, which lend me to the under standing of how they might act. Interestingly this has apparently be censored by the moderators probably because they don't want this subject that so many are speaking about to be spoken about. Falls into the area of whatever as it is their forum but shows to me how obsidian is willing to put a "controversial" subject into the game but hesitant to have it discussed. As for opting out I saw several ways the easiest is just not follow the quest to its conclusion, there was also dialogue options while in the bar such as don't ask me I suck or relationships or I am just here to drink.
  22. You will see the cattle if you ever come into your ship and hear ADA complain about someone ordering fertilizer then you will find a 5 or 6 in the repair bay. I think it is just a random event that has nothing to with this quest or the related bug.
  23. That might be one of the causes but I think there might be others. I have many builds all at different points in the story, the first one I made just finished the portion in the Lost Hope. When I entered the ship ADA told me about Felix and Ellie having a drink together. I went up and listened to their conversation then I went back down to the repair bay to speak to Pavrati who just had the two conversation options. I remembered hearing about this bug so I decided to move on to Scylla (sp?) I could still choose her as a companion but she didn't appear to be with me until I took damage then she came running into combat. Now even though it says the first portion was botched I can still advance the quest story line but I get no experience or notification of completion.
  24. I think you would have a frustrating time with the combat in this game. One option would to just use melee as that is less aiming intensive although aiming does help its effectiveness. Best advice I could offer would be to try it on someone else's copy before you put money towards it. To answer your question no auto aim and their version of bullet time/vats is quite interactive. To get the story there are several streams on twitch and Youtube where you can watch others play through the game.
  25. There is quite a discussion between 1st person vs 3rd person view. I wonder how the game would of played in an isometric view which seems to be making a come back in recent games.
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