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Everything posted by Tale

  1. 20 of those aren't shortcuts. I clutter my desktop as a temporary storage.
  2. Tale


    Sand, I usually don't know whether to love you or to cut you up into tiny bits and scatter the pieces to the far corners of the earth just as a precaution against you ever reforming and coming back to torment this world again. That comment though.
  3. Epic level is when your character makes the transition from being a human(elf/dwarf/whatever) to being a super sayajin.
  4. Never had mutton, but that's what I'm leaning towards. Because human definitely doesn't taste like beef. Though I have yet to try it properly seasoned... mmm, lemon pepper. Then again, most of what I've eaten are those lazy gamer nerds. They don't get nearly enough exercise. So, maybe it's kind of like veal?
  5. Definately did a great job with Shandra, however for me she is my favourite character for this game. And then they had her story killed while I stand there.....Raise dead spell at the ready.... Silly, very silly. If I want a JRPG, I know where to get one. People die, even in Faerun, y'know. Unlike Marvel comics, they can't always be brought back. There are limits to Raise Dead.
  6. He supports stem cell research, cloning, environmentalism, and enchiladas?
  7. I would have chosen Alderaan, personally. Yoda was smarter than me.
  8. That doesn't stop us!
  9. I still have my suspicions that Obama is actually a black Republican, but figures that translates into Democrat for being voted for. Simply because I know some die hard Republicans who like the guy.
  10. While I enjoyed Jade Empire, I definitely don't enjoy it more than NWN2. It was a significantly more polished affair, and the story was less predictable, but it has near 0 replay value for me.
  11. I would have trained him. And furthermore, I wouldn't have died to Darth Maul, so I would have done it myself. Obi-Wan wouldn't get the chance to screw it up.
  12. I love Obama as a choice. However, Hillary would piss off every Republican I know and there's nothing better in the world than causing people to be pissed off over silly reasons.
  13. I'm beginning to develop a peeve for people claiming a teaser of an announcement is an announcement.
  14. Tale

    Who Would Win?

    Motoko, hands down. She's the only one that would be smart enough to use a gun.
  15. This is another reason I champion the cause of their extermination.
  16. Epic levels, and content appropriate for epic levels, is an undesired use of the developer's time that could be put to use on more beneficial additions.
  17. If you were Carrie Fisher... would you have had her problems with drugs?
  18. Booze and women. Booze and women.
  19. EU and prequels. I would have no qualm about letting others try to expand upon my work. And I already know the feelings of having a story inside you that begs to be told.
  20. Elves, orcs, and dragons are elements of medieval fantasy. Fantasy, in using this style of definition, is swords and sorcery. Now you're just splitting hairs. Actually, I think Tale is some kind of rabbit. hyperkinetic lagomorph
  21. I definitely enjoyed JE's story. I would mirror many of the criticisms about the combat system from reviewers, it occasionally felt cumbersome. Like many other men, though, I'm considering playing a second time through, this time as a female, just to see if I can encourage any girl - girl romance.
  22. I've come to wonder lately. Do we ever hear of Jedi being referred to as light side in the movies? I just find it awkward that they're the ones supposedly going for a balance, yet popular (and even EU) opinion has them iconicly light simply to be a polar opposite of the dark side sith. It definitely seems consistent with their attitudes. Jedi are reserved and mindful, not controlled by emotion, where as the dark side is fear, anger, and hate. Diametrically the light side would be one of love and joy. The Jedi ARE the grey side!
  23. Tale


    Personally, I think it's pro-Green party. If nothing it's about political corruption and the need for reform.
  24. Tale


    Talk about reading too much into a movie. Miller saw the movie The 300 Spartans and felt inspired. Lesbianism, whores, the whole congress issue, aren't even part of the work written by Miller, but are added by the screenwriters to help extend the length. All Miller intended was to create an artistic representation of the 300 men who sacrificed their lives to delay the Persians.
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