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Everything posted by Achilles

  1. First, I've never had that problem (probably because I've never tried to use a pistol like a SMG). Second, have you ever fired a weapon? If you had, you'd know that "emptying a clip" reduces accuracy. Especially if the target is moving. I'm sorry that the real-world RPG was too realistic for you. Really.
  2. Exaggerate much? Being able to "one-shot-kill" with a pistol is nice at higher levels, but it seems completely realistic that someone with no (or few) points invested in the skill is going to be able to do so. Kinda robs the player of seeing any return on their skill-point investment. Yes, it's frustrating early on when I'm unloading clips into baddies who are way far away and only hitting occasionally, but that's what I get for believing that spies don't run around with assault weapons. In short: crits aren't mandatory, though you seem hell-bent on insisting that they are. Yes, pistols do burn through ammo at anything further than mid-distance, but please tell me how that's any different than real-life (ya' know, the game's setting and stuff).
  3. True, but has absolutely no bearing on "Must only use your Martial Arts" (which was the basis of my contention). Right there with you. My buddy complained that the game was too short. I didn't understand what he meant until I did a shoot 'em playthrough and realized that being sneaky adds hours.
  4. Indeed you can. You can also karate chop everyone in the neck on your way there too. Simply pointing out that there is at least one instance in which his proposed rules won't work. I cannot recall of the top of my head if there are any other areas that require a firearm, but I know for certain that one exists.
  5. I agree, compared to FO3 or Kotor 2 I've had to restart multiple missions due to glitches/bugs in ME2 (which I don't recall ever having to do in the original). Both Mass Effect games ran solid for me. As did Alpha Protocol. Mass Effect 2 was probably the most stable. Play Vanguard and see how many times you (or others) get stuck in the environment. The first time I did Mordin's loyalty mission, every Vorcha I encountered had it's feet stuck to box is was hiding behind (I could tell because the physics engine would blow their upper body back every time I hit them with a shotgun blast, but the lower legs didn't budge). So far as crashes go, yes both MEs were stable. But stable != bug-free.
  6. I agree, compared to FO3 or Kotor 2 I've had to restart multiple missions due to glitches/bugs in ME2 (which I don't recall ever having to do in the original).
  7. Yep. ME2 is an improvement over ME1 in many ways, yet somehow it's a lot more buggy too. Not sure how one could turn a blind eye to ME2's bugs but lambast AP.
  8. Who the hell is Jezebel Alhambra? Re: "actor not spawning" - IIRC that happens in two areas and is clearly a (bad) design choice. Re: AI - I'm starting to think that perhaps I'm the only one that reads dossiers. Yes, some of the goons act like goons. According to the dossiers, it's because they are goons. The highly trained former/current para-military types tend to have better AI (some parts of Graybox are clearly an exception here). Therefore, I must be with GhostofAnakin in that the version I bought must be one of the remarkably few copies that shipped without the plethora of horrible, gamebreaking bugs. Yeah, there are one or two, but I'm almost certain that every game I've ever played has contained a few.
  9. No, he's not here to debate, he's here to troll. Pro-tip: they stay if you feed them.
  10. The thought occurs to me that the ego-stroking in AP might have been too subtle. Rather than dropping an "ooo...you're the most powerful/wonderful/awesome _____________" reveal at the end the 2nd act, MT is built up over time. Sure he's accomplished and he's preventing WWIII, but I wonder if that concept it too obscure for people that weren't around for the RL Cold War. In other words, your "prize" is a collection of perks rather than finding out that you're Revan, The Nerevarine, the Kalach-cha, etc. Hmmm....
  11. You don't even need to play it twice. Just play it once and pay attention to the perks you get. No doubt it's great to play it more than once and see all the possible outcomes, but that isn't necessary to see that C&C is the touchstone here.
