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Mamoulian War

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Everything posted by Mamoulian War

  1. I'm glad you mentioned that, because DRM was a term that didn't exist back when we got our games on CD or floppy disk, but copy protection have existed even since the floppy days. So I'm curious as to what people meant by DRM, is it the online DRM, or does it include traditional copy protection. IMO, its not reasonable to expect Obsidian to forfeit all copy protection. Otherwise I will bet you there will be people who buy the game and share the installer with their friends and divide the cost. Some people are that cheap. Obsidian do have the right to protect their work at least with CD keys or something. It doesn't have to be online DRM, but at least to deter people from easily sharing the game. For me DRM is the stuff which steals away your rights to use your original game without middle-man (aka limited activations, one time online activation). I never had a problems with disc checks and CD keys. You can install uninstall how many times you like it. I have stored all my games on a single place, for me it is the question of 30 seconds to grab even 15 years old game, install it and play the game right away. With the online activation even if I grab the disc, there is lot of possibilities, that you will not be able to play the game right away. As a working person I have limited free time to play my games, and the last thing I want to do, is to wait when someone on the customer support kindly decides to pick up my phone after using up my install and allowing me to play that damn thing... Anything which requires contact with third person party after install is a no go for me. I never purchased anything which required any form of third party autenthification, not on PC not on PS3 not on my Android phone, and I will continue with this, because there are so many quality games released every year, especially now with the indie and kickstarter boom, you can freely skip any game and still have tons on fun.
  2. My preferences are RPGs, but from time to time, I will give a chance to a different kind of game. So anything you think is good is welcomed by me
  3. Anyway, I am little bit late to the circus, not pledged for any game yet... So please let me know what Kickstarter games are worth to follow the development and buy right after release? Thank you.
  4. I am still waiting on the announcement of DRM-Free version, the second they announce it, I'll throw 140$ at them If not, I will have to think hard about what pledge tier would be appropriate of losing some control over the final product. anyway atm at $1,347,443
  5. My bet at this moment would be between 2.5 and 3.5 mio, hoping to reach more than 5
  6. Especially if they are the size of Boston kind of tea parties!!!
  7. From following the other thread, there is clearly demand among players for having tea-parties included with the player housing! http://forums.obsidi...60#entry1187470 The only logical step now is to start this petition! Thank you for your participation.
  8. And I was affraid that this topic would not emerge in a timely manner :-P
  9. Yes indeed very important question for me as well. Considering to pledge 140$, but without answer to this question I am affraid to invest so much money, for something I will not have 100% under my control... For me, if the boxed collector's copy will be confirmed as DRM free, is enough to overcome my fears.
  10. In other words, they will be producing crap singleplayer mode in multiplayer oriented game, because instead putting more resources into making an awesome story/player/world driven game, they will be putting these resources into implementing ****ty multiplayer mode no one will be playing anyway... Take Dead Space 2 as an example for all ****ty multiplayer games with singleplayer mode bundled...
  11. EA stopped to produce singleplayer games
  12. *sighs* When I loaded the site for the first time the countdown must have bugged :/ It was not meant for the GMT time :/ http://robertsspaceindustries.com/ ATM showing more than 14 hours to go to
  13. This sounds interesting. I'll have to check this out sometime. Yes, It is But prepare to die a lot at start of the game, if you take some races with level penalties
  14. OMFG I JUST FOUND UP THIS!!!! : http://www.wcnews.com/news/4729 Chris Roberts is going to announce in 4:45 hours his new game... I was not that excited about anything gaming related since 1999... We finally might get proper Privateer 3... I think I just wet my pants...
  15. Playing IWD Campaign mod for NWN2 with Kaedrins PrC Pack installed. Created crazy Neutral Evil party consisting of Yuan-ti Pureblood Barbarian, Air Genasi Ranger, Feytouched (Shadowy) Favoured Soul, Tiefling Scout, Spellscale Sorcerer and Earth Genasi Fighter. So far pretty enjoying it The plan is going for Barbarian/Warrior of Darkness, Ranger/Forest Master, Favoured Soul/Hospitaler, Scout/Cleric/Black Flame Zealot, Sorcerer/Palemaster and Fighter/Elemental Warrior/Tempest
  16. If they ditched mulitplayer from ME3, they would have money for making proper ending on release date Some companies never learn how to do it properly... Look at Skyrim, no multiplayer, no online pass, no day 1 DLCs locked on the disc, and have not seen any dissapointed customer...
  17. FFXI is most profitable FF game for Sqaure Enix ever... http://www.gamesradar.com/final-fantasy-xi-most-profitable-final-fantasy-ever/ It would be stupid for them to sink this ship...
  18. Actually this is the reason why it should matter, because the company did take the risk and make the game despite the fans being the minority of PC consumers... That I call excellent care for fans and customers... That they are being sold a product not up to the platform standards is excellent care? I suppose it's the 'happy for an empty glass' approach. Nope, but I look at the glass as half-full rather than half-empty... And I take any time a game with lower than standard resolution and higher than standard gameplay over the ****e in high resolution produced by Activision, EA and Ubisoft anyday...
  19. Actually this is the reason why it should matter, because the company did take the risk and make the game despite the fans being the minority of PC consumers... That I call excellent care for fans and customers...
  20. But I already have a 360 and a PS3, which I use to play console exclusive titles. When I decided to wait for the rumored pc version of dark souls, I was waiting for a game that would take advantage of very basic and fundamental pc features that make its games superior experiences to consoles, such as higher hd resolutions and frame rate. When this pc game only offers the EXACT same experience of the Xbox game, down to its jaggy resolution, then what a waste it was to wait. Should have just got the Xbox game when it came out instead. That is tbh your problem. You would be right to complain about for example GTA 4, because it was from beginning made for PS3, Xbox360 and PC. That was one of the ****iest PC ports ever made... But the PC version of Dark Souls was made just as a service for fans very long time after original release. I never buy PC version. If these fans who wanted the game will whine and complain a lot, that might be the last time, some console only developer would listen to his fans...
  21. Complaining about a PC port, which would never be made without company deciding to listen to their customers and and create port, which was never intended to be made in a first place, looks to me little bit contraproductive... Would you be happier if Namco would rather decide going the **** you way and dismissed all the gamers who would like to enjoy this game without buying any console? I am thankful that there are still companies who values their customers that much, that they are not affraid to take some risks... Though I do own the game on PS3...
  22. More realistic approach to the ****, that is Mr. Guillemot releasing from his mouth...
  23. After getting my hands on Pathfinder RPG, reading some of the Core books and playing the game, I now wish that Obsidian would make kickstarter for singleplayer game based on these rules
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