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Everything posted by bringingyouthefuture

  1. Hmm ... I would like my Golden Retriever Jumper in the game too while your at it ... Maybe - 15% stride, combined with the ability to knock you down on critical / Immune to intelligence related affects (positive and negative), but Party gets +5 Will) Because he's a fun loving bugger!
  2. If I had 20 million dollars to burn I would give it to Obsidian to make POE3 ... merry x-mas !!
  3. Is that the giant thing on the island in the bottom left corner? I found him by accident ... whoops!
  4. I think I am level 16 (maybe 15) and got past the first section of BoW pretty easily so maybe somewhat overlevelled, but am okay with that I had enough tough fights getting there that I feel like I deserve a break lol They are claiming that the Forgotten Sanctum is the highest level challenge: "Encounter the highest-level challenges yet faced by the Watcher and their companions." And I think 3.1.something beefed up the very last part of the game but not sure haven't gotten there yet ... but if those two things pan-out will walk away pretty impressed ... I did play with an experience reduction mod which I really enjoyed, made me really work for some of those early levels but that isn't everyone's cup of tea. Then there is the God Challanges ...
  5. I just watched Ready Player One - because of easter eggs ...
  6. Nah - it seems more like he wasn't thrilled for it, but the other guy thought the game needed it, good call from the execs really, and Josh really for not wasting resources. I like ship combat I think it was pretty fun the first 20 or so times I played it - it would be bad not to have ship combat - and any other type of ship combat would be just as cheesy. You could argue they could of made a simulator but I mean its an rpg ... if I wanted a ship simulator I would buy a ship simulator. And on the other hand- I have played entire pirate games where ship combat is just as formulaic, with even more options to move, shoot, wind, etc, but still just as formulaic - problem is its a video game, once you learn how to "game" a game it is boring. This might be a little easier to game than others but all in all I enjoyed. Funny thing is the headline reads like a New York Post or Huffpost headline lol. edit: someone beat me too the rebuttal!
  7. @Wormerine - where did they hide the horrendous fur grinder?
  8. How come you can't "not like" a post ... I mean the poor little furry intelligent bonus ....
  9. Hey! Did you want them full framed or cropped into portraits? If cropped I was thinking like this? I had to uprezz them a little for them to match the specs so if there are larger images they will look cleaner too, you can post links AH Hey, I thought of prepairing watercolour portraits BUT framing and cleaning them up - well if you have the time is always appriciated. Btw. it realy looks cleaner, damn my no skills in photoshop/like programs. So the wizard guy portrait is from here: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/pandemonium-rop/images/d/dd/Cicero_E.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20171103193324 and the lady is from here: http://res.cloudinary.com/arxmush/image/upload/v1481307748/Gallery/reese1_xuols3.jpg (btw. i tried to cropp the battlefield a bit out of the portrait as... well it found the portrait better wthout bodies laying all around ;-) Hey! Sorry for the delay - got sidetracked over the weekend Here is one of them, the female - the guy's image might be too small but will give it a shot tomorrow most likely. Did to watercolor versions. You will have to rename, crop/resize for the smallest versions, you can find the info here: Portrait names, sizes, and styles are: <name>_convo.png - 90 x 141 (ink) <name>_lg.png - 210 x 330 (watercolor) <name>_si.png - 76 x 96 (ink) <name>_sm.png - 76 x 96 (watercolor) ie - custom40_lg.png for normal etc ...
  10. Here you go! Might give it another go later wasn't totally happy! That other guy with the halo, not sure I can do it and keep the halo, would be tough - unless you want to give it a shot and paint out the background first
  11. Here you go! I will let you resize and crop to your hearts content, if you search for the correct sizes and naming it should go pretty smooth. Just a note I am trying to do these in order sorry for any delay but if someone else doesn't get to them first I promise I will Ugh! - just notice you did your own version! lol
  12. Do you know what the best is ... that there is like 5 mods to reduce experience ...
  13. Hey! Did you want them full framed or cropped into portraits? If cropped I was thinking like this? I had to uprezz them a little for them to match the specs so if there are larger images they will look cleaner too, you can post links AH
