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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I'm all for fencing in Sand.
  2. Tale

    Dear Boston

  3. TSL Restoration Half-Life 2: Episode 2 & Portal Sam & Max: every episode not yet publicy released Dawn of War: Horus Heresy Mod Assassin's Creed Left 4 Dead Games not particularly looking forward to, but following in the hope that I get more interested later Mass Effect Bioshock
  4. Bleach is really great, but it has a couple of problems. Nobody ever dies. Regardless of how much they get cut up, shredded, or whatever. They'll "die" but then they'll turn out to be okay two episodes later. It's pretty slow to develop. It reminds me of Dragon Ball Z in that they can often drag things out. It's nowhere near as bad as Dragon Ball Z is in this department, but it's definitely there.
  5. Your cat's name is Misty? Aww, you're allergic to her. That's sad.
  6. I'm creating a WoW guild named
  7. I don't "get" any religion that promises eternal torment for those born to a culture/family that is not predominantly that religion. Expecting conversion is not something I can agree with. I'm just not a big fan of creating something in a position where it is reasonable to expect it to pursue a path that leads to its own eternal torture.
  8. Tale

    Dear Boston

    They are not meant to resemble bombs. And placing one does not constitute a bomb hoax. Out of 10 cities, why does Boston have to be the killjoy? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16902707 http://www.boston.com/news/globe/city_regi...cious_pack.html Edit: Crikey, they arrested a man in Arlington for it http://wbztv.com/topstories/local_story_031135507.html
  9. I was going to be playing Vanguard, but I think my video card is going pear shaped.
  10. I'll upgrade after DX10 cards are well set in the market and I upgrade my computer entirely. So, that could be a year or two.
  11. Was ist "X?" Variable?
  12. Dark Messiah of Might and Magic had an associate who got a copy with his video card. He already had it, so he handed it off to me! FREE STUFF!
  13. I was alanschu for a couple of days, but the cream from my doctor cleared it right up.
  14. Don't they have an autopatcher?
  15. The last overhead shooter I played was Demolition Man (which also had side scrolling levels). It was awesome, but I don't know that I can stomach that gameplay anymore.
  16. Since their forum has a sticky on how to remove the time limit, I would guess... A) That it is legal. B) That it is not legal. C) Put it in.
  17. Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth I see Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened is available! (Holmes vs. Cthulhu) I should see if any reviews exist!
  18. How would... I just... what... the... I mean... huh? Meaning I'd rather they (Bethesda) went about upping the quality of gameplay from their previous game(s), than changing from what they're used to (i.e first person, real-time) and keeping the same kind of gameplay they had in Oblivion. Of course, it's not like they have an either/or choice in the matter. Metadigital said: "That was his point." Well, sort of. But I wasn't disagreeing with him (if you mean Sawyer). I still don't understand. How could you possibly have turn-based third person with Oblivion gameplay? When Oblivion gameplay is practically defined as being real-time (third/first person)?
  19. How would... I just... what... the... I mean... huh?
  20. Star Trek is socialist. Are you saying that we'll never get to live on the Enterprise? :'(
  21. And if it is for the greater good, would it still be called murder? And if it is called murder, then would the word "murder" really be such a bad thing? Depends, can you convince 12 people that it was justified?
  22. Which only supports my claim that good people are deficient.
  23. My sole concern is that it is being developed with the console as the primary consideration. The footage I've seen from the game shows a HUD that clearly corresponds with the XBox controller. Now, whether this will be bad for the PC version or not is unseen, but I feel the need to be wary. Hopefully the PC version will be fully realized for the PC's abilities (including the full keyboard) and not merely a port of the 360 version.
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