  12. Do you mean like in a past life? Pretty sure I can't rule it out.
  13. I'm thinking a high school biology class would have a field day with Sovereign's line "organic life is a genetic mutation". Drew Karpyshyn is lauded as a "great writer" (mostly, I think, because he tells everyone that he's a great writer) yet he insults the players' intelligence with crap like this and we thank him by purchasing more of his games.
  14. Like magically transforming the game into an installment from the Hitman franchise?
  15. You'd almost have to do a character import (ala ME/ME2) due to all the variables. Trying to catch up via dialog, like TSL, just wouldn't be practical.
  16. Shock Trap Mk3: Description indicates that it will take out all enemies in the affected area. Unfortunately, it appears that it only takes out two (exact same as the Mk2). If so, then the description is wrong or the upgrade is bugged and therefore useless. EMPs as loot: You can only pick up EMPs if you have EMPs equipped in a gadget slot AND you have inventory available. This one's tricky to describe but I'll do my best. If you have EMPs equipped (say you don't have the Electronic Warfare perk, so you have 2 of 2 in your inventory), if an enemy drops an EMP as loot, it disappears. If you have a gadget slot available (i.e. you've used all the EMPs that you brought with you and now you have an opening), it disappears. If you brought two EMPs but used one, and an enemy drops one as loot, it will be added to your inventory. This is different than other gadgets because if you have an opening and you pick up an Explosive Grenade (or any other gadget), it will instantly be added to your inventory. Even if you don't have an opening, it will be added to your general inventory and you can sell it/keep it for use later/etc. Not the case here. If you don't have EMPs equipped and room for one more, it's gone. Might as well not even bother picking it up. Easy way to test this one: Bring EMPs to Graybox during End Game and leave one of your gadget slots open. In the room where you contact Parker/Omen, pick up the EMP on the table. Gone. Reload. Use an EMP to open the safe in the room (EMP -1), then pick up the EMP on the table (EMP full). Since this is the only gadget this happens with, I'm wondering if this was done intentionally
  17. Heh, you're right. It should have been... "Here, blast a T-1000 terminator for no good reason, and that's about all the plot you get for the entire game"... Then the story would have been LEGENDARY . Go easy on him, HH. He didn't even finish Saudi before deciding the story sucked, so he actually hasn't had the opportunity to see any one of the dozen or so possible endings (each of which is dependent upon other decisions made in the game).
  18. "Why not a gentlemanly deal? You finish ME2 and Volo will finish AP and then you can have a pistol duel at dawn to determine which game is truly better." Sound familiar? Why? How many of Drew's game must I play before I can say that his writing is terrible without risking losing "credibility"? Are you arguing that I must play every single one before I can make assumptions ABOUT THE WRITING? Clearly you are missing the point I've raised repeatedly that if we are going to compare the two games ON THE BASIS OF THE WRITING, that I'm confident AP will win? Because I like to pull **** out of my ***? Or perhaps I feel I have a greater-than-passing familiarity with both writer's work? I mention the writing here specifically because I've already conceded that you can have whatever argument you wish to have about the shooting. I've also invited you to introduce whatever other areas of overlap you feel the two games have. About 3 times now. That's your opinion. My opinion is that you repeat yourself because it allows you the opportunity to continue posting without actually addressing anything I say. @V - I'm finished feeding the troll. You comment on C&C didn't play the game long enough to take advantage of any of the perk or see any of the repercussions of any of the relationships. Yet somehow you're blown away by loyalty missions. kthxbai.
  19. That arguments for or against one game should not be dependent upon the arguments for or against another, dissimilar game seems like bizarre logic to you? Perhaps the problem is not me, sir. EDIT: P.S. You've been invited repeatedly to point out where I am wrong and instead have opted to repeat yourself, say you were leaving, and resort to name-calling. Should I assume that you have nothing legitimate to contribute to this conversation?
  20. Shock traps yes, tranq bolts sometimes. Depend on whether the shot is insta-kill or if it's the health-drain that puts them down.
  21. Gee, I was hoping I could get by on logic alone.
  22. And if I was on the Bioware forum critiquing ME2, you might have a point.
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