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Everything posted by Ommamar

  1. From a certain perspective that is considered an off button! I have not tried playing without an internet connection but I do know that Epic games seems to sync the game files after every play session.
  2. Me too I have seen the community make things comparable to the developers in size and scope.
  3. That sucks to have that happen in a big city like that. I have had friends complain but live in a pretty rural area by most of the countries standards although is the capitol of the state and most consider it to be the biggest city in the state. Hopefully you have been able to get a copy!
  4. I was thinking more like the sky city in The Empire Strikes Back. I have not got that far but I would assume you could travel to them in some form or other, it wouldn't make sense to put them in if you can't access them.
  5. No but they offer very poor performance that is quite noticeable. For your information there is a codex you can select from your journal that explains a a lot of what you asked, oddly no bestiary though :-(.
  6. Of course higher level weapons do more damage I just figured you had to be the same level or higher to use them. What you want me to read how something works ;-), it is funny you say that though as I have been watching some streamers play content I have already been through. Every time they wonder out loud about something I think "Well it is explained in the codex you just moused over....!" I guess it is kind of that adult thought of do what I say not what I do! It is also fairly easy to get the ability to field repair so you aren't dependent on using work benches to maintain your equipment. The indicator I have seen is an icon in the lower middle of the screen, gun for weapon and armor for well armor. It starts out as yellow then flashes red once past a certain durability, this is another thing I notice streamers don't seem to pay attention to. Usually producing a doh when they mention how hard fights seem to have become.
  7. I understand what you are saying but I am not sure if this would be an asset or an obstacle. There are several quests that have multiple targets to include one back at the quest giver. It might just be more confusing to have a bunch of targets up. I use a similar strategy but usually just select a quest one by one to see the location then move in a counter clockwise or clockwise pattern, then after I reach an objective I take a moment to see if there are any other quests in the same area.
  8. There are already mods released on Nexus with most I have seen (haven't looked in a couple of days) having to do with graphic adjustments, so probably won't be to hard to do.
  9. I don't understand the mind frame of people who say I don't want to miss out on content but I am going to play on the highest difficulty of a game I am still figuring out the best way to play. I think they could of worked survival elements into the lower difficulty settings but didn't, to me this says Obsidian's thought process was enjoy the content on normal or maybe even hard difficulty. Then once you have gone through that here is a way to play the game in a more challenging way once you have enjoyed the content and fully understand how the character build system works.
  10. I have not tried it as my mouse works fine but can you not choose another key for it? I ask because I know some of the keys aren't remappable (can go in the wtf is this in a 2019 game pile), and I can't currently bring up the game to look.
  11. Well in my mind you would of had to wait until you where level 7 or higher to use it but that doesn't appear to be the case. Another interesting thing I noticed watching that stream is items won't break. The person ran around for a good 2 hours with a hunting rifle at 0% durability, while the damage on it sucked making things a lot harder then they needed to be for them I kept expecting it to break. Which it never did, finally someone in the chat mention to them and they repaired it then was amazed at how much easier the game became. It is one of the reasons I like watching people stream I would of never known that about items as I don't let them drop below 60% and if they do get to that point I am kicking myself for not paying attention.
  12. Toggle Aim? What do you mean? So far visibility even at night time hasn't been an issue so why would you need a light source? Binoculars for certain builds would be nice but for the moment you can put a scope on quite a few guns that you can slot just to be able to glass over an area. If you spec into dodge jump becomes a lot more useful. The consumables are kind of interesting as you can slot them to tie in with your healing effect. Most useful on the short duration ones but you do have activate the healing effect to use them, so far I have not even come close to running out of the healing syringes. A slider to choose the first person view height would be a good addition to the graphic options. Map markers would be a great edition as I often don't have the picks to get into an area or find it to hard when I first find it on the map. Personally the biggest QOL thing would be an auto move.
  13. Up to the right of your health bar is where buffs/debuffs are shown, I do agree they are very small and I constantly have to bring up the entry in the codex to decipher what they mean. With buffs I can just look at what I have slotted but debuffs are harder as the only way to tell is by looking up the icons.
  14. Do these even matter? I was watching a play through from a streamer who had found a level 7 plasma sword which when I found just assumed I would have to wait to use it. They equipped it no problem which I didn't think would be possible. The build is range based so I haven't seen them try to use it in combat so no idea if it won't be placed in the ready position or not. Anyone know if you can use higher level weapons with a penalty or does the item level not matter other then better stats?
