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About Champlain

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  1. First off cheers on a well rounded product, worked out of the box so to speak and engaging. I spent 10 minutes looking at the front end screen, reminded me of a space program I watched as a child when my Father bought our first television, Space 1999. I never spend time looking at the front screen. Secondly a big cheers to the music department the oboes? followed by what I like to call a little bit of James Bond's "GoldFinger". I never listen to music in any game. You could milk this for years releasing chapters, new factions, robust crafting etc. This could be the last game I ever buy Quality of life suggestions: * Toggle aim. * Custom map markers. * Headlamp/Flashlight. * Telescope/binoculars. * Raise jump by 5% ? * Raise first person height by 5%? * Toggle aim. * Toolbar/hotbar for consumables, and for all the crafting consumables to come. Again cheers great product, Champlain.
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