I nearly cried when Grom died. *sniffle* And the ascension of Arthas to join with the Lich King was truly epic.
Ah yes, it indeed was one of the best ending cinematics ever.
I'm still angry at Blizzard for creating WoW. I wanted to know how story continues but I'm not going to play some lame MMORPG for that!
You'd play some lame RTS, instead?
That's it! Let the facestabbing commence!
Never fear, Xard. The story hasn't actually continued in WoW, either. A bunch of old gods showed up, people killed them. Nobody really cares, etc. Arthas hasn't been seen or heard from since The Frozen Throne.
I swear I must have read about a sync issue on their forums. I'll see what I can find.
Here we go: http://forums.ea.com/mboards/thread.jspa?t...35&tstart=0
What worked for Family Guy was how popular it was on Cartoon Network. Something that's also working for Futurama, which is about to get new episodes/movie (I don't recall which).
These people aren't looking to do that, however. They're looking to actually acquire the rights from Fox and start producing it, themselves.
As far as I know, Joss isn't on board. Their website says nothing except they're independent of Fox. A news report from January 28th says he's not, either. If that had changed, I would have thought the website would be using that information.
It jumped the shark right when the second half of season 2 started. That's when they started to jump the timeline up ridiculous amounts of time. It started with the attack on the resurrection ship. We don't get to see much of it, they just jump straight to the end of it with Basestars blowing up. One episode Lee's a Captain. The opening of the next he's a Major. By the end of that very same episode he becomes a Commander.
I have the Kane Edition. On the behind the scenes and blooper reel, it's very interesting to hear Kucan talk. You're used to Kane, but when Kucan talks, he sounds like you'd expect from a nerdy game developer.
Or that she did eject, and with the storm and the explosion Apollo did not see the Cylon ship pick Starbuck up.
Which provides no explanation for how she knew about the symbol that she painted on her wall or why her mother felt she was so special.
I'm looking for something comprehensive here!
Time travel? We've seen Kara's mother, she looks nothing like Athena, anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if they went and made her father turn out to be Tigh, though with what we know that would be quite a jump.
Mine is on Roslin(although Felix is my second choice).
If it wasn't for the cancer everyone would agree with me that's why I think it's a trick. She could be "built" with the cancer to avoid suspicion.
Adama! They still haven't explained how he got a message indicating the number of Cylon models.
Kara could be a hybrid! Would enable her to have a resurrection via the final five cylons (she's been to earth, they're triggered by an earth song, so there's some connection there) while not making her an actual cylon!
This assumes hybrids can do the whole resurrection thing.