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Everything posted by Achilles

  1. There was an area in which my party had the opportunity to throw a rope across a chasm and then climb across. The two party members with low Athletic skills made is but suffered from varying levels of fatigue afterwords. Morale of the story: The number of skills is probably sufficient and the players that completely ignore some skills in favor of others are probably going to suffer some form of consequence for the decision. Quasi-snarky aside: I think people who are making sweeping generalizations about the overall mechanics of the game based on half a dozen areas and a handful of quests are getting WAY ahead of themselves.
  2. Purple things = stuff you find with scouting
  3. I've noticed that choosing reputation options (Honest, etc) will add new entries in the character sheet, but choosing those options over multiple dialogs will not increase the value. Are they suppose to be additive?
  4. I didn't encounter this the first 2 times I fought that group, but last night I got it big time.
  5. My party was in the inn. I decided to start over. Navigated to the menu, clicked Quit, then New Game. Inn music never stopped playing.
  6. I played for a bit last night and got a few points into Honest, Diplomatic, etc. I loaded the game today (first, by continuing and getting an old save, then remembered that you said not to do that so going back and choosing Load Game), and now the Reputations are gone. Apologies if this is a known issue and I missed it.
  7. I liked having this option in NWN2 and would like to have it here as well, if at all possible. So glad that this is finally a thing! Thanks Obsidian.
  8. When I said BioWare products are integrated/tied into their business models, I meant that if a customer wanted to fully utilize a recent BioWare product, he would have to download and install EA Origin to activate the product, buy more BioWare Points than he would need, and then use those Points to buy DLCs at full prices. BioWare products are tied to EA Origin, BioWare Points, and DLCs, which are very specific to EA-BioWare. While I understand and sorta respect not wating to download hundreds of clients, what DLC do you need that is essential to the main game? At the risk of butting in, I think parts of ME3 were made obvious by content provided in From Ashes. I bought the collector's edition, so I got it for free, but a lot of people didn't. I suspect that a lot of the "ME3 was too confusing" came from people who missed this content, because they didn't buy the Day One DLC.
  9. TW3 I haven't played any of the DA games, and have been salivating for the third installment ever since completing TW2.
  10. Based on the amount of entitlement people throw around here re: what info OE does share with us, I can't blame them in the slightest for not being more forthcoming. People would hear "10am" and then throw tantrums at 9:58 or complain about how 10am doesn't work for them or some such nonsense.
  11. Do not remind me of when I turn 32. I turn 38 a few days later. Don't knock your early-thirties.
  12. Like I said (but maybe I'm being too cynical here): It was a good way to encourage people to pledge more money. The challenge with these things is the logistics of value (they threw in a cookbook, for christ's sake). People desire beta access, therefore beta access has value, therefore beta access can be used to help differentiate tiers without having to really produce anything. Replace "beta access" with anything else of value and ask yourself if the argument you made above still makes sense. Did they add beta access to some tiers so that people pledging at those tiers were getting something more for their support or did they do it to "bilk" more money out of people who were already pledging anyway?
  13. In fairness, I think the OP is a little misleading. Obsidian has been pretty open in saying that they do not want to go back to Kickstarter for a sequel (which is also what the article states). They've also been open about taking another bite at the Kickstarter apple for additional new IPs. tl;dr - article doesn't say anything new, nor does is say that Josh/Obsidian don't want to use Kickstarter again.
  14. Text in the lower left of the Giant Bomb footage reads "-e3"
  15. This is the problem. The thing that I dislike about DLC is that they introduce new narratives. At some point the player is asked to choose one over others and the "switching back and forth" can be jarring (and frustrating) for players that look to narrative above all other factors. To be honest, vanilla NV had enough of this already. Don't get me wrong, I love the game. I finished a 60-hour run the week before last. But it does have flaws.
  16. I feel a little ridiculous saying this, as I bought the DLC twice, but no, it probably isn't worth it. As far as DLC go, they are fantastic, however like 99% of all DLC they will completely jack up the narrative.
  17. Great update, Justin. Thanks for sneaking us some new sounds (and new screens).
  18. I have the Antec P183 and I absolutely love it. Dust management is amazing. I had to open the case when I upgrade my graphics card and was amazed to find it almost completely dust free (there was a light coat near the fan on my GPU, otherwise pristine). The front door definitely helps with noise and the cable management is decent. From the "I didn't know I wanted it until I had it" department: having your PSU in a separate chamber from the rest of your components definitely helps to keep things uncluttered. I recommended this case to buddy a year after I got mine and he's a big fan as well.
  19. No point in changing the password if the server is still compromised. ...and the server is only (potentially) compromised if they use open ssl. In other words: Don't change your password until someone tells you to.
  20. Playthroughs 3 & 4 were achievement runs. Got all of them except the "bit by gingers". I'm sure all circle back for it at some point, but for now I'm content with 98%
  21. Used a 360 controller exclusively for all of my playthroughs. Works like a champ.
  22. Yeah, what he said. I love you guys, I really do. Pre-orders, collector's editions, DLC, dual-own (now that I think about it, like, 4 of your games), significant chunk o' change dropped on KS...there isn't much I won't do to support you. But I can't see myself playing this. Fingers crossed that this is something that banks you a huge win so that we can all get back to our regularly scheduled RPG development.
  23. hehe, so did I. I entered the police station early on, did a bit of exploring, assumed I'd be sent back there for a quest at some point, and promptly forgot that the building existed.
  24. You'll find a piece of paper on the floor in Stan's room. On it are "directions". If you follow them in the Lost Forest, it will lead you to an opportunity to pick up about 10 in one shot. Some of the others are easy to miss (buying something from Stan's mom at Tom's Rhinoplasty, for example). There are several online guides to help with the onesy-twosy friends that are hard to find.
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