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Everything posted by Ommamar

  1. Well I can subjectively say I appreciate both games for what they are without putting it on a rating scheme that will be different for everyone.
  2. I have not but there are several mods on Nexus that adjust the .ini in what I assume is a permanent manner. Maybe you can find one you like.
  3. There are a few bugs I have had pop up but performance has always been solid.
  4. You are both right as the UI does have a lot of little things you have to look in to figure out what they mean. I do recall a pop up about pristine items but if you where in combat or moving fast you could easily miss it. The dots that tell you how many mods are attached to an item where less clear, it might be in the codex but how I figured it out was through trial and error. I attached a mod then noticed the dot was filled in that gave me the eureka moment of what that meant. It was also confusing at first how the different damage was handled combined with the DPS vs damage of a weapon. You can totally get by using plasma on everything but if you switch up between different types of damage for the different mobs it becomes noticeable. The same with a quick high damage weapon which is good for unarmored things compared to a slower high damage weapon that is good for high armor items. It isn't necessary to utilize it as you can make it through the game ignoring it completely but if you use the system it does make things easier.
  5. That is what I am doing. I have a build with below average intelligence that I won't level but I still had to place points into other attributes to be allowed to continue character creation. So I have a strong dumb guy who is going to remain level 1. So far I haven't seen any difference in how the story has developed for him but only a few quests in at Edgewater.
  6. Unfortunately the adjusted skill levels don't open up the skill perks. So to get that ability you will have to put points into lock pick to get it to 60 without any adjustment. To me it was kind of a silly perk anyway as even if I could see what was inside I still was likely to pick the lock for the experience I received from using the skill, which opened up the container that I could then shift through.
  7. I was going to make a build that had subpar attributes and skills but I guess that isn't possible. The logic in the universe make sense as corporations would be selective on who they sent out to colonize but it would be nice to play the anomaly that slipped through the venting process. I guess the best I can do is make a level 1 character who is really dumb, so far not impressed as all that does if give me a conversation option but all the rest seems to be the same.
  8. Anything that has a withdrawal de-buff in the description I considered a drug.
  9. When I read the description of no Hydrogen or Oxygen in the description I got a good chuckle out of it.
  10. Well what I got from the OP is that even though you can choose a male but still get some very feminine appearance and vise versus for females. You don't see things such as female NPC's having beards or male NPCs having the Farrah Faucet hairdo even though it is an option when you make your character.
  11. Look into dodging Froce58. I had several builds going each with their own hard save and then the quick and autosaves, I noticed a slow down once I deleted saves for builds I had already taken past the no return point TOW seemed to return to its previous performance for cut scenes. No idea why but there might be a memory leak related to a high number of saves for the game.
  12. Well if you want to change a characters head gear you need another piece of head gear. If you are talking about not seeing the head gear I know there is an option on PC that lets you hide both the companions and the players head gear. I would hope they allowed the same option on PS4.
  13. I would like to see mods but I am not sure the design of the game will keep peoples interest. Once you pass a certain point you can't continue to play that character like you can in open world game. There might be one or two with enough interest to mod it but I think the majority will move on to other games.
  14. Well I carry around different sets of armor. One for combat one for lock picking one for hacking and one if I expect/know of dialogue checks. While these sets won't open up the skill check points they will boost me up to meet a required check for something that uses that skill.
  15. Yes but watching that video made it clear I hadn't uncovered everything yet. Tartarus can be really hard if you go through things a certain way but very easy if you do it another way, a lot will depend on what kind of build you have.
  16. But as the developers pointed out how many times did the person have to play through to figure out how to optimize that route to be able to get to the point where he could do that? I think this game can be short or you can easily sink 50 hours into a play through. I did respect the developers reaction to watching that speed run.
  17. I watched a 12 minute speed run that a few of the developers of The Outer Worlds where commenting on, I thought that was cool instead of being offended by the person skipping their hard work. They did point out the obvious fact that the person had to of played the game quite a bit to understand how best to exploit it. Anyway one of the things they mentioned/wondered about was how he would handle Tartarus as the lowest NPC level was 25 there. They made it sound like it was hard set level so I don't think your level has any affect on it.
  18. There has been a bug since release that randomly causes this, although most mention it for Parvati and don't bite the sun quest. They released a fix involving companions getting stuck climbing ladders, then being flagged as dead when they ran out of ladder to climb. It doesn't sound like the patch fully fixed this for everyone. I have managed to complete every companion quests a couple time but people still reporting it so I figure I just got lucky.
  19. I am not sure what you are wanting me to link to. Here is the email I was told to use to report bugs: support@privatedivision.com
  20. I don't really know if there is an evil choice other then just shooting everyone in every zone. I played both as someone who supported the corporations and one who opposed it. When I played for the corporation it was from the stand point of someone who had faith in the board but was also very self focused. So anything that would strengthen his position or help the board gain control is what choice he would make. Most of my companions didn't like the choices but I didn't really consider him as evil just someone who willing got on to a transport ran by a board of corporations with the thought of helping to colonize worlds for them. I was expecting a mission to take over or sabotage the ground breaker but it never came and I had their support on Tartarus for that last battle even though I did Glady's quest on Roseway bringing her back all the quest items from there. The ending slide show was kind of disappointing as all the companions basically just left and you didn't seem to have any more contact even though I took the I am in charge now choice.
  21. Your companions can die on super nova difficulty. Nyoka definitely seems to have problems with heights while traveling with her and Max she kept falling while I was getting the science weapon in the monarch lab. I will only play on hard as I find the restrictions with SN just an annoyance instead of adding to the game, so she popped up after I left the lab but she must of fallen at least 3 times while I was jumping on to the platforms.
  22. Interesting that there was such an out cry about same sex relationships but this draws a meh. I am not speaking of you specifically just some of the general discussion I observed on this forum. It is not so much that they would allow you the ability to manipulate someone into suicide but what surprised me was how willing they where to show the act. Even if it was over a in game screen of a video monitor I just figured it would of been brought up by someone or maybe it has and I couldn't find a thread about it.
  23. I use the two minute heal regeneration items on occasion. Then the shorter boosts item I put in my inhaler to give me an edge occasionally. This only became needed in certain fights in the higher level areas. I think the system could of been better accessed and designed differently but it is serviceable.
  24. I found that if I drop everything and focus on that quest I was able to complete it without it being moved into a botched state. It seems like if I do anything else while finding things it has a good chance of failure.
  25. I know there are at least two instances where with the right skills you can talk an NPC into killing themselves. On the first one I only heard the shot then found the body, for the second one, Phineas does it front of you over a video monitor. I was surprised on how they showed it actually happen, you of course can kill Phineas yourself but how they presented it seemed more brutal. I am actually surprised no one in the media has said anything about it as it is considered a don't address topic for many. What did you as players think of it?
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