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Everything posted by Theonlygarby

  1. Sounds like a good choice. Co-op sucks, just gimme a good story and player choice. I don't have or want friends
  2. Back to mass effect remastered or whatever it's called. On mass effect 2... as much as I like the story and setting, the combat is so tedious, makes it really unenjoyable to play. Go down hallway kill enemies, go down hallway kill enemies. The only time I die is when I get impatient and try to move down the hallway too quickly. The husks are the worst. Super easy to kill but just waves and waves... so... boring... I think maybe I just don't like video games
  3. I have also only finished NV once. Went independent. Absolutely loved how even though I tried to do the "right thing" I had a ton of negative slides. It's something that was disappointing with TOW. Every choice I made had a positive impact in the ending slides. Which is fine I guess, but I loved the realism of unintended consequences
  4. Been playing mount and blade bannerlord. Didn't enable the death and babies mod, now I gotta restart. It's a real fun game that is lacking heavily in some areas. Mainly that diplomacy is essentially non existent. Tried to download some mods from the workshop but the game is very strict on what versions of certain mods work with other mods and just gave up on that. If you could scheme, backstab and make alliances it'd be a great game. However as it is, it's a fun time waster with little depth.
  5. Not traumatic memories, just feel weird being a mid 30s man going back to high-school, even if its just a game. I actually like super basic jrpg combat, but persona does do it very well, all about weaknesses and getting new monster personas(I think that's what they are called? Guardian forces?) Its the only game i use a guide for, because the first time i played i got to the final dungeon and realized i made like every mistake you could make (which is common for me) but this game really needs you to so things right
  6. I avoided the persona series for a long time due to it being a high-school setting. Glad I finally played persona 3. Easily one of my favorite series
  7. Hopefully the leak doesn't slow development
  8. Sports games are better with a controller... side strollers I imagine are better with controllers I just never play them... and fighting games... I can't think of much else that's better with a controller
  9. Wasn't cdpr going to make an online cyberpunk? Is that what this new cyberpunk is, or was that idea abandoned
  10. I got the in space ending... I hated it. It might not be the "worst" ending but it definitely made me feel nothing
  11. This is a problem in so many games too. Maybe "leveled" guns is the problem. I remember outer world weapon system being similar. You could upgrade them but generally you would have to spend insane amounts of money to make a rare gun useful.
  12. Ff7 remake. I might be in the minority of old ff7 fans that is glad they changed the story
  13. I probably won't be revisiting until all DLC/content is out. It was a fine game, but not good enough for me to want to beat more than twice. To be honest good chance I won't even beat it twice
  14. I had volume down because I'm at work but I was sure this was greedfall 2. There was also a game i thought was Avowed. I only half paid attention but nothing really stuck out from what i saw.
  15. I didn't hate it. The combat is better. The story isn't but I didn't hate it at all... I was actually bummed when they canceled the DLC
  16. They will go a different way. I know people love open worlds, but I quite like the hub system, especially with sci-fi, so personally, I hope they keep that. Aldo unless they make good ship combat, just skip it and focus on fun quests
  17. Don't care much about anything, but the moment they didn't release the game already is where it died for me
  18. Good to know bankers are all going to hell! Keeping it light... because funny and stuff... is going to hell light?
  19. Does it actually say that in the Bible? I'm genuinely asking. Seems like a weird thing to be in there.
  20. It's impressive that he manages to have 4 visible guns, and still look like an unthreatening dork
  21. I also enjoyed black flag. The furthest I've gotten in a ubisoft game was that one. For pretty much the same reason you stated. Have never played watchdogs. Not much interest in it really. Game Pass is great for games I have an itch to play, but know I will lose interest.
  22. Which is a shame because the story is intriguing. Oh well, maybe I'll watch a YouTube compilation
  23. Well number 1 is the endless stream of quests. They say "go here to do this main quest. And on the way there are 300 events. Save this person, clear this area ect. Feels like there is no real downtime. Example. Get the first mission. Walking down a path and there is someone held hostage in the bushes, but I don't see it, I just hear yelling, then firing. So I blindly fire into the bush. Save the person. I take 10 steps and the exact same thing happens again. Walk for 30 seconds after that, and then there is an outpost. Liberate that and I get a call that someone needs saving down by the dock. I can see why people like it, it's 'fun' just really not my style of game. Also I'm a little OCD when it comes to map markers. I feel the urge to tik them all off. And always end up getting fatigue and giving up...
  24. Played an hour of far cry 5 on game pass. Remembered why I don't like ubisoft games. It's a shame too because the story is interesting albeit very unrealistic.
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