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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Star Wars is swords and sorcery. Not 100% in the movies, but 100% in the three RPGs made off it (KOTOR1, 2, and SWG). And heck, the upcoming Mass Effect is guns and sorcery. We need more Science Fiction RPGs, we've got barely any, and none recent.
  2. I beat my first playthrough easily enough. I'm maybe halfway through my second. I can never bring myself to play good characters all the way through RPGs. Not enough funny options.
  3. After reading the list completely, not only are there more than 101, many of them are very much worth memorizing.
  4. I keep hoping for a Republic Commando 2: Imperial Commando where you run around killing Jedi.
  5. Your fling with Hades doesn't count I was talking past tense. I'm not counting my current relationship.
  6. Strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How dare you? Good day to you, sir. Defcon is awesome. GOOD DAY!
  7. Projectile mass works against you. Lower is better. Counterweight works for you. Higher is better. Leave the rest default.
  8. "We've also got Star Wars franchises like Knights of the Old Republic ... that we will not leave behind. It's very important to us that we grow those franchises." Doesn't really say anything. It was probably among a list of titles, hence the "...". And with only 2 titles a year, it could be forever before they get around to it. All it basically says is they want to do it at some point when they get around to it.
  9. It's not irrelevant at all. Ignorance of the law is not considered an excuse in any court in the world.
  10. I dated a demi-god once. Not all it's cracked up to be.
  11. You're not informed of most laws that exist, but that doesn't mean you can make up new ones.
  12. I know someone who recommends it more than the X-Men movies. But, then again he gets angsty about the X-Men movies for not revolving around Cyclops.
  13. Tale


    The last two episodes of Lost have been the best in a while.
  14. It's everywhere! Quick, lock yourself in your house because there's terrorism! On topic, ABOUT TIME! These buggers are late and I felt lied to that my flying automotocar is taking so long.
  15. How can you claim that Half-Life's ending was rushed/unfinished, cliffhanger, or plain missing compared to Half-Life 2's? Half-Life 2's was drastically more of a cliffhanger than Half-Life's.
  16. Action games are also pretty tedious if you just sit down for 10 minutes. You shoot imps in a hallway... and then what? Nothing, unless you play a bit further to the reward at the end of the level. Action games aren't a lick of a bit different from RPGs in that regard. Nor are they any different for people sending you off to do other things before they open doors. Often you have to go find some obscure key that's all the way on the other side of the base just to open a storage closet. Of course, the inspiration for his post is FF XII. Myself, 5 out of 8 owners of the game on a private forum I regular, and at least one other person on this forum have all either taken extended (indefinitely) breaks from the game or just stopped playing it altogether out of absolute boredom. So, it's not exactly an ideal representative.
  17. Code acknowledged. Enabling ad posts.
  18. You should support him for his giant cajones. They'd have to be to even think he had a chance in this country.
  19. Tale


    Wait -- aren't you (partially) blind? :confused: It's a braille 7900.
  20. Yes and no. I don't believe that religion should have a serious impact, however if an atheist even ran I would have to vote for him. That would be incredibly ballsy.
  21. So, is the National Academy of Sciences "hacks?" And the NRC which supports the IPCC position. The American Meterological Society? The American Association for the Advancement of Science? Are they just Al's hacks? Or is it that taks just uses insults for those who disagree with him. Where's the "science" behind these claims of attention? Or the calling of hacks? Or the theory they're blinded by their ego?
  22. Tale


    Judging by my 6-pin card, wouldn't you hook up 2 4-pins? That's how my 6-pin card works, 2 4-pins connect to it, with one of the pins on each missing. I had to buy two extra Y-cables. -.-
  23. As a bit of a side note, it's pretty sad that when I read this, little progress bars and words like "tech-level" popped into my head.
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