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Everything posted by Tale

  1. It fools a lot of people. Even Baldur's Gate had level scaling. But too often people only think of Oblivion or Fallout 3 style when they hear about it. There's multiple implementations.
  2. The control systems of the two are drastically different. As well as the system requirements. So it would definitely be a lot of extra work and consideration that wouldn't benefit the PC.
  3. I think this is covered under the umbrella topic here. We don't really need two armor discussions floating around.
  4. that argument is fine. "boob" armor would mean different models so yeah, more resources. but just to remove it due to presumed "sexist" reasons is ignorant and hypocritical. I find more people are concerned with practicality of the armor than possible sexism.
  5. I think it takes away from roleplaying and too much into rollplaying. Considering the numbers instead of the character. Nah, I'm just kidding. I'd understand if anyone does honestly feel that way, however. It seems like the kind of thing that could be handled by the toggles attached to expert mode. I'd like a human parse-able system for the most part and to actually see the number rolls vs. target. I think it's both fun to think about and important information to evaluate your progress. Both the character and the player should be able to figure out if they're doing well in a battle or just flailing about. Though I hope they don't take that as a limitation (avoiding shotgun rolls with 20 dice just because it'd be hard to read).
  6. This is why I can't get anything done. I'm on my second serious attempt at a story and today I had an idea for a story I think is even better! Now to decide whether to consider the old ones practice or commit to them. You get days, weeks, months into a project and all you start seeing are the flaws. "The themes don't seem coherent." "I don't know how to involve these characters." "The tone of my prose is inconsistent with the tone of the work." blah blah blah But new projects! You promise yourself you'll avoid those problems this time. This is a lie.
  7. No, it's good. Like I said, it's too long to copy in wholesale. I like linking to it.
  8. I added a link to this thread from the Known Information page. It's getting a little too long to copy in wholesale.
  9. Not Vancian. I'm comfortable with cooldowns between the two. I would, as with everything else I comment about, like to see something different. But in this instance, I don't feel comfortable making suggestions for what that different might be. I've seen interesting ideas like fatigue. Systems where some spells take from a mana bar, but others don't. Sorcerer like spells per day. Just not Vancian.
  10. I was really looking forward to the old FPS one. But as a "Bioshock 1950s" not as an Xcom game. Resident Evil 6 reviews are out and they're all over the place. http://www.destructoid.com/review-resident-evil-6-235326.phtml#ext http://www.gamespot.com/resident-evil-6/videos/video-review-resident-evil-6-6397436/
  11. Saw Looper. The premise and much of the plot is dumb. But I still enjoyed it.
  12. The subraces are a good place to explore unique takes on them. Snow dwarves that specialize in archery is already slightly less than common. So long as they continue to recognize that cultures would vary by location for races other than just human, they're going beyond standard.
  13. If they feel they can fulfill it from the Kickstarter and that doesn't turn out to be a burden more than they had planned on, I would expect there to be some boxed option available for order. We have a long way to go (2014!), so anything is possible.
  14. I'd be terribly surprised if we didn't see the primary class archetypes, since we're already seeing the primary races. They may have interesting flavors or customizations available, however.
  15. Obsidian has a policy of inclusion, as do these forums. That's about the long and the short of what I'm able to provide on the subject. The thread's topic seems to be asked and answered. As the thread does not appear to be strictly about the game but instead about people and social concerns tangential to the game, I will be closing it.
  16. Lorne fight was easier than I ever remember it. He went down in three hits! Maybe because I'm Chaotic Good this time, not Lawful Evil. Thank Neeshka.
  17. Hi all! Since I prefer not to use Reddit, I try my chances in this thread instead: 1. Will there be possible to play Evil alignment/classes in Project Eternity? 2. Project Eternity, if that the games final name, or just the name of the project? 3. If there will be planned any future expansion packs, will that be on Kickstarter too? Thanks for finally bringing us a true RPG of the old school! This will most likely be a great one! I don't think the game has alignment.Project Eternity is just the project name.
  18. Working. Bought a couple Two Steps From Hell albums yesterday, so been listening to those as well.
  19. I don't see why not. NPCs got powerful for a reason. The PC could have a reason too. It's not like the game is going to be about Farmer Joe. He's going to be a significant character with an impact on the world around him. At some point in his journey, this game or the next, he'll have had a quite full life of adventuring comparable with other great heroes of the setting. Maybe even more so, as many great NPCs in fantasy worlds become static leader figures as opposed to adventurers constantly seeking challenge.
  20. Godlike is likely one race, with subraces representing various elements or deities. Like how Planetouched is set up in NWN2, Aasimar, Tieflings, and Genasi are subraces.
  21. I would hope for a feat based customization system over a Diablo like skill tree customization.
  22. I just had to post that question with my old boring reddit account name. The answer about classes turned out a bit more mundane than I hoped. Still, glad they're considering multiclass.
  23. It worked wonders for Neverwinter Nights. I'm not trying to be snarky. That seems to be a commonly held opinion.
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