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Everything posted by Achilles

  1. "When there is no factual information, all we can do is assume." Or not. Since when is speculation a requirement?
  2. You're thinking of "arboreal." Indeed I am. Thanks for the correction.
  3. "of, relating to, or comprising the northern biotic area characterized especially by dominance of coniferous forests" I suspect that this is the focus. Maybe my ignorance is showing, but when I first heard "boreal dwarves", I thoughts, "oh cool. Forest dwarves". No idea that "boreal" was supposed to be geographically-specific until about 3 minutes ago.
  4. Scorchy's LP is a great read, but I don't know that I would refer anyone to it for a walkthrough. You may have better luck with this: http://www.gamebanshee.com/starwarskotorii/locations/jekkjekktarrtunnels.php Regarding Mira, without more info, I can only assume 1 of 2 things happened: 1) you're playing with a mod that starts Mira at a higher level or 2) you leveled her up as soon as you entered the Jekk Jekk Tarr (maybe you have auto-level turned on?). You could start all over, or you could use the savegame editor to tweak Mira's stats until you get through. http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php FWIW, she's supposed to be a demolitions specialist. If you prefer to fight, you could always lays some traps and kite the Ubese, one-at-a-time, rather than bum-rushing them and trying to take them all on at once. Sadly, the AI is semi-retarded and only the baddies who see you will come at you, even if the guy standing right him is charging at you.
  5. This reminds me of devs popping in on Saturdays to answer questions while code compiled, etc during the months leading up to SW:KotOR2. Thanks for being awesome, Obsidian.
  6. Re: the pet, perhaps a left-over soul fragment without much in the way of through-put, ala "Bit" from the original Tron.
  7. I'm wondering if new tiers between $250 and $500 wouldn't help to bump some pledges. Seems to me that there is some wiggle room between the softcover collector's book and the hardcover with signatures that isn't being utilized. I'm definitely on board with the GZiets suggestion. I also really like the "making of" recommendation, though I suspect that such a thing might be expensive to make.
  8. The unofficial skyrim patch site is currently tracking >1300 bugs. Obviously, a vast majority of them are minor, but still.
  9. I'd say yes, if for no other reason that it's Obsidian's first game developed on their own engine. As such, it's their most polished work yet (i.e. I had one crash, one time and that was it as far as bugs). The game is...fun and has a fairly decent story. It's a button-masher, which I never expected from Obsidian, but it's an intelligent button masher. You might not be thrilled with your purchase, but you certainly won't be disappointed.
  10. Minimum level recommendation (i.e. 20 for Dead Money or 15 for OWB)?
  11. I got really tired of reloading/replaying so Anjali and Katarina are not nearly as exhaustive as Lucas. Reinhart will be posted at some point, but not for a while. Anjali You wanted justice when discussing her capture. I believe you when discussing the Causeways with Odo Defeat Rajani Indicate that Anjali is a Legionnaire or tell her that you're asking the questions when talking to Rajani I agree when discussing the war against Jeyne with Odo Opting to go after Jeyne (rather than build the Legion) Recommending an attack on the First People rather than negotiation. Accuse Phineas of being naive Exiting the swamp with Anjali Sending Anjali back to the Legion Chapterhouse via the Causeway found in the Grand Chapterhouse Point out that Devonsey abandoned the Legion Tell the Meisters that they owe the Legion Comment that the Legion wants justice when speaking to the Meisters Tell the Cyclops leader that you're defending the Ironmongers Beating the Cyclops leader Complete quest Majority Rules Tell Fredrick Pratz that he's going to jail Telling Wenzel that he will be standing trial. Accuse Jeyne of lying when she tells you about her heritage Killing the Warbeast I don't believe her when speaking to Devonsey about Jeyne No, I won't when the Queen asks you to spare Jeyne Stating that Roslyn isn't worthy to wear the crown. Agree with Odo that it's better to keep telling the lie about the king's demise Change your mind about releasing Fitch Tell Marten not to follow you through the Causeway Exit the Legion Chapterhouse with Anjali Katarina "To make the race stronger" when meeting her Exiting the swamp with Katarina Sending Katarina back to the Legion Chapterhouse via the Causeway found in the Grand Chapterhouse "If I must" when discussing disrupting the Stonestream for Ibsen Answering that you were there when the Queen asks if you were in the Mournweald It doesn't matter when Devonsey mentions the plot to kill the former King. Comment that Devonsey's plan is risky Killing the Warbeast Agree to try to spare Jeyne (x2) Telling the Meisters that they need allies Defeating the thieves in the Crypt of the Sacred Blood Beating the Cyclops leader Sparing the DOG
  12. Hmmm, I must be the minority here. I thought it worked well for her character. Archons are not supposed to be of that world and I thought the performance reflected that.
