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Everything posted by daven

  1. I think terms like 'legend' and 'genius' are used too liberally. Someone like... Miyamoto can be considered a legend in the industry because of how long he has been around and the amount of successful games he's worked on over the years. Should Avellone? I don't think so. He's done some great work but that's about it, when's the last time he did anything outstanding?
  2. That sort of mindset is so outdated now. This is a globalized world, 'nations' shouldn't even be a concept anymore. At my work there is mainly Polish, they make an effort to travel here and work hard to make money. A lot of the English just can not be bothered, expect everything to be given to me. Nothing in life is free.
  3. Takehu is actually my favourite companion. I like his personality, and how he's kind of the main character of his story not just there for for your benefit.
  4. Even though BG1/2 are some of my favourite games. I would much prefer a POE3 than a BG3(which we're actually getting some some reason!).
  5. Right.. i've genuinely heard people here say 'I'm voting to leave the EU to get rid of all the muslims'. These people should not be allowed to vote IMO because they have no idea about anything. No point going on how much nonsense that statement even is, but yeah... los of stupid folk about.
  6. I love the Streets of Rage 1 and 2 soundtracks.
  7. Yeah.. The Guardian... geez. The reporters on that site are the most smug, pretentious people going.
  8. I was wondering where RT was, i actually like the Keiser Report.
  9. Also I have to say, Trump should have never been President in the first place!!! He is the star of Celebrity Apprentice! Well it's nothing to do with me i'm not American, the UK is in more of a **** show than the US.
  10. Well, I voted for Green party in my constituency. They get about 1000 votes coming 4th, with Conservative getting over 50% of total votes. Some people are getting super upset about it, but that's democracy, you make your vote and if it doesn't win you just have to deal with it what is the point complaining forever.
  11. There is so much stuff out there right now, everything is in competition for your money. Games like this probably need to manage their budget a lot better to make money. I doubt adding full VO gave it any additional sales. Hey Obsidian, I'm a finance analyst! Let me come work for you! I spend my entire life making budgets......
  12. I think PoE suffered from... not being Forgotten Realms! This is why so many games/movies/tv shows/whatever are remakes and remasters and sequels and whatever... brand recognition. People (in general) like the familiar, why do you think McDonalds is so popular?! It's garbage food but you know exactly what you're going to get.
  13. Other than being vaguely sci fi, it's nothing like Mass Effect. Strange comparison.
  14. Hasn't Steam had exclusives? Nobody seems to care about that. It's called brand loyalty and it's for suckers.
  15. Apparently young people are becoming serial returners more and more. Due to the whole social media lifestyle people want a new outfit every weekend to take photos of themselves in and then they send it back. Of course that is clothing not games.
  16. Hmm never heard of that one. Will check it out. I'm due another replay of BG1 and 2, i actually only replay the original games now as well. I played the 'Enhanced Editions' when they first came out but i think they added more flaws than improvements.
  17. I get what you're saying but I'm not trying to get too serious with this. I'm just seeing what people like or dislike about the big city concept. They tend to be disappointing in general, except athkatla probably. Kotor doesnt have any main cities, just the hubs of the different worlds and that works perfectly fine. Edit. I actually think it works best when it's the main area of the game, bg2.. and a controversial one here... dragon age 2s kirkwall. I think in bg1 you get to the city a bit too late, iits built up too much and doesn't live up to expectations.
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