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Everything posted by Theonlygarby

  1. So I missed the "warhammer" at the start, and I was so scared this was an avowed trailer... the bad voice acting kept saying "vows" and stuff like that.... I've never been so happy to not get a trailer for a game I'm looking forward to before. Maybe it's not awful but it scared me
  2. It's crazy how excited I was, compared to how little I care now
  3. Honestly makes me a little sad because we may never get a proper POE3
  4. Gotta love that the hot coffee was and is so controversial... considering you can murder countless people, buy hookers and kill them for a full refund. But having sex with a girlfriend is a bridge too far. Gotta love modern morality.
  5. I feel the same way, new Vegas mods always felt amateur(which they are) with skyrim you could barely tell the difference between mod and main. But because I didn't enjoy the game to begin with it just felt like more throw away content, in a game full of throw away content.
  6. It would be the first obsidian game I didn't buy. Which isn't a reason to not do it, I just hate MMOs. 12 people jumping around doing the same mission as me isn't great for immersion
  7. The remegade/paragon system in 2 kills me, so I usually give up halfway through
  8. I love persona but I use a guide, it's the only game I use a guide for, because the first one I played I got like 3/4 through the game and had to start over because I messed up being social... quite like real life, except I can't restart real life with a guide... sadly
  9. After I said that I looked on Steam and found a kind of cool RTS survival game called "age of darkness" early access but it kind of reminds me of a "long night"(ASOIAF/game of thrones) simulator at this point. But has some promise. I'll give age of Empires a try but I was always real bad at it
  10. Oh yeah I still like it. Broodwar is the best, it's kind of sad how RTS is such a dead genre now. It was my favorite for such a long time. I barely remember SC2s campaign so that says something
  11. I remember Replaying starcraft original and being amazed at how nothing that story and campaign was. Broodwar is great, but the original campaign is almost amateur feeling
  12. Well thanks everyone for answer my question. I'm still a little confused by it but at least I'm not locked in super early. now I just hope I am able to get through the prologue without deciding i want to make a new character
  13. So I started playing and the mythic path thing confuses me. Is it optional? just at first look it feels like it's railroading me... but I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding. Says there are 10 and they are optional but I could swear I had to choose the first one to continue
  14. Hey! I love kingdom come. My feelings are hurt
  15. I should give it another listen, I listened to an earlier episode and enjoyed it
  16. Started playing Civ 6. It's alright but I hate that world congress starts at like 100 AD regardless of how many other civilizations you've met... kind of dumb you have to vote, and they tend to happen way too often. Wonder if there is a way of disabling them, or at least do it when all civs have met.
  17. It might not be that bad... my taste is all over the place, I'll often like things that no one likes, and dislike loved things.
  18. Luckily it was on gamepass... it really just made me want to give civ5 another chance
  19. I played a bit of it. The character models are awful, not just low budget, but real ugly. That's not what stopped me from playing though. They don't explain how things work very well at all. stats/systems and such the intro to the game instantly took me out of it. It always annoys me when a game gives you a backstory that doesn't logically make sense for certain classes. You are essentially a ward to a Duke or something. Very quickly you are no longer a ward, and some crone takes you in. It happens so quick I dont know why they even bothered with the first part. I'll give it another go, and I won't refund it, because you can tell they put a lot of effort into it... I can be turned off of a game very quickly if the story bothers me, and that seems to have happened here
  20. Played about an hour of black geyser... was hard to get through that character creation. The elf looks like they literally just stretched the human model to make it longer and thinner... or I guess "taller". The beards are pretty funny. Then the attribute stats don't really tell you anything... it says like "focus helps your aim" but doesn't tell me what the difference between 6 and 10 really means. The writing is a mixed bag so far. the dialog is alright mostly, and I love the idea of the world being cursed by greed. I just don't know how much I trust them to flesh it out. Nothing really makes sense so far. Feels rushed. For me pillars 1 is a perfect intro, you are travelling somewhere for whatever reason you choose, circumstances send you on a journey. This game you are a servant or ward, working for a rich guy. Something happens, no longer in that role. On your own, and the world is cursed by greed. It's hard to be a druid that has been raised in a duke(or whatever)s mansion. Similar to baldurs gate 1 I suppose... just doesn't really have me invested at all... which actually was the case with BG. They have been working on this game a long time... it really doesn't seem finished(I know it's early access... but still) I mean I'm not picky about graphics... but the characters don't even hold the sword... it just kind of sticks to their hand oddly. It's pretty cheap though... take it with a grain of salt because I don't really like baldurs gate. So I might not know what I'm talking about
  21. I'll be getting it once I'm off work. The graphics are damn ugly but that's way low on my priority list anyway
  22. My sister made me get tik-tok... and judging by the people on there, smug **** are indeed popular
  23. I think I've bought it like... 3 maybe 4 times, still never beat it.
  24. The original has to be the game I've contemplated getting but never did the most.
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