  13. I've seen Katarina, Anjali, and Reinhart all use the Empowered standard attack. By deduction, I want to think they use their Empowered abilities too, but as you say, it's difficult to tell.
  14. I'm in the process of documenting all the influence options in the game. Thus far I've only a complete list for Lucas. Reasonable effort was made to reload and test for every dialog option, so while I feel comfortable saying that this list is almost 100% accurate, it's possible that I could have missed one or two. Also, on a couple of occasions, I would exist a dialog and receive an influence gain, though nothing in the dialog itself indicated that I'd made one (therefore there's a few entries I'm not certain about). Lucas influence gains: Commenting that Legion protect the innocent even at great personal risk when meeting him in Vera's cave (Anjali only) I'm skeptical when discussing the Causeways with Odo Sending Rajani away with a message or setting her free. Disagreeing with Odo re: killing Jeyne Opting to look for more Legionnaires at the end of Act 1 Admitting to being with the Legion while meeting Devonsey Recommending negotiation with the First People rather than attack Allowing Phineas to speak his mind after returning to Lord Devonsey Exiting the swamp with Lucas Sending Lucas back to the Legion Chapterhouse via the Causeway found in the Grand Chapterhouse Recommending that Devonsey be recruited by the Legion Answering that you aren't sure when the Queen asks if you were in the Mournweald Calling Devonsey a liar when he mentions the plot to kill the former King. Commenting that Devonsey's plan to explode the Deep Well doesn't seem very honorable Killing the Warbeast Agreeing not to kill Jayne (reason for gain is not clear. He doesn't speak up during the dialog, however a gain is noted after the conversation is over.) Telling Odo that time will tell if Roslyn is worthy to wear the crown. Supporting Marten when discussing whether to tell the truth about the Legion's role in the former King's death Telling the Meisters that a Legion alliance will unite the country Defeating the thieves in the crypt (???) Not asking for coins when returning Werner Schnaus' goods Beating the Cyclops leader Asking the DOJ if he witnessed the attack Sending DOJ to Wulf Asking to be judged on the actions of the Legion Refusing Rudolf Maxwell's offer of recompense Press charges against Frederik Pratz Agree to spare the archons but not Jeyne Comment that Jeyne must be stopped when speaking to TRY
  15. Interestingly, the animation worked fine the third time (hardcore as Anjali). Playing hardcore as Lucas right now. We'll see which Lazar we get this time.
  16. I came across this myself over the week and came to the same conclusion as LadyCrimson. Odd that they would put the level cap at 30 (and offer an achievement/trophy for hitting it) and then limit how much XP you can get.
  17. The earlier games also had 1). I think you might be referencing Skyrim re: 2). It took me a few games to really get how to do it properly, but I'm at level 20 with Anjali and have 5 out of 9 abilities empowered (2 defensive, and the two most recently unlocked offensive still have some more to go).
  18. There is no level requirement for any of the fights. I ended the game at level 27 the first time through and hit level 28 just before the final boss last time. Pretty sure the only way to get 30 is to play Hardcore difficulty or grind out a bunch of levels in the infinite XP exploit on Frostspire Mountain.
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