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Everything posted by Ommamar

  1. You would get more notice of your problem if you posted in the support forum, there is also a email to send it directly to Private Division.
  2. Would you compare it to how the screen looks when crouched in vegetation?
  3. It was kind of an odd design of a couple systems being effected by the option. On the one hand you have the science weapons that are only really good if you tinker with them while building your character to make the best use of them. Then you have the named/special items that are really only good for a few levels if you find them around your current level other then that they get outclassed. Then you have the regular type of items that are best tinkered with at higher levels, if you try to keep the lower level items at your same level it gets very expensive. The rule of thumb I use is once the item tinker cost gets beyond 1k I go looking for a higher level weapon. The feel I got was there where different people developing the different weapon types in parallel with each other with no or minimal communication occurring between them. The majority of the build I have played just use the regular weapon drops with minor tweaking and mods. The sciences weapons are only good for specific build although the effects can be fun to mess around with damage wise for a build not specked to use them they get outclassed easily by the regular weapons. I feel the same way about the named weapons although I do have my captains crate filled with them I rarely use them.
  4. Having played through to one ending it doesn't' seem designed to support a DLC. If they do make one the only option I could see would be to expand the current universe by adding more content to existing zones and opening access to the displayed planets no utilized on the map. Of course they could use the old Saturday morning cartoon trick where what you are shown as the ending is backed up and expanded on. To me a sequel set in the future with different characters exploring a few open ended questions would fit better then a DLC.
  5. My game is updating in Epic store so I am figuring that is the patch!
  6. I did a search but couldn't find anything about it so might be known or might not. If you pickpocket Captain Irion on Sylla then talk to him after dealing with the marauders you end up with two flintlock pistols. Not to big of a deal but I am pretty sure it is not the intent for it to happen that way.
  7. Yes that is the case. Patch reportedly coming on Monday the 18th of November.
  8. Tinkering is a huge money sink especially if you don't go the science route.
  9. Bummer, maybe try after the patch on Monday. I haven't' heard of an issue with Felix until now but maybe the fixes will reset things and it will work for you.
  10. I know it is finicky on PC sometimes I have to hit E quite a few times to get the accept window to come up.
  11. But every thing we experience is alien so why would it be a reach if there was some other intelligent life that would or surpass the technology that humans had achieved? It just struck me as odd how it was presented. I spared the scientist trying to make hybrids so I don't know what the other threads led to as Lylia got upset and wouldn't talk to me anymore. It is one of the things I will explore in another play through, I know this is a spoiler free sub forum but would be cool if I was allowed to find out the alternative path on my own. The other odd thing was the whole we have to clear a Mantiqueen out of Nyoka's secret headquarters, it was presented like some big thing but I had already fought at least ten as maybe as many as a dozen. The one in that cave wasn't any harder then any of the others which was disappointing as there was a decent amount of build up to that fight.
  12. I am sure there are tons but here are some things that stuck me as odd. Nyoka giving Parvati pointers on how to use a weapon with Parvati acting as if she was afraid to shoot a gun, this was after I don't know how many combat engagements with Parvarti. The Sublight boss lady wanting us to hunt down aliens presenting it like we would find the concept to be some unbelievable thing that might occur even though we are light years away from Earth and have been experiencing strange carnivorous beasts and fauna. Receiving a small herd of woolly cows that we see no where else in the game , where the hell did they come from and why if they can obviously travel through space aren't they bred then harvested on Terra 2.
  13. I didn't use Felix much but he did approach me after I had advanced the Vicars quest on Monarch, I have no idea if that is the trigger but that is how it occurred for me.
  14. All fair statements. I also rate it as decent and for the moment filling my time but unless it is heavily modded I doubt I will return to play it again in if I run into a lull in games to play. This is how I really rate cRPG if in a few years after I initially played them I have a desire to boot them up and play through them again I will rate them high. I get the feeling from TOW that Obsidian made it to fulfill some contractual obligation. Which they did using as little time and assets as they could get away with, I am hoping there is a TOW 2 made by someone who really has a passion for the potential universe already began in TOW.
  15. The tethered enemies is kind of an odd touch and it does limit your tactics to sneak by (that gets you no experience) or just attack them where ever they are, you can implement a modified kite tactic where you draw them out then wait for them to start back to spawn point. I do recall seeing this in FO4 although I think the range they would chase you was longer.
  16. What they did with low intelligent builds in FO 1&2 is awesome and added to the re-playability of those games.
  17. Uhh ok how nice of you to let us no you decided not to play a game most here enjoy but will "bless" us with your presence on forums dedicated to it...
  18. That was always a great but sometimes annoying thing in FO1 and FO2, I also remember those damn spider ambushes from BG1. They likely ran of time to implement something like this, it would be a good idea for a mod though.
  19. Good advice. There is a sub forum specifically to post problems like this it would probably be seen by someone who can make use to fix it in game there, it could be seen here but a moderator will likely move it to that sub forum.
  20. Third person can work but it has to be implemented correctly. If you consider something like XCom it works well there, or even ESO can be used as an example I rarely use first person when I play it as I need the situational awareness third person provides. I can still use a bow or stave with no problem in that system. Anyway I think Obsidian has made it pretty clear TOW won't be getting third person. Some clever person might be able to mod it in but I don't see the developers taking the time to implement it. Maybe it will be in TOW 2 if they are motivated enough to make a second game, it seems to be something mentioned a lot. If you make both views available you will be pleasing a vocal part of your fan base.
  21. I both mod and tinker with a weapon that my companions use it seems to help but that could be me just thinking it should. A concerted effort of data mining would need to be conducted to verify or deny with test of both unmodded/untinkered damage and a tinkered item with mods. I would say tinkering would be the more likely to help as it is easiest to see a damage increase by the stats window when you equip it to your companion. I am less sure about armor mods that raise skills as you can't really see what your companions skills are at.
  22. I won't play supernova as I feel it just detracts from the game. I would love to be able to select different restrictions on hard mode to tailor the game to how I want to play.
  23. What is the perk Felix gets for finishing his companion quest? It shows in the finished section but the last box isn't checked and I am not sure if there is a new perk other then ones I chose for him.
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