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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. But this is not true. So writers, designers and QA time is not a resource? Refer to my previous statement. Mass Effect had a huge budget, to even compare them is a joke. Betrayer. Mask of the Betrayer. And it was more than 3 million. Plus they where very, very minor and there was only two of them. I somehow doubt this is want people are suggesting when they request romances. I couldn't care less about what bio does. This is Obsidian. Time is money, money = resources, resources are better spent elsewhere.
  2. Except for limited resources. Considering that the game is not even funded yet, still 28 days, they cannot outright ban romances as a possibility. They still don't know how much money they will be able to use. Considering that romances are extra content... shouldn't we complain about getting Mac version of the game instead of extra content? Just an example, don't read too much into it. Just keep in mind that when someone doesn't want something in the game, one of the arguments is "Limited resources". The fact you would compare romances to a mac version is.......... well let's say silly. Mac user and Linux user are people that will pledge for this game that might otherwise not. They are not a drain on resources, because they have been budgeted as stretch goals. Romances are a drain on resources, an unnecessary one. Romance have nothing to do with RPGs.
  3. Obviously what is best is what make sense in the setting. The most important thing is that it's not included just because it can be. Here I trust in Obs that they know what they are doing,
  4. Except for limited resources. Few pages of dialogue won't consume much of the resources. Romances in BG2 didn't work like that, they were branching. Every time you offer a new choice in a dialogue it potentially doubles the content. You don't just copy and paste them from MS Word, they need to be scripted into the game. It's more work than you think. Just like any other dialogue with companions. Should we just cut off every companion and replace them with custom companions to save money just because some people don't like companions? Seeing how much people like romances in BG2 it's not a bad investment. Simple romances are a burden on resources. When your bioware with $20mil in resources, you can add six romances. When your Obs with $3-4 millions, you can't. Accept that and move on. Story, branching pathways, factions, lore, class design, system design, encounter design, etc are all more important than romances. Yes it's my opinion and I really don't care if you don't agree with it.
  5. What's wrong with guns? Essentially is just another sort of ranged weapon. Hopefully with a chance of failure.
  6. They're saying it's "based on" Frostbite 2, so you can't really draw any conclusions from that. True, but I haven't heard anything about awesome buttons. Makes me think it's all awesome..... More than DA2 does?
  7. I went with 6. I want to see branching pathways, with multiple outcomes based on multiple choices. Alpha Protocol, NV these games did it well, but can still be improved upon, with not having full VO, I'm very optimistic about what Obs can do.
  8. Now while BG and IWD both had co-op and I successfully ignored it, I'm against this. Simply because of time and budgetary constraints.
  9. Apart from showing that bioware should of spent it's resources elsewhere.
  10. Too me the most memorable characters are the strong ones, the ones that know who they are, and aren't bent to the PC will. And if I have to wear a Dr Phil hat to interact with a character, I'm leaving them behind, or killing them if possible. Full voice acting kills what RPGs are all about. lolwut? Voiceover have been part of video games ince the 90s before it became a multi billion dollar company Full voice over is a major drain on resources, and quite frankly unnecessary. That is more than enough.
  11. Disappointing, was hoping to see another Onyx based game. And add another drain on resources.
  12. I'm all for more horror in RPGs. Make it so Obs. And would people please stop bringing up the Aliens RPG. It's don't need to be constantly reminded of it.
  13. Frostbite 2? So it's Third Person? Wonder if they are going to try quasi open world.... If you can't beat Bethesda, join them.
  14. same here. turned based makes sense for handhelds because of reduced cpu power, but since this will be a pc exclusive there is no reason to not go real time I give you one reason: having a deep tactical combat like in X-Com, Jugged Alliance and Tactics Ogre (sacrilege, a console game !!!!) So is X-com....(Console game) You also forgot Front Mission.
  15. The world is a darker place because of that cancellation.
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