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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I don't know why I haven't seen any games steal from Star Wars Galaxies. If you were incapped, when you got back up, there was a penalty on maximum health/stamina(?)/mind. And if you triple incapped in a short period of time, then you die. I would be okay with that kind of death system. Maybe they take some serious hit to their HP stat after being downed once. And another serious hit. And by the third, they have no more max HP to hit, so they die. Then there's a strategic consideration. Do I go back to town/camp and heal it? Do I waste limited resources to heal it? Do I just push on and risk worse? You're penalized for the failure still, but it's not permanent until you keep failing. And each time you fail, it becomes harder to push on, so there's a continuing element.
  2. I'm about here, too. However, if we get the Adventurer's Hall, I can see a scenario where I'd actually enjoy death. On a second or third playthrough, I may actually stop reloading from companion death. And use the opportunity to create replacements from the hall.
  3. AP was a cinematic game. And that's what the dialogue system was designed for. It was fully voiced, looking at the characters from cinematic angles, with timers that helped make it more gamey, but also improved the pacing. You take away any of those, and it doesn't work as well. And it wasn't that great for roleplaying, for creating your own character. Voiced games never really are because they're more limited in dialogues and they define a voice pretty strictly. It was good for that, but not in general. Project Eternity needs to be silent, with complex and numerous dialogue options. Voices and stance are right out. And I'm not sure that putting a timer on reading is a good idea. Now, one thing I would love to see, but it is likely beyond the scope, is a sort of merger of Alpha Protocol and Storm of Zehir mechanics. At least in some limited form, maybe not every dialogue. You get your standard dialogue options you'd expect, the ones that allow you to characterize your own PC, but every now and then you get the ability to request an interjection from a companion that might have an effect. You don't get to choose how they interject, they just do it according to their personality style like the AP stances. Say that you're trying to get info from a quiet shopkeeper. He doesn't respond to diplomacy or bluff, and your intimidate is low. So maybe you get your standard options to choose, but you also get a choice to hand it off to a companion. You can pick Aloth, he looks like a pretty abrasive guy, and he just lays in to the guy, scares him senseless until he gives up the info. But if you'd chosen Cadegund, maybe it wouldn't have gone anywhere. Or maybe it could have lowered your intimidate requirement so you could play good cop/bad cop. Just something to bring in the companions as conversation tools while still displaying their personalities.
  4. I don't think they're going to add anything major or remove anything. They may shift some stuff around though. I just don't think they're going to have the luxury of, say in mid 2013, turning around and saying that they want to add a whole bunch of extra companions. That sounds like the kind of problem publishers would have introduced, these big shifts in the middle of development. I'm hoping they're going to keep to their design docs as best they can unless there's something pretty big that gets in the way. And if they have extra money towards they might expand some existing plans, add a new quest, or add another level to a dungeon, add a handful of spells. But I don't see them dropping in a new class and companion in the late stages.
  5. Nobody has started doing the reward tier designs yet. Aloth and Cadegund showed up back in the announcement video.
  6. At $2,6 million we will have: 5 races (human, elves, dwarves, godlike and ???) 9 classes (fighters, wizards, priests, rougues, rangers, monks, druids, barbarians, ciphers) 9 companions (edair, cadegund, aloth, monk dude, dwarven ranger chick and 4x ???) They should put this info on the front page of the Kickstarter... took me a few minutes to add everything up. ^^ Thank you for the effort. I had no idea how many companions were planned beyond the first 5.
  7. My opinion is that there should be no hard caps on stats. Multiclass, if the game has it, penalty should just be imperfect synergy. A Rogue Wizard can't sneak attack with his fireball, and his fireball and sneak attack will be separately weaker than a pure class. Maybe some will synergize better, but the Rogue Fighter still will have a weaker sneak attack, even if he has a stronger basic attack.
  8. This is the only package I can find with it anymore. http://www.gamersgate.com/DD-DDNWNC/dungeons-and-dragons-neverwinter-nights-complete Neverwinter Nights complete. Neverwinter Nights vanished from sites around the Atari - Hasbro transition. Seemed to pop up again, then went away again. Though I could have only imagined the resurfacing.
  9. I haven't thought about it enough to second guess it. What are you thinking, enemy adventuring party? They have names.
  10. I figured he was a mage in the wallpaper. In both that and this art, he's focused on some magical ability. He really likes posing with his hand glowing.
  11. My concern is less complexity than it is ending up with an incomplete group as you run off companions. I don't like morale as the way to independent thought, but I do like them disagreeing with choices to the point of abandoning the team. Adventurer's Hall would solve that problem.
  12. Squad broken! If we hit the Adventurer's Hall, I see this being more likely. Someone asked about this level of reactivity in one the Kickstarter Q&As with Feargus, it sounded like they weren't quite set one way or another.
  13. I'm comfortable with the stretch goals we have now. Whatever next is icing to me, at this point. Orchestral music seems like fine icing.
  14. This all or nothing, one or the other, everything in absolutes mentality... I don't want to say it "worries" me, but it is definitely disappointing to see people espouse. Dragon Age 1 and 2 have their good points and bad parts. In the overall evaluation, the bad may outweight the good, especially true for Dragon Age 2. But they are still a sum of parts. They weren't just cooldowns, or just romances, they weren't marked solely by the lack of vancian casting and 8 hour rest periods. And not all who favor maybe one element inherently favor the rest. Not all paths lead straight to Dragon Age. Why are we even talking about Dragon Age in the first place? The good things of classic RPGs, notably the Infinity Engine games, weren't some precarious construction perfectly balanced on a cliff's edge, so close to total ruination it would topple if one single thing had been changed. They weren't even a unified whole. There were romances and multiplayer in some of the titles. This notion that any deviation from specific commonalities, specified almost entirely by pet features of the individual and not honest system appraisal, would inevitably lead to next-gen (a console concept, nearly irrelevant in the PC space) control schemes and romances is so senseless that I feel I have been lessened for my exposure to the idea.
  15. Thief faction or just a general "Key? I don't need no key" t-shirt? I was thinking it might be more along the lines of "keeper of secrets." Keys are popular symbols for the hidden or locked away.
  16. It seems to be one of the major elements that divides this world from reality. They know souls exist andtheir souls have enabled them to do great things. I don't think the point is to be charming. But a unifying element of the setting.
  17. Yeah, the real cool demi-humans are crabmen, with their natural weapons and armor. Feargus keeps promising bizarre. The wait is killing me.
  18. I don't expect the Rogue to be a dedicated skill monkey. They sound as if skills will be spread amongst the group. You might as well throw him in as a warrior class.
  19. 200 NPCs sounds like a lot. And, well it is a lot if it's not including bandits. However, it's been so long since a 2D isometric RPG has been done that aren't accommodating consoles, we may just have become accustomed to sparse towns. Still, crowdsourcing background NPCs isn't a completely terrible idea. Name a group of chatterboxes in the market. Name a family whose house can have their shelves raided for 3 gold pieces. Pick out their color scheme and garish hats.
  20. There's only a total of 116 backers in that tier. If that's true, it's going to be an incredibly quiet forum. As I understand, it's primarily for talking about the items they're helping to design. Not a high roller's suite. But that's just the impression I got from the one comment I read. Don't take that as me knowing what I'm talking about.
  21. I've been an advocate since a developer first suggested it. If we don't make it, I'll be sad.
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