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Everything posted by Theonlygarby

  1. It's just weird to start a story with something that feels like a climax. I had a similar problem with pathfinder WOTR. Dragon people vs demons within the first 5 minutes, then you slow things right down... I dunno, feels like bad story telling.
  2. I absolutely hate the flying squid ship vs demons intro. Ease me into the story, take me to dinner before you f me basically. I'm taking notes this time, because I need to be able to explain with words why I don't like larian games. Still super early on tho
  3. Bought a girl dinner 0/10 would not recommend
  4. I think they probably could have had a new character in deadfire. One thing I like about dragon age is that they have a new main character every installment. There was no real reason the watcher was back for deadfire imo. Deadfire did a decent job giving reason why you are level 1, but in general it's annoying when you start a sequel weaker than you ended the previous game. I really really hope we get a proper poe3
  5. Everyone seems pretty down on avowed. I'm still looking forward to it. I have similar issues with design choice as everyone else. Graphics don't matter to me at all really. They looked fine imo. I'm hoping you are a cipher. If there aren't classes, it's the one class that can kind of do everything so I think it makes sense. I think it will be enjoyable. Whether or not it's great or not, I will temper expectations Side note. Clockwork revolution looks interesting.
  6. I'm excited for it, but there are a couple things that are slightly disappointing. These are all assumptions, but they are ones I had originally, and this just solidified my assumptions. I think you are going to be a set character. Probably no race or class choice. You also have a backstory, which is just a preference, but I prefer the clean slate character. Aside from that it looks good. I just get tired of the "chosen one" character. You're special right away, even before knowing the controls! Congrats
  7. Looks like broken roads is getting a demo in June. https://twitter.com/BrokenRoadsGame/status/1663945936098459648?t=GyMBoz2P68AzR0AS4PegXQ&s=19 Hopefully that link turns into a nice thumbnail, but I'm bad at foruming Edit: I am a failure
  8. I think it's a dump truck with the bucket down but I hope you're right
  9. I was also unaware. Aside from the empire used to rule everything and then it broke up, I know nothing... also some sort of folly I need to talk to lords about, so that my flag can be used... to become emperor or not emperor... As much as I enjoy the game, there is really no narrative aside from that you make up in your head. I guess that's what mods are for?
  10. Oh that was probably autocorrect or my dumb brain. I was also talking about wartales. Ballers gate was definitely autocorrect
  11. Warband is good. I haven't played in a while, I remember getting to a point where I was unable to make enough money to cross any borders, and kinda gave up. I should give it another shot. I like non fantasy or low fantasy games. It was a big turn off for pathfinder. If there are fantasy elements I like them to be introduced slowly. Pathfinder was like here are some demons and people that turn into dragons. Same with ballers gate 3. Fricken squid people was almost enough to make me quit right away.
  12. I got bored with it pretty quick. That being said I never really enjoyed DOS so I might not be the one to comment. Something about larians writing annoys me. Also 3D environments are annoying, much prefer static environments. Rotating the camera is a pain.
  13. I gave up on mass effect. once I found myself just skipping the dialog and holding the joystick up to paragon dialog choices, I thought to myself, the combat isn't fun, I'm not even following dialog, what am I doing here.
  14. It is. Almost on par with deadfire, which, in my opinion is the prettiest crpg
  15. Broken roads is supposedly coming out this year. Looks interesting, hopefully it's good, and can scratch that crpg itch. https://youtu.be/2PKGXJyJjWY
  16. I finally forced myself to beat ME2 and onto ME3. I'll be honest the whole series doesn't really hold up imo. Even 2 which is the best one, I found myself skipping dialog because it seemed unnecessary and tedious. just hold the joystick up to paragon option or down to renegade depending on your playthrough. no point in mixing responses unless you want a bad ending. The combat is the same thing over and over. fight flow of enemies empty room go to next room, empty room go to next room. find thing, move to next location. I really doubt I'll finish 3 this time around.
  17. George r.r. Martin conditioned me to not get my hopes up with release dates. Until avowed is in my (digital) hands, I'll assume it will never be released.
  18. Aldor knows what's up
  19. The Russian War efforts are doomed with the lack of video game industry support
  20. Well I finally beat persona 4 golden. Was good... the end of the game "that's not the real boss, THIS is the real boss, jk, this is actually the final boss. And now for the real final boss" was definitely getting annoying. Also I read that there is another TRUE final boss if you play new game plus... which I will not be doing. Now I don't know what to play . Soul hackers 2 is on game pass but I'm not sure I can handle another atlas game at the moment
  21. Update because I'm sure everyone was wondering... I grinded for 2 hours and beat the boss... I'm onto new content in persona 4 woohoo
  22. 10 was annoying for sure. I wasn't loving the story, so it was easy for me to give up. FF8 broke me. That game was so easy, I didn't even understand the stacking magic mechanic. Then I get to the final boss and just get destroyed. Like... not even a dent.
  23. Playing persona 4. I played it years ago and never finished... this whole time I've been thinking "how far did I get, because I everything is familiar" but I wasn't sure if I had gotten further this time around... that is until I ran into the latest boss battle... the second I fought it, the trauma came back. Now I remember why I quit... guess I'll just have to grind for a couple hours JRPGs have the most abrupt difficulty curves... usually they are stupid easy until the final gauntlet then it's like "hey you haven't been building your character enough, I know that it wasn't necessary until this exact moment, but now you better grind 10+ levels"
  24. I think I've romanced everyone but not to the point of sealing the deal. I think I chose Jack my first time around. or was it tali... I forget. I know it wasn't Miranda. This time... haven't really decided yet
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