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Everything posted by bringingyouthefuture

  1. Thanks for this! will test it in the Oathbinder Sactum, don't have any late game saves but with the variety of encounters thought this would be a good start. Always looking for new ways to get wiped out in these games ...
  2. If I understand it correctly the formula is this (not sure where it came from just been kind of following this in the forums - someone else can chime in if this is correct): "for each negative modifier, the game computes [ mod/(1+mod) ]. Let's call that result N(mod)" <thanks @Matt71> so for -15% it would look like this: -0.15/(1 + -0.15) = -17% (assuming the game rounds down) off the damage you do 30% -0.3/(1 + -0.30) = - 42% 45% -0.45/(1 + -0.45) = -81% 60% -0.6/(1 + -0.6) = -150 % Which could be cool as the final product is a mix of positives and negatives, you can see the rest of Matt71's post here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/105672-damage-modifiers-and-the-might-attribute/?hl=%2Bdouble+%2Binversion&do=findComment&comment=2097539 Honestly, I have no idea depending on the character but it definitely reduces the effectiveness of penetration in theory which is good?? AH EDIT: What would this mean for bosses, would they one shot us like we one shot enemies hehe could be either impossible or really fun lol - I can't get the idea out of my head that if I backstab someone with 4 under PEN that it bounces mostly off there armor and I basically bruise them ... go figure .... Also - this post here I should say is where the numbers came from (@ THE MaxQuest), been awhile forgot about this ... https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/98679-mechanics-attack-speed-recovery-time-reload-time/
  3. I understand the Sea Cave and drawing the bugs away and the Titan, but this is something different - once I entered the sea cave no matter where I fought the beetles it didn't matter no matter how many times I reloaded a new save, trust me I even brought them across the bridge with traps - and it wasn't just the skeleton, it was a multitude of the encounters - I have played that sea cave so many times lol. But on a different game the Sea Cave loaded correctly. I also think if I went back to a save before I entered the sea cave I could have gotten it to work correctly, I have another example of something similar happening - it is rare and hard to recreate if not impossible I bet Anyway running away from the Titan and getting him in the slog zone ... my favorite tactic when you have Sand Blights that kill with one or two shots ... Nevermind my above posts - I was wrong looks like it is a feature, I just confused it with other minor instances of strange happenings, or I should say that I assume per this post below it is a feature, which now that I know ... https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/106005-combat-resolved-but-encounter-not-ending/?do=findComment&comment=2101967 Crazy - will make it interesting definitely, especially when the whole area loads as a combat group lol.
  4. Just found this happening with my party, I am running 3x Party Wide Effect bonuses from pets Running version 3.0 - sorry if this is old and I am bringing it up just noticed it though and it is the first time this has happened.
  5. Now you're talking. % is the best way to do penetration. Not a math major, so then a Kobold with 10 penetration hits me with 75 percent damage, but a Kobold with 6 penetration hits me with 65 percent - not sure the damage fall off is heavy enough though the idea makes things very simple - but the way the ratio goes not sure the fall off would ever be enough ... maybe make the fall of double for each point below, but keep it 5 percent for above? I have seen this percent idea floating around on the forum so started to try to do the math, might be a mistake on my part ... hehe So - 10 penetration stays at 75%, 9 drops to 70 %, 8 drops to 65 %, 7 drops to 60 %, and 6 is 55 % - still seems pretty high for 6 penetration ...? EDIT: Anyway I get what everyone is saying, but a steeper drop-off isn't all bad ; ) as long as the math is good that is ...
  6. Question! So I think I have everything down for making good Portraits in Photoshop, except I missing the hard outlines (and some of the textures but not sure I can do anything about the texture). Any suggestions for getting the hard outlines? I would like the outlines to be color too - I could hand draw them, but is there is an easier method open to suggestions Gonna try a few things myself.
