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Everything posted by Frak

  1. Well, I cannot speak of gear - cause I'm all about the purity of essence inherent in chanter abilities and not a gear-prevert - but chanter do have a few fortitude-buffs things. Basically, Chanter can buff any defense you want, if you spec for it. There is the 1st level chant "At the sight of the commies" that buffs FORT with 10. "One Dozen" gives you resistance to CON afflictions. The "Bears ****ting in Woods Fortitude"-passive gives FORT +10 "The Spanish Prisoners Turned"-upgrade invocation gives you Strong Inspiration. That will give FORT a boost of ... 10? But the "Bridesman Slew" (also Strong) is prolly a better choice due to upgrade ability. "Commies braved the Horde" gives you Energized inspiration. That boosts fortitude with ... 10?
  2. Real talk: Besides the silly physics, it's highly quotable, the drama, personality conflicts and acting is good. Tucci and Lindo have great chemistry, and there are plenty of ethical dilemmas presented throughout the move. I love it to bits.
  3. I feel about hats as Mick Jagger does in "Knights of Prosperity" (Great Tv-series). You need a hat room.
  4. There currently is no synergy with Dragon Thrashed, for any of the chanter subclasses. Bellower might get it, if the invoc-linger gets patched. Sure, bellower has less radius, but if melee, it will definitely hit the first and maybe second row of enemies I noted that OP liked attrition fights. That would mean tanky chanter. But tanky means shield -> Very few crits -> skald less effective. Casting two Eld Narys in sucession cannot be done from the start. I wanted to point out that the playstyle between bellower and skald is that skald is more squishy, weapon damage reliant and have a more stable damage curve. Bellower is tanky, based on attrition, weapon damage is unreliable, but invocations can make a spike in damage when they hit.
  5. We all have that one movie that we will die defending its merit. "The Core" is a great movie.
  6. Well, as one of the chanterphiles on the board, you could try bellower. He has increased accuracy on invocations, higher pen, duration and damage. Bellower is in flux though, as one of the abilites does nothing and I'm expecting a bugpatch to correct this. But as a tanky defensive debuffing sword'n'boarder he does pretty well. I did a bit of combat simulation between skald and bellower with offensive invocations, and the results were pretty unsurprising. Bellower is not exactly bursty - no chanter is - but his invocations can be pretty decisive. Onehanded skald is more sustained in damage due to more invocations, but also more misses and lower damage pr invocation. Skald does good weapon damage, whereas bellower will miss more with his weapon. Bellower is more sturdy though, and fights more prolonged. In some cases the bellower fights were over pretty quicly due to good attack rolls with invocations. Skald had a pretty sustained accumulated damage curve, whereas bellowers accumulated damage was like watching a staircase from the side. Edit: Let's not talk about troubadour. It's a vailian concept, and I'm not saying that vailians are immoral, but gamefiles show that a discarded quest had you decide what you would do with Pallegina, as you discovered she was the oblivious carrier of avian flu, meant to eradicate the huana. Those valian wizards are devious.
  7. It can be bought on GOG.com for 9.99 it seems. https://www.gog.com/game/pillars_of_eternity_ii_deadfire_soundtrack Edit: In lossless flac-format. No pissy mp3-format
  8. It all depends on how you define 'major'. Some new subclasses are broken (arcane archer, forbidden fist, maybe bellower) and I call that pretty major. So no, I hope we are not done with major patches.
  9. We need more (island) aumauas.
  10. That sounds utterly boring. With the added duration you can do a lot other fun stuff. Killers Froze Stiff last a long time on bellower, for instance. And you can do party buffs like a ... chanter.
  11. I assume it's the common complaint with chanters. The long phrase generation makes the class boring for some people. Chanters are like Marmite. You love them or you hate them. There is no indifference. Edit: I like Marmite. I also like single-class chanters. There might be a correlation. We should do a poll.
  12. Make one bad-ass game. Make the best game ever! That even Trump would play. Then release only on Linux. Problem solved as everyone is forced to switch to GNU/Linux!
  13. Due to the small radius and the relative greater power-level advantage offensive invoc's get, I pretty much imagine bellower as a tanky frontliner. That might just be my perception (+20) though.
  14. Opening locked chests in plain sight, is somehow OK with NPC's watching you. At one point you can tell people you are tavern servants asking to take their order. You might be a group of five people, wearing amour and weapons, but sure, you are also tavern servants. (More to come, when I remember it)
  15. Guess not. I rememember my Xoti having 7% sickle damage with religion around 7 or 8, pre-4.0. Guess it's something like 0,25% increase pr religion point.
  16. Well, if you want ranged chanter you have a few options. Due to the subclasses having a clear specialization, there is little reason to go default chanter. Go beckoner if you want to focus on summons. This is almost evident. Go troubadour if ... well .. go troubadour if you want versatility in your pick of invocations. Troubadour is better than default chanter in any given circumstance. (This is a design bug, if you ask me) Bellower is a bit weird. Positioning becomes paramount. The diminished radius of your chanting means you have to clump allies together. Invocations will gather at the default speed at 6 secs pr phrase. But the added power-levels are so sweet. Go bellower if you want more duration on your beneficial invocations or of you want more damage/higher accuracy on your offensive ones.
  17. Chanter - best class ever - have a PL9 ability that restores 1 class resource for allies.
  18. I'm currently toying with the idea of making a simplistic combat simulator (in Libreoffice Calc of all weird choices), but I could use the attack speed of different monsters/enemies. Do we know what those are?
  19. Ah, but the rest of the world would know. And the knowledge that the world know, might be too much knowledge and make the poster end up as a bum who wets himself. How do you know that this hasn't happened on another forum already?
  20. More meatshields means more enemy engagements, and more potential chances to interrupt. I would use beckoner over troubadour anyday, if I wanted to focus on summons.
  21. Loop-de-loop. We start by being reincarnated as Maerwald. Whole games is about avoiding being killed by some weirdass character seeing visions travelling with a farm boy chewing whiteleaf while we fight for dominance over other personalities. Ends with a faceoff under Caed Nua.
  22. I would - for the fun and roleplay - make the main tank a sword'n'board bellower. He/she doesn't need a wide chant area, doesn't care about crits and powerful invocations are sure to hit and gain some aggro. Could be a belligerent mumbling fighter-wannabe, spinning tales and weird stories while delusional and loudmouthedly shouting at every foe.
  23. Wait what? No fix for Forbidden Fist nor any change to Bellowers non-useful linger?
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