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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I blame you, Sand. If you suspected it was going on, it was your moral obligation to do something. -.-
  2. KOTOR 2 was noticeably better than KOTOR 1. The only downside of it was the last area. NWN2 was worlds above and beyond NWN1. NWN1 was a game I considered crap until 2 expansions passed and then I only found one of those expansions to be any good. So far, OE is showing a lot more ability than Bioware has been for a while and since they're pretty much the only two companies in the domestic "non-action non-MMO" RPG market, a lot of hope is going on OE.
  3. Ethics play a large role in designing any experiment. Please, tell me how you can set up an experiment testing global warming without trying to intentionally cause it's increase. "The thing is, we don't know enough about global climatology to prove that the planet is undergoing a warming process." We don't know enough about anything to prove anything. Especially considering the scientific method is actually a method for disproving and that failure to disprove does not constitute proof. "And even if that is the case, there's a fair bit of evidence that points to cyclical changes derived from variable solar activity." And a fair bit of evidence that it's not significant enough to account for what is happening. But that's probably just purposely misinterpreted, too. Al Gore's not the only person in the world that believes we're causing drastic climate changes. Many scientific organizations share his belief: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_op..._climate_change I guess the American Association of Petroleum Geologists are the only ones who aren't corrupt or stupid. Oh, and these guys: http://www.co2science.org/scripts/CO2ScienceB2C/Index.jsp
  4. Huh?
  5. Yeah. I mean, there's no definitive proof to back that such a thing as "global warning" even exists, but if Al said it on TV, it must be true, right? Finally, someone that knows their stuff. If by definitive proof, then you mean "a scientific experiment whereby global increases in temperature can be shown as being the direct result of carbon dioxide emissions" then, you're right. There is no definitive proof. That whole ethical dilemma of increasing global warming significantly enough that you can look directly at it and say it was because of your contribution of CO2 is preventing this experiment from occuring. Besides, where would we get the control? Do you have a spare Earth lying around? However, there is a metric %^&ton of correlational data showing a positive relationship between CO2 levels in the atmosphere and increasing temperature.
  6. The issue of global warming needs all the attention it can get, desperately. Ignorance and apathy towards it is too great. The amount of pollution this single event will generate is nothing compared to the pollution that has been released, is being released unrelated to the event, and is still going to be released unless people's attention is on the problem and people start seriously doing things about it.
  7. Dang, it's quid. I don't think I have any lying around.
  8. The Steam version's bugs are the reason I haven't bought this game. I've also heard there's expansion material that's not included? Or is my Alzheimer's acting up, again?
  9. hi-five! It was worth, at least, the one watch.
  10. Anna Nicole Smith was nowhere near the icon that either Marilyn Munroe or Princess Diane were.
  12. Vanguard The hardest part about a FFA server is keeping track of all the people you're making a point to gank every time you cross them. I made 63 copper in profit counterganking today!
  13. No, because that would be epic dumb.
  14. This is why computers don't run the legal system. Because human beings ask the obvious question of "what exactly happened?"
  15. In this case, sure? Why not? How many Nazi soldiers were tried for fighting on the front lines?
  16. Read what I said. The war does not have to be legal for deployment to be legal. Now read it again. His order is deployment. What's illegal? In his mind, the war. What's legal? His order, the deployment.
  17. That's the only way to break his chain of thought, but that's not how the law works. The war doesn't have to be legal for the deployment to be legal.
  18. Who's saying it's not his place to determine if his orders are illegal? What's being said is it's not his place to determine if the war is illegal.
  19. So, he is to follow his orders no matter what, no matter what those orders to be? If that is the case then why are the soldiers who were "just obeying orders" are criminally responsible for their actions at Abu Grajb? They were just following orders from a legally appointed superior. I'm not reading "no matter what" in that quote. I'm reading "the war is not illegal/it's not his place to decide if the war is illegal."
  20. So how is it? I think I ended up spending nearly 5 hours on it between the two campaign missions and another hour on a skirmish that I just lost. I tried to take on two Cybran destroyers with just my commander. It didn't go so well. I got half way towards them before realizing that 4000 of his 10000 health was gone and that he didn't have enough to kill them. I turned him around and ran him back underneath my shield. I managed to get him back there with about 1000 health left, but then went off to play with my support commander (I can build strategic nuke silos in 20 minutes with him instead of 80 minutes like my engineers? Huzzah!) The destroyers overloaded my shield generator so it went offline temporarily and by the time I got the "Commander under attack!" message he'd died. I can't wait to see what the meltdown explosion looks like on a computer that can actually render it at more than a frame per second. The first mission of the demo campaign has me surprisingly unimpressed.
  21. "Watada's civilian defense attorney said he would invoke the protection against double jeopardy if the government followed through with plans to retry his client." His attorney is an idiot, isn't he?
  22. No, no, don't you see, his standards are higher! And Sand's standards are even higher than that. This guy uses HotU as a standard. Sand's more discerning.
  23. Orbit, apparently. Y'know, when I asked that one chick why she couldn't go out with me last Saturday, I thought she was only saying that as an excuse.
  24. Vanguard Supreme Commander Demo Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
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