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Everything posted by Tale

  1. The Jedi are not the force. Even while the Jedi were the more numerous, the force was immensely "clouded" by the Dark Side.
  2. I misread your comment, apparently. I thought you were making an issue that Suikoden V was on the list, when it wasn't.
  3. Apparently there's two versions of that quote. "Nobody in comics stays dead except Bucky, Jason Todd, and Uncle Ben" is the other version. And Jason Todd has also come back. Uncle Ben never came back, he did, however, have appearances in Ultimate Spider Man which is an alternate reality version. And according to Wikipedia, another alternate reality Ben entered Earth 616 for a time.
  4. I'm getting annoyed in God of War II. Ever since I got the Barbarian Hammer, the game likes to randomly switch to it in mid-combat. In fact, I think the game likes to take my square button press and randomly substitute it for another key. He'll grab enemies, he'll jump, he'll switch to his hammer. Maybe my controller is broken.
  5. nerds
  6. I enjoyed Civ IV a lot. However, I'm starting to prefer Calactic Civ II.
  7. I just checked out the PS2 one... also disappointing. FFXII is better than FFX, yet FFX is on the list, Suikoden V is better than Suikoden III, but Suikoden III is on the list. Suikoden III is considered by many to be the second worst game of the series. II and V being the best. I'd comment on FFX, but I appear to be often in the minority in expressing just how bad the story in that game was.
  8. Agreed. I loved the first season. After that I steadily lost interest...it's still a fun show but not compelling enough to make me watch it regularly. The series starts to lose steam right after Resurrection Ship Part 2(S02). The pacing simply drops, the fillers come in and the story arc is left on the sides in favor of more character centric episodes. This not necessarily all bad, just very different from what we got used to during the preceding 47 episodes. Yay! I'm not the only person to notice this. Of course, I thought that it started dropping off with Resurrection Ship part 2, not after. That's the first episode they start skipping over events. Almost the entire battle against the resurrection ship was skipped over.
  9. God of War 2; Primary Dawn of War: Dark Crusade (as Necrons); Secondary NeverWinter Nights 2; Tertiary
  10. Yet another reason why the proliferation of the internet is awesome.
  11. I thought the demo for Darkstar One was one of the worst things I'd ever played. X3: Reunion, now that's one to love.
  12. They probably sent IGN a copy of the game. That would have been bribery enough.
  13. Tale


    The hostiles are definitely the others. He thanked Locke because he wanted to be killed instead of held hostage.
  14. This is why I've repeated every semester of German I've taken. I'm no good at languages.
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gonzales_v._Raich It was a US Supreme Court ruling. Google for Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General, et al. v. Angel McClary Raich, et al. if wikipedia isn't enough.
  16. That's Kuchiki's bankai, right? Ja, es ist Bankai des Byakuya.
  17. Yes. Can you seriously name 10 games that are better than Deus Ex? I agree that there are quite a few games that have done for example the combat better or had more intricate stories, but there's none that have done all of those areas decently. None except Deus Ex. Easily. Deus Ex was a good game, but I can't give it more than that. You'd have to put a gun to my head for me to consider the combat in Deus Ex to be "decent."
  18. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070314/hl_nm/...NEjdTu3IPxH2ocA It was the U.S. Supreme Court.
  19. I'm anti-drug and have no qualm against anti-drug laws. But, Federal anti-drug laws trumping state legalization is silly and this is just plain outrageous.
  20. When will Sand quit with the irony?
  21. I think it's about as unsubstantiated and questionable as it can get without being an obvious troll. The guy's friend works at Pandemic, but is somehow getting info on Bioware projects. Bioware is supposedly wanting to focus on original IPs at the moment, though they could make an exception. And Lucasarts has announced they're only going to focus on one Star Wars game a year, but then again, KOTOR 3 could be for 2009.
  22. "Humans" are vastly overrated.
  23. 1 skill + potential feats + ingredients to craft (with seperate skills for different types of things to craft) 1 skill to pickpocket + free money for the win
  24. I use this on another forum. It's stolen from lfgcomic.com.
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