  7. @algorth well said I agree 100, but the spoiler!!!! Noooooo!!!!! I haven't got that far .... also who is Chris Avellone?? jk
  8. To post pictures in this forum I click on the "painting" icon (near the emoticons and the "<>" and then copy paste the url of the picture. If it is not from the internet, I have to upload them (with this site, for example: https://imgbb.com/ ) hehe thank you!!
  9. Posting not sure if they existed - watercolor is a little rough still haven't mastered it along with uploading by dropping into text window lol
  10. Since Ultima IV!!! Me too but Ultima V, could never get into IV because the graphics were super 8-bit CGA (if I remember correctly). I say this often but I don't hold BG1 or BG2 as a standard but the mid-Ultima games as a standard. In that sense POE2 definitely gets the open world correct even if it looks a little JRPG PoTD is pretty good for battles, and if you don't min-max and power build you definitely need strategy out there to survive, at least through the first half of the game or so, as I keep playing the first part over as they release new updates - I think I will finish it this time thankfully!!! I use an experience mod myself to keep my level down and keep the game set to only scale upwards - Deadly Deadfire is good - but takes another level of care in some sections which you might like as it pushes up on the enemies armor defenses and hit points. If you want a different kind of difficult, get into the God Challanges - I found Berath's mixed with Galawain's adds a level of fun, and then if you really want to push it throw on top of these Abydon, the one where your weapons degrade in combat - I actually was having a lot of fun with these three together. Skaen's is fun too. EDIT: Also I found it fun to try to play around with the reputation UI a lot in my interactions with NPCs - like right now I am trying really hard to not have any "honesty" lol.
  11. Hmm, maybe because the lore is already set and the world isn't as new? I think they did a pretty good job of making the interactions available varied to keep it fresh and enough to discover to keep it interesting. Also, the first game did a pretty good job of keeping you on your toes as you discovered more of the plot - and not so sure how much I agree with this but Deadfire has a heavy element of exploration on top of the plot that can pull you away from the main storyline - almost like the world exploration competes with the plot? I have read reviews that have stated the best part of the game is the exploration, but I like both - way more replayability in Deadfire for me than the first.
  12. Hey! I had a very interesting thing happen with the Oathbinder Sactum level 4 fight with the Black Ooze on PoTD. So the first time I went into the encounter it loaded a good amount of Black Oozes and Lesser Black Oozes, and there was a Troll. Was really digging the fight - but I was trying to figure out why Aloth was getting interrupted all the time (silly me it is in the description of the Grimoire of Vaporous wizardry), and once I figured that out I reloaded the encounter because I wanted to use magic more, actually I wanted to shoot fireballs Low and behold when I reloaded the encounter and went to fight, half of the original enemies were gone - no more troll, only one Black Ooze and like 4 Lesser Black Oozes - I was seriously bummed as I wanted the more difficult fight but something got confused - I tried to go to the 3rd level and then back down, and then the game crashed. I can give you the crash report and send you a save later if you are interested - not game breaking just a little annoying. Curious if anyone else experienced this and if they have a way to reset the encounters too. Thanks! Aaron
  13. the more i play with berath's, the less i find it as a bug and more just confusing. a lot of encounters before that I thought were separate are actually linked--just something I never realized, not through any deliberate attempt to pull or anything. sometimes it's just unintuitive. the earliest example of this is in the cave in vilario's rest... you head to the right, and there's a skeleton. On most non-berath's challenge potd playthroughs, I end up pulling a rotghast and maybe a revenant after that skeleton--not intentionally, but maybe the noise of fighting triggers some rhotghast/revenant awareness and they lumber down the steps; i end up finishing them as part of the same encounter. i then later go up the steps to kill the two skeletons with pistols as a separate encounter. With berath's challenge, the first skeleton you fight is a separate encounter, and then the rhotgast, revenant, and 2x skeleton with pistols are a single distinct encounter apart from that. Definitely very different from how most of my other characters have fought those fights. The problem is it isn't consistent, and right now it exists as a bug - for instance I played the Sea Cave mentioned above where in the first battle with the beetles all of the other enemies were activated in the cave and I couldn't reset my per encounter abilities (at least I could never find the enemy who was causing it) and couldn't leave combat; then I played it again and the area loaded correctly with each enemy encounter unique and the per encounter abilities resetting as each combat encounter ended. I am fine with the extra challenge of having an area be one long battle, sounds cool and difficult (really difficult actually) but am game to try it - I mean even as a bug it is kind of exciting to play, but when you don't expect it, it can really throw you off, especially in a Trial by Iron run.