  14. Yeah Hospital Paladin looks cool, thanks : ) anyone else with some suggestions? ?
  15. Hey! Here are a few goes, haven't loaded them up so not sure how much they match - I have a Tiff file to if you want to reframe. If someone else wants to try go for it!!! I really like this one so will load it into my system
  16. Had to look up the definition: pan·o·ply /ˈpanəplē/ noun noun: panoply; plural noun: panoplies a complete or impressive collection of things. "a deliciously inventive panoply of insults" synonyms: array, range, collection "the full panoply of U.S. military might" a splendid display. "all the panoply of Western religious liturgy" synonyms: trappings, regalia; More splendor, spectacle, ceremony, ritual "all the panoply of religious liturgy" historical•literary a complete set of arms or suit of armor
  17. Sorry should have been more clear it is actually two questions, or maybe I am not understanding your answer. I am also looking for builds that let you play on harder difficulty and up, that aren't such a slug fest The only post I ever found of someone kicking butt on hard was with a dual wielding knife fighter, with some dips into monk / fighter / and it mentioned maybe paladin for some +2 saves. The high charisma gives it the added AC .... just wondering if that build gives you the highest damage to AC ratio for mopping up. I don't really play casters often, or ranged players, prefer melee characters. I read this knife wielder was a popular Icewind Dale 2 build. I am really not looking for standard PnP builds, I am more looking for builds that are viable to get through the early levels on Hard and the Insane difficulty with the bloated enemy stats. The above knife wielder was separate from my thoughts just to make a Paladin. I want to just play with the NPCs as companions, and getting some synergy with Valerie's Tower Shield early on to allow for better tanking hence the somewhat unorthodox choice of Shield Wall and taking outflank to somewhat neutralize fighting defensively, but will on easier fights switch to a two-hander for damage. I literally know little about Pathfinder - but I am assuming Shield Wall will stack with Fighting Defensively, etc. 18 str 12 dex 14 con 12 int 9 wis 17 cha And I was thinking doing a 17 levels in Paladin and 3 level in Figher (or if the level cap is around 18 right now with full party 16 Paladin / 2 Fighter): 1: Paladin - Power Strike 2: Paladin 3: Fighter - Shield Wall / Extra Lay On Hands 4: Fighter - Outflank 5: Paladin - Weapon Focus 6: Paladin 7: Paladin - Couragan Smash 8: Paladin 9: Paladin - Dazzling Display 10 Paladin 11: Paladin - Wings 12: Paladin 13: Paladin - Critical Focus 14: Paladin 15: Paladin - Blinding Critical 16: Paladin 17: Paladin - Persuasion (which I added late and will probably move up 18: Paladin 19: Fighter- (open to suggestions) maybe armor focus for added AC 20: Paladin- (open to suggestions) maybe shield focus for added AC I feel like my choices maybe out of order and maybe I am missing some good abilities to make this a lot more fun! Also any other cool builds people are mangling the game with? Or any good threads to read? I keep searching but not finding much. EDIT: basically this is a call for ... HELP!!!!!
  18. I've always wondered which one is the Martian ....
  19. I was reading about character builds last night - is it the consensus that a Aasimar rogue build with some dips into monk / fighter / paladin have the best AC / damage ratio? I was looking at Paladins which would be fun too, and I was thinking about these stats for an Angelkin Aasimar: 18 St 12 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 8 Wis 17 Cha 13 INT for combat expertise but do I gain a lot? Or would I want to go 13 Dex for Dodge? Or should I dump them both and just do the Power Attack line. I am just testing the waters, sorry if people have posted about this too!!
  20. Yes, @Manveru123 luckily you are basically a god so you don't need to sleep and you can pick up a barrel full of stuff, and also fly around On a serious note I think Larian would make good Marvel super hero games!!! That being said am always game for more reactivity in the environment, but even with that still like POE2 combat more, it is way more satisfying - I actually find myself using the terrain more in POE2 in terms of gaining an advantage in fights I couldn't win otherwise. Edit: I should say using the terrain a lot, really not sure if more.
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