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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Tale


    I've heard little good about this movie. Which is bad because of how desperately I've been considering seeing it. Most reviews seem to feel it took itself too seriously.
  2. I don't consider NWN2 even remotely a console RPG. The depth you're talking about was the product of a generation, not platform. No game since BG2 has had that depth and NWN2 is considered the deepest since that time. Why that time is gone, I wish I knew. Is it the increasing development costs? Rise in piracy? Changes in gamer culture/opinion? Probably all of the above and then some. In short, there's nothing to be dissapointed by.
  3. Command & Conquer: The First Decade Played a few missions into the original game, didn't like it too much. Got kind of boring, so I downloaded an app that let me watch all the videos. Just started Red Alert and from the very first Soviet mission, I'm liking that a lot more! Maybe I should go back to the first game and give the Nod campaign a chance.
  4. I would kill for this game. Edit: When I say kill, I mean anyone and everyone. Edit2: I can imagine it, now. Walking across a battlefield with Cobra corpses littering the ground and gigantic transformers having their exchanges overhead. Having to dodge their massive feet. Maybe even a level where you have to break into a new giant (even for them) Decepticon and take him out from the inside.
  5. I'm an explorer. I like finding neat things. I don't care about the loot, I don't care about the AI and tactics. I care about two things, what cool things I can see and what the story is like. I rank the outcome of a bandit - military war where the bandits won as the result of ambient life (and therefore not something that occurs all the time) to be a pretty nice thing simply to see.
  6. I liked Morrowind's models. I would give worst character models ever more towards the Bioware Neverwinter Nights. Leather armor that looks more like a pimp's bathing suit?
  7. Tale


    Are you comparing him to Christian Bale, or are you just confused? Apparently, he was in Reign of Fire, which had Christian Bale and was about dragons.
  8. Screw you, Calex. I was at Best Buy and just bought Command & Conquer: The First Decade. I already have Generals, but the rest is all new to me.
  9. You know the military group that's at the train tracks? The ones you can negotiate with to get across instead of fighting. Last night I went there, and they were all dead. Every last one of them with a scattering of bandits. I guess a large group of bandits decided to come through and wiped out the military. That's what I like about this game.
  10. About 10 hours if you stick to only the main quest, from what I read. It took me closer to 20, though.
  11. I'm making a second run through now to put a FAQ together.
  12. Here it is! The check the PA guys used to donate to charity in Jack Thompson's name. "For Jack Thompson, because Jack Thompson won't."
  13. I have, however, experienced the horror of getting a mobile base and having to deal with enemy nuke strikes while having absolutely nothing else on the Super Nintendo version of one of the C&C games.
  14. gamefaqs is your friend. At this rate, I'm going to end up being the first one to put a FAQ on gamefaqs. There's none up!
  15. You could get the Decade pack and all the Live action FMV a little psycotic bunny could want I don't want the old live action, I want the new ones! With Sawyer, Athena/Sharon, Number 6 and the faction based color lighting!
  16. Evil is always so much more comical in computer games.
  17. Have I mentioned that I'm looking forward to C&C 3? I'm not even sure why, was never interested in the previous games, but the artistry behind the live-action videos is what is drawing me to it.
  18. Humans process images much much faster than 25 FPS. Only reason movies can get away with 25-30 is because of motion blur.
  19. Did you get the mission to protect the stalkers from them?
  20. Move quickly to get there so that most of the Stalkers are still alive when you arrive.
  21. I got my first thing of better armor before I headed to the bar. The documents you're retrieving from some lab or whatever, there's a side room with lockers that has a suit of armor in the lockers. I found a couple of places like this. That was the first, I think. Then I found another that had a good suit of armor, just after I purchased it. I just found out there's 7 endings and I only know 3 of them. Looks like it's replay time!
  22. Tale


    Who are they? Who are you? "Well, that guy's Ben, he's Tom, that guy over there is named Jim, he likes hotdogs..."
  23. I think I'm going to see some mutant turtles of the teenage variety that may or may not be ninjas, today.
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