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Everything posted by Tale

  1. That game has incredible grief potential. You should hear about some of the things goons have done. Just saying.
  2. Just blame KOTOR. Star Wars has some honestly good RPG promise away from Jedi. They just haven't been properly explored in video or computer games.
  3. Can you come up with a better reason for why Vaan exists?
  4. A few friends of mine decided we'd go trolling MTV's Virtual Laguna Beach. Warning, the language in some of these screens may not be suitable for children, which is ironic seeing as most of the people in this game are 12.. thonk aboput wat
  5. I'm of the belief that Vaan exists solely because they are afraid to make a female the main character in today's market.
  6. I think it's 340 foot across, not deep.
  7. Abe Lincoln Must Die! Portal, Half-Life 2: Episode 2
  8. BTW in our reserve systems at my gamestop we have a release date for this Also they are appearently releasing somthing called Half Life Black and another version called Orange that i've heard nothing about. Black and Orange are the (at least current) names for Episode 2 release packages. Black is the package we've known about on the PC for a long time. Episode 2, Portal, and Team Fortress 2 Orange is the package we were told about for the consoles, but is also coming out for the PC, with Half-Life 2, Episode 1, Episode 2, Portal, and Team Fortress 2
  9. Shredder, Krang, Godzilla, Satan, whales, Cthulu, demons I'll take care of your little "hole problem"... for a price.
  10. Tale

    So ...

    Olber's Paradox (named after Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olbers'_paradox
  11. I name mine Gwenwyver and I run around saying "Forsooth, verily, maiden."
  12. Ahh crap, so I have to buy it now, don't I? God, I hate you.
  13. Is that good or bad? Neverwinter Nights standard or KOTOR standard? KOTOR I could be okay with.
  14. CG scenes like Indigo Prophecy? Usually when I see someone talking about CG, they're talking about pre-rendered. You are a weird one.
  15. The only Drizzt clones I see are troll characters designed to piss off people who hate Drizzt clones. I've made a few of them, myself.
  16. Jade Empire is available through Steam in about two weeks ... 5 days
  17. You're old fashion.
  18. All that I have to say about this game is that it blows.
  19. Not everything is fantasy. All it means is fantasy is popular. Splinter Cell, the Battlefield games, Hitman, are all not fantasy. I'm inclined to include Unreal, but my exposure to that series is limited. Half-Life. Star Wars when it's not focused on Jedi, such as in Republic Commando or Bounty Hunter (never played Bounty Hunter, I'm assuming). Battlestar Galactica, the supernatural aspects don't play that big a role, in my opinion and I don't include hearing sound in space. Firefly/Serenity, and I'm also tempted to include Farscape. Chronicles of Riddick, but not Pitch Black. In Half-Life's case it features aliens who shoot green lightning from their fingertips, by the reckoning of many in this thread that falls under the domain of fantasy. That's the problem I have with this way of categorising, fantasy/sci-fi goes from being a useful indicator of the feel of a game to a technical exercise in pigeonholing. Star Wars feels way more like traditional sci-fi than it does like traditional fantasy so I will continue to think of it as such. These are specifically aliens. We have creatures in our own world that can discharge electricity, and humans can even do a small amount from static discharge. This is not necessarilly magic. That doesn't mean that humans learning how to fire lightning bolts from their fingertips is not fantastic. This is magic. If you refute Star Wars as fantasy, you should probably also refute Final Fantasy VII as fantasy, as the Force providing the Jedi with their powers has a distinct parallel to Lifestream and materia users.
  20. Not everything is fantasy. All it means is fantasy is popular. Splinter Cell, the Battlefield games, Hitman, are all not fantasy. I'm inclined to include Unreal, but my exposure to that series is limited. Half-Life. Star Wars when it's not focused on Jedi, such as in Republic Commando or Bounty Hunter (never played Bounty Hunter, I'm assuming). Battlestar Galactica, the supernatural aspects don't play that big a role, in my opinion and I don't include hearing sound in space. Firefly/Serenity, and I'm also tempted to include Farscape. Chronicles of Riddick is fantasy, but not Pitch Black. Star Wars isn't Science Fantasy. Science Fantasy would imply that science is used for the fantasy. It's Science Fiction & Fantasy. Depending upon what you're looking at, the specific book, game, movie, or whatever, it will lean towards one or the other. Science Fantasy would be the equivalent of technomages, people who fling around otherwise supernatural powers as the result of scientific advancement.
  21. I'm currently playing German 2040. Hoping to get the A-rank on this level, which will help me unlock the Psychology Grad level.
  22. Does BGtutu enable the ability to play the Wild Mage in Baldur's Gate?
  23. Star Wars isn't just a little "fantasy." One of the main features of the game are wizards that fling around magic. It's about as much fantasy as D&D, it even has dragons. Though their dragons are a bit more sci-fi appropriate. The Jedi are not. God of War is definitely fantasy. Warhammer 40k is obviously fantasy, too. Jak and Daxter is fantasy. Never played Ghost Recon, Company of Heroes, and barely remember ZoE. Most things can fit somewhat into fantasy. Fantasy isn't an exclusionary classification, it's a descriptor.
  24. Is that from Kingdom Come? I loved that series.
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