  15. It is all right there in a pop up so you didn't pay attention well enough. There is also already a mod out on Nexus that allows you to use saves while playing Super Nova.
  16. I have been watching some streamers play as I like to see others reaction to things I have already seen. I noticed a lot of them actually seem to get upset with Spacer's Choice policy and mind frame, not in a that is messed up but actually start lecturing about how poorly Edgewater is ran. To me if you can get someone to buy in enough that they feel personally affronted about the indentured servitude and mismanagement of a fictional place you did a good job creating your universe.
  17. You mean you actually spent skill points to help out your companions and it actually had an effect! How unreasonable! Time to burn all copies of the game! Just joking I get what people are talking about but one you are on the hardest difficulty that specifically indicates the challenges it has and I like that you have to make the decision to build up your companions at the cost of your own development but there is also an option to not have any at all.
  18. I think that option to respec is probably why they set the saves up the way they did. This is yet another reason why I will wait to play on Super Nova, at the moment I am stuck in my altholism with several different builds going to try out the different systems. I started this before I found that machine but I am also making different decisions on quests and NPC interactions which that machine doesn't allow.
  19. If you spec for companions and equip them they become strong (still not to smart but at least they can survive better) if you don't put any skill point to them they are weak. I do agree they could of done the application of survival elements a lot better but decent chance someone will mod it there is already they one mod linked addressing some of the frustration caused by SN draw backs. I have found that I can set traps and kill zones with my companions if I choose to or I can just rush things usually resulting in a victory. What your complaint reminds me of is complaints I use to hear about an old game called Arcanum of steamworks and magick obscura there was tons of ways to play that game and build out a character yet their became one "best" way to build that made the game very easy. So everyone complained how easy the game was while ignoring the systems in place. Anyway I hope you at least got some enjoyment out of getting to the point you did, maybe it will seem enjoyable again if you come back after a break. That is one nice thing about single player games their isn't the pressure of keeping up with people like there is with online games.
  20. It is kind of funny that I am hearing people complain about how short the game is (I am hearing 20-25 hours if you just focus on the main quest) but then there are complaints about side quests that have people asking to get this item or that item with a valid logical motivation behind the request. None of these are required but I think they add flavor to the game along with an additional reason to go places I probably would as I like to wander and find any nook or cranny that I can. Tangent thought: I have been thinking of The Wheel of Time series (great books you should try them) mostly because of Amazon getting ready to butcher a great story in a filmed media The more I think about it the more it occurs to me that is just one big series of "fetch" quests for the characters involved. Yet I as a second hand observer thoroughly enjoyed watching the characters go through the process of growth and overcoming obstacles. In the OTW I get to choose how the world is approached and what path the character goes through their fetch quests (the main quest is a fetch quest also so probably no getting away from it)
  21. One will probably come along soon as the game is just released. I have noticed that a scope really upped my combat effectiveness on my leadership build. I have gotten my companions to where they can survive and hold aggro, doing this through skill, perks and equipment. As a result of building this way I have no points in ranged at all but with a scoped AR (got to stand for Armalite Rifle right) and the bullet time effect I am very effective at picking of opponents from a distance while my companions fight them. So good in fact I am considering taking away their ranged weapons but I do like how I can position myself tactically to take advantage of their position, while placing them at opposite ends of a triangle. Sometimes they even hold that position, although that is probably just random luck This might work even better with a hunting rifle but I didn't even know they where in the game until watching someone play the beginning part of the game where one dropped for them.
  22. It is weird they have a grenade launcher that uses heavy ammo!
  23. First I support there being a third person view and not really buying the it would cost to much or add to much developer time. One interesting comment on here mentions it feels like my view is restricted by a helmet that limits my peripheral vision, I always wear a helmet in the game so from that logic it would make sense. Since we have a total of 2 armor pieces I am going to guess most will wear a helmet throughout the game, I am not saying this would be an acceptable reason. But a more acceptable in game reason then what the developers gave to limit it to first person.
  24. My two would be an auto move button and third person view. So far I haven't run into the problem with finding enemies in the grass as it goes opaque as you walk through it. I do remember in Oblivion getting very annoyed with all the beautiful grass that I could never find corpses in so I feel your pain. Waypoints you could set for your companions by pressing Z would be great to!
  25. I will go with no but also concede that you will have a fair amount of fetch quests, there does seem to be quite a few where you have a choice of what to do with the fetched item at least.
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