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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I was hoping for a multiple out before death system. Or even the D&D dying mechanic. So I'm happy to hear it.
  2. Playstyle is an approach to challenges. Slaughtering peasants doesn't strike me as approaching the challenge of an orcish strongholds. It is faffing about.
  3. One doesn't exclude the other. Quest xp can coexist with kill xp. Yes, but kill xp makes killing the optimal solution to most encounters. Encounter XP (which can be around levels of a dungeon, fights, or quests) does not care how you solve the encounter.
  4. I don't think you give new players enough credit. They can figure out the necessary information from contexts. "Ahh, people are using 'the nine' in prayer, they must be gods." Then they can look elsewhere for deeper information, asking priests who the nine are.
  5. Handmaiden is a passable example. It had enough subtlety that it didn't seem to be objectionable. Elanee was creepy, I think that should be avoided a bit. Safiya seemed to be purpose built for a romance. The backstory of Akachi and how it connected with her and the player laid all the pieces out remarkably well for a romance. The Alpha Protocol romances, despite Avellone's hatred of them, were consistent with spy thriller conventions. Then there's Annah-of-the-Shadows, another mostly subtle example. Now maybe many people who ask for it come from a background of expecting Bioware romances. However, it's unfair to claim that's the only kind they appreciate. I never heard aspersions cast upon Handmaiden/Safiya/Annah for the differences those interactions held. And I think a similar one would probably satisfy them the same.
  6. Last update was that health may recover by resting.
  7. I'm conflicted here. I agree on the surface that melee characters should have interesting options for combat. The problem is that if everyone has interesting things to do, it'll be a micromanagement nightmare. If I'm controlling a party, it's good that I only have to micromanage half of them. The rest I assign targets for and make sure they're not dying. Having to be active and make decisions or reactions for all 6 characters every combat round sounds a bit too tedious for a RTWP system. I could definitely see it being more interesting for a fully turn based game. Now I'm not totally siding against giving them interesting things to do in combat. I'm just thinking it needs to be somewhat infrequent. Or, maybe this would work too, it'd have to have really good scripting system for behavior.
  8. Make connections, go to conventions, talk to people. Get in on independent or mod projects. Even spending time on your own to play with toolsets and find bug workarounds can help out on a cover letter for a QA job.
  9. What I've gathered is that it has cross-platform support (Mac, Windows, Linux) and is a sort of all-in-one solution without needing extra middleware. But there's probably a few other reasons, too.
  10. I think the moratorium on these threads has lifted, so I won't shut the thread down just yet. If you don't like the thread, you are free to ignore it. Play nice, this goes double for those who have a habit of congregating in these threads.
  11. Depends, am I going to end up with a bag full of random junk weighing me down because I'm not certain which of it's worth anything without a guide? 1 or 2 items that make an effort to stand out, that's cool. Enough items that it qualifies as a "mechanic" and it's increasing miscellaneous tedium. I already despise carting around gemstones on the off-chance they're needed for a crafting recipe I won't find out about until 30 hours later. I fear this being a version of that.
  12. OH man, Story of gaming right there. I swear in Dragon Age my character herself said, "Oh, it looks like more darkspawn." and I was all like, "YOU THINK?!". That had to have been the worst case of this problem in any game ever made. Swear it was a traumatizing effect. I don't think Dragon Age II even worked on fixing that... Hell mighta been worse... Anyone know if DA2 Had a larger or smaller beastiary of creatures then DA1? I think it was smaller. They lost genlocks, among other things. The non-monstrous enemies expanded significantly, though.
  13. Your post about it a few days ago is what inspired me to create a thread. Then I realized we hadn't seen the group rogue yet, either.
  14. I'm sitting around worried that I'll have to lower my pledge for the longest time. We near the deadline and I see that I'm good for it. Then they add playing cards. So I'm actually increasing... *sigh*
  15. I don't mean something so broad as "mature themes." Let's get to specifics. Animated armors, wizards a little too obsessed with fire, and winged priestesses aren't high up on my list. Perhaps the party rogue will be a female godlike of lower ancestry. But I think there's one thing I think we'll all hope for in unison. A blind old woman with dreams and perhaps an unhealthy obsession with the PC.
  16. I think Feargus Urquhart said the beta was likely to be more of an early-release than a genuine beta. So I doubt it will be. Edit: I can't find a quote saying anything of the sort. So let's pretend I may be pulling it from nowhere for now.
  17. I get the idea, keeping yourself hyped around Project Eternity. Still, it's more Computer & Console content. I just finished a replay of Mask of the Betrayer. Then Neverwinter Nights 2 OC right before. And I'm half playing Icewind Dale 1 with the intent to go to 2 (Sawyer was lead), then Temple of Elemental Evil (Tim Cain was on that one).
  18. Started up Icewind Dale, but am not feeling very compelled by it. So I'm installing Max Payne. I think I need a break from RPGs for a little while. I just ran through as much Neverwinter Nights as I could stand, then a complete run of Neverwinter Nights 2 and Mask of the Betrayer.
  19. The poll seems to be missing a middleground option. Where's "many can be beaten either way?"
  20. Finished Mask of the Betrayer. Good ending is nowhere near as awesome as the evil ending.
  21. Passions seem to be getting the better of the discussion. Let's take some time to cool off.
  22. I asked about it in Cain's first Q&A. They'll consider it, but it's not a priority. They'll see if it works with what they're going for with the classes.
  23. Because they offend me. I think it's just good policy. You never know which characters a player might designate as their enemy. For good reasons or poor ones. Skyrim, I killed the lead of the Silverblood family. Why? Because he's a monster. So what if he gave me a quest? Then there are various thieves and thugs. Maybe they're part of sympathetic plot lines. But the player could see them as remorseless criminals. And the idea of a ruthless crimefighter is a fairly popular archetype following the 90s.
  24. Arguing that Steam isn't DRM is a pointless argument. I know, I've been on your side. People who don't like Steam because they consider it DRM.. don't like Steam. Requiring them to use Steam will not benefit anyone.
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