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Everything posted by daven

  1. Oh dear that is a wall of text. Paragraphs exist for a reason, my motivation to read this has dropped to 0 sorry mate.
  2. We love a good gamble in England. Every other shop in any town/city is a gambling shop. We should reduce the legal age, let everyone have a gamble! Why not! These companies need to make money right? What do we need it for?! All we need is a can of Super Tennant's or Special Brew, bi weekly dole payment and a tracksuit and just hang outside of William Hill get plastered from 9am.
  3. Man, what did you think when they put you in TOB anyway? I was blown away when I found that out. Did they ask you first?
  4. Congrats to USA by the way for the womens Wc. I'm sick of hearing players over here complaining they don't get paid same as the men. Well, first of all the men all get paid wildly different amounts, and second i'd like to see any of them play as good as the men.
  5. Since reading this topic I have added a game to the wishlist, the first time ever. And now I have no idea where to find the list and can't remember what I put on it.
  6. Do you two go way back by any chance? I can imagine you two having some kind of interactions in the past.
  7. Yeah WoW has gone on way past it has any right to. I actually liked Wrath, that was the peak of WoW for me. Raiding ICC was some good times.
  8. I wouldn't mind if this turned into a WoW classic stories thread. I actually met up with my old guild around 6-7 years ago in London. There was a few who flew in from Denmark, Sweden, some other places. The rest from around England. It's super nerdy thinking back now but it was a good night out, we all just got drunk and talking about WoW and crap. I think one of them actually got his first legover that night. Also, i started playing the damn game originally because of Pure Pwnage. Anyone remember that show? I was obsessed for years. I even once owned a pair of t3h_pwnerer boxer shorts.
  9. Yeah it's going to be a disaster. People don't have the patience for this crap anymore.
  10. I actually prefer it when your characters can die and I have to reload it. Even though it's a hassle or whatever. It just means that i failed so i need to try again and do it better.
  11. Are we merely posting videos of music here? Or are we giving any context? This seems to be in my head whenever it's raining out and i'm going for a potter around. Makes me want to eat a katsu curry
  12. I re read this mutliple times and can't decide what accent it's meant to be. Imagining ****ney, but that's a city accent. Possibly a bogan Australian though. ****ney?! You are *ing that. COME ON! OKay, an accept from the east London working classes.
  13. Oh the shame.. the shaaaaame! I need to stop posting when i'm drunk. But anyway, when I played back in Classic I was mainly solo... or with a friend of mine. We didn't know what the hell we were doing. Jus run around. We'd try get into Burning Stepps or whatever at level 20 because we wanted to recreate scenes from LOTR. Took us about 4 hours to get through Deadmines, dying constantly, running back to respawn and then half our armour was knackered so we'd have to go back and get that fixed etc. Actually i've now completely talked myself out of getting it. Back then I was 16? Still in 6th form and only had around 4-5 hours of lessons a daay so could **** around on my PC the rest of the time with no other responsibilities. Getting old SUCKS!
  14. Ughhhhh I hate typing on a phone!!!!!!
  15. Anyone thinking about playing it? I used to back in the day, I played wow for around 10 years seriously. Havent been on in a while now, got bore dof the direction it kept going. Maybe we should get a guild or group or something? Classic was brutal playing alone, I just used to kill random mobs I didnt know what the hell I was doing it took me over a year to get max level back then. I was always a prot warrior, tank. Wouldn't mind doing it again. No idea if is even have the time to play it now but maybe do give it a go. Any of you gonna play?
  16. I dont think ive ever read something positive about tides of numenera. The numene setting however does sound interesting and like it could have a good game set in it. Havent played the pnp though.
  17. Come on lads, just giving a list of names of games?! Haven't you got any stories behind them? Lazy! Streets of Rage for me, whenever I hear the into music I get chills. Bought the soundtrack for it on vinyl recently... 5 quid from a book store. Don't think they understood what it was.
  18. I watched my brother play FF15 for a bit, they had Gucci or something clothes in it????? And they make this massive beautiful world... which you have no reason to look at most of the time. The combat is all wishy washy, why couldn't they have just tried to improve on FFX? That combat was really tight, just build on that. BAH! Sorry this is turning into a Final Fantasy rant.
  19. I only bought it for BOTW as well, i've had the console around 4 months now. I just play it occasionally. It's a really long game though so I get what you mean, i may never complete it but I enjoy my time with it. Mario Kart has ended up being the game i've played most on it... because it's the ONLY game my girlfriend will actually play! Tried getting her to play Smash bros but NOOOOO apparently it's too stressful.
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