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Everything posted by Theonlygarby

  1. I'm surprised pirate settings aren't more popular really. I was going to say "they should make a pirate CRPG" then I remembered deadfire Now I want to play deadfire
  2. I beat trails of cold steel finally. What a slog that game is. Couldn't imagine it without the fast forward button. I liked it, kind of. It does the JRPG thing where the game is a breeze until the end of game boss gauntlet. There is a mech battle at the end that really makes me worried about the next game, because the mech fighting is really really dumb. Basically rock paper scissors. 6/10
  3. I like post apocalyptic still. But I agree, if this game was post apocalyptic AND retro futurism, it would be just a fallout clone. Better to switch it up a little
  4. looks likes it's not exactly post apocalyptic, but has the retrofuturism feel. I am going off of just one screenshot
  5. Beat Symphony of War... I enjoyed it, pacing was weird. Got very easy about halfway through. They kept giving you new super powerful units. I thought they missed an opportunity with the storyline. Ended up going a cliche way with it instead. 7/10 I guess
  6. I feel like that's only because their writing is so bland no real thoughts or ideas are ever included in a Bethesda game. I guess bland boring story > woke story
  7. Some games you play for 10 hours or less and you feel like it was a worthwhile experience, others, you play for 40 and feel like you wasted your time. I don't think time spent makes a game good or bad. Unfortunately I spent a ton of time on settlement building and it really makes no difference to the story. I also chose to side with the minutemen because all the factions were dumb. Which really just means I got the worst outcome. The point you make about the city feeling generic is accurate. It didn't feel like a nuke went off, it felt like you were in modern day Detroit or Syria
  8. I just got it. Finished 3rd chapter. It's very good so far.
  9. So I decided to take the western path to Vegas (fallout new vegas) and I found north Vegas... I'm ashamed to say I had never found north Vegas in all the times I've played. Weird to play I game i thought I completely explored, only to find I've probably missed a lot of content
  10. Their showcase excited me more than all the other showcases combined. They are also making a morrowwind looking game.
  11. So very true. Hockey rules are so inconsistently enforced it's easy to think your team got screwed
  12. I mean technically isn't everything that hasn't begun production in pre-production even if it hasn't even been thought of yet?
  13. Playing new Vegas because nothing else seems to scratch that itch. I feel like I always have at least 1 issue with mods. This time it's fingerless gloves, with the blue purple(im colorblind) fingers. It's minor but still annoying.
  14. I remember avalone saying that the original director (forget his name now) when working on alpha protocol was a nightmare to work with. Changing and adding things constantly. So maybe that was why they decided to change to Carrie. That being said, Chris seems to talk a lot of crap about ex coworkers so who knows.
  15. I'm pretty sure he said you can explore anywhere on the planet. I could be wrong. I should clarify that I don't think the game will be bad. I'm sure it will do very well, and people will like it. I just don't like Bethesdas Game design. Making the game this big, will be more of the things I dislike about Bethesda games.
  16. Weird. I thought they had said it was moving along smoothly last year... which would be after the reboot. Although who knows where I even heard that
  17. Maybe Josh took over now that he's free?
  18. Not sure I'd that was responding to me, but I will just assume it was. I'm not big on Bethesda game design, and I felt skyrim and fallout 4 were pretty empty and lifeless. Now stretch that game design to 1000 worlds, instead of one continent or city. I can't imagine it won't be empty and lifeless. Todd basically said "the story we made doesn't matter as much as the story you make" which tells me, "our writing will be lazy, just use your imagintion"
  19. I should have got a Playstation
  20. I am the winner! Game looks good. Interesting at the very least
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  21. Yeah persona is good. But I've already played them all, and if I wanted I could just pull out my ps4 and I have them already. The game with the talking guns looks silly and fun, but i get the feeling it will become annoying pretty quick
  22. Yeah but aren't you excited to explore the lifeless 1000 worlds of starfield?
  23. Yes I'm very sad. Starfield does not look good imo. 1000 empty world's to explore is not my cup o' tea. Josh's game looks interesting though.
  24. Decent east has a good ring to it
  25. It really does, I've tried many times but it's just cliche after cliche
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