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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I thought this had been known for a while. And the answer to the question is really "no." It's Sawyer's personal project. Anyone who helps at all would be doing it in their free time. Unless that stance has changed.
  2. Very few companies want to take customers away from consoles. Consoles are easier to QA for and harder to pirate.
  3. lololololololololol
  4. Awesome, fully supported. Though, I can't imagine the response time for a bombing would be fast enough to prevent the damage.
  5. Their loss of money. By loss of money, you mean increase of money due to hitting the wildly more popular consoles while avoiding publishing a version that it subject to rampant piracy. Then they'll release the PC version a year or two down the road.
  6. I had an active personal boycott of EA games for a while. Not simply out of gaming politics but because most of their recent games aren't worth purchasing over their older iterations. However, I loved the BF 2142 demo so much, I had to give up my scruples... just this once, though!
  7. Mulberry? It's purple.
  8. Yo soy un pato morado y un gato estas en mis pantalones.
  9. Needs to be bigger.
  10. Awesome game. I consider going back from time to time. What annoys me is the sheer number of people that take their internet spaceships way too seriously.
  11. Dwarves are a short distance from Halflings. Halflings make everything suck.
  12. I'll cut you.
  13. Don't assault Shadowstrider here, guys. He's just here to talk about games, not be a Bethesda spokesperson. You're just as unlikely to convince him of your opinion on them as he is to convince you of his. Any discontent over Oblivion is assuradly known by Bethesda, at this point, anyway. Hopefully, it'll effect positively on future releases. I can only hope.
  14. Just think back on me for inspiration. It's what the real Satan does.
  15. You really should get on that. Bethesda can't conquer the world if they allow dissenting opinions. Trust me, I know.
  16. I'm getting frustrated by God of War. The game it lots of fun, but the platforming sections are just aggravating. I'm at a point where I have to jump across a set of moving platforms with saws going between them. Then I have to go back, which is harder because you're jumping towards the camera this time, and then you have to go back across a third time. Bloody frickin' heck. I've died three times on the return trip. AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  17. That's it. I hope you're happy. Oblivion is great, game of the year. I'll go buy 5 more copies.
  18. Sand, you're making me ashamed to be in the Oblivion naysayer camp. shhh
  19. So, instead of actually fixing the problem you offer lame work-arounds then offer sarcasm. Whatever. Fixing it would imply they felt there was a problem that needed fixing. As for sarcasm, you had more than enough of it in your posts, too. Shadowstrider, I would like to know, are the fellows at Bethesda involved with Oblivion happy with the difficulty leveling system and its overall reception?
  20. I think the level scaling system might be my only real problem with it. I don't like what Sand calls the "hand holding," either. But, that's simply because I enjoyed it in Morrowind where I would have to travel out, explore, and search for the dungeon my quest wanted me to go to. Then after exploring it, I would sometimes found out I'm in the wrong danged place! This was never a problem, because every dungeon always really interested me. With the level scaling, dungeons don't interest me. The bandit at the front of the dungeon is only slightly less interesting than the bandit at the end of the dungeon. There's no interesting items to find laying around, no glass daggers resting on altars. It's all rusty iron. I can't decide if the reason I always just jumped A-Z using quick travel and the arrows was because it was convenient or if it was because I couldn't find anything worth doing on the side.
  21. It's not meant to be for self defense, it's a hunter's license.
  22. God of War Dang this game is fun. So many great Action Adventure games on the PS2. Action Adventure is the one genre that rarely seems to fall short.
  23. It's awesome.
  24. The thing I didn't like in the demo is I couldn't do anything without 2x the number the enemy had. They've got tech 1 fighters, so do I! I send out 5 to take out their 5, they lose 1, I lose 5. Maybe it's just the way the army is set up, en masse, it's not unheard of. However, it turned assaulting positions into lagfests on my computer.
  25. GG party politics.
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