  14. yeah definitely this. when this happens it's extremely annoying because i have no idea what enemy is keeping me in combat and i just have to wander around, possibly aggroing a completely unrelated pack of enemies and even after that i'm still in combat. compulsive quick-save and quick-load seems key in this challenge. Would be better if they just fixed since it is a bug yeah? There is no escape ...
  15. I think I actually counted how many levels I gained in... FFX? Iirc it was the one with no level number, you just gained the level, chose new abilities and there was no number to let you know your level. If I counted correctly, I went above 100, which was quite strange at the time. I mean I don't really but I do kind of miss killing slimes for levels ... in a weird nostalgia kind of way ...
  16. Thanks amigo!!! Have been waiting for these !!!!!!!
  17. Remember when the level cap was 99 because developers only made levels a two digit number??? lol I can't remember a game that didn't have a cap ... but maybe there is somewhere out there.
  18. NOOOOO!!!! The Oldwalls were some of my favorite dungeon experiences ever - man the way they were a mystery lore-wise and enemy-wise with awesome treasure made my day!!! Blasphemy!!!! And yes the developers said DLC3 ...
  19. So I did some investigating on my previous post about Eothas challenge. All in all pretty good - it pauses when you are talking with people, while in inventory, etc, and I noticed that in each of these instance the clock is off the screen so I assume in all cases, if the clock is off the screen it isn't counting down. Also, if you have the combat in slow mode, the clock does click slower!!! My one major feedback for the challange: 1) during battle the clock ticks the same speed as it does in non-battle exploring which makes sense - but when you attack every 5 to 10 seconds it makes the way the clock ticks down seem very noticeable - breaks the fourth wall a little in terms of ... well time passing. It is a challenge so it is what it is, but would be nice to have a little more time to fight the tough fights I did some stop watching for the fights - you could easily slow the Eothas challenge clock in half during battles and not take away from the challenge since there is so much too explore in the world!!!!
  20. It might be that the update is expecting Seeker, Slayer, Survivor but that is released tomorrow? I play through Steam myself, and I noticed the DLC icon for it up since the patch beta update that I am using - did you try opting in or out of the Beta Patch? The other thing is the technical support forum is the better place for quick answers [wait this is the technical suppot!!] but I would create a new post here: https://forums.obsidian.net/forum/132-patch-beta-bugs-and-support/ or here: https://forums.obsidian.net/forum/130-pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire-technical-support-spoiler-warning/
  21. How does it work? Is there a timer on the screen? How much time do you have to finish the game? Hehehe well, they do it in stages linked to the main story line quests, and as far as I can tell they give you a set amount of days to finish sections. Let me put it this way - I finished the first part of Port Maje with about 36 minutes left - and the clock is tied to the day and night clock in the game - so in actual time I had only a few minutes left to explore - don't expect to rest at least in the first part, I would say if you don't do too much back and forth you could explore the whole island and do everything, all the fights - it would be close I skipped a few ... and there is a clock on the screen that usually reads days, until you are in the last day it reads hours, until you are in your last hour, I didn't get to my last minute but does it read seconds lol? I have some questions of my own that I need to test - does the clock continue to tick when you talk with people? Does the clock continue to tick in the cut scenes - need to check, is the clock stopped when you are in inventory?? Was just playing but want to check all this out. The Eothas like Magran's just feel like a pure challenge - gonna continue to play it and see what the second section of game is like.
  22. I have some feedback on Eothas challenge. I could be wrong but I got the sense that the time ticks down in slowed down combat mode the same as it ticks down in normal regular speed combat mode. Am I wrong did anyone else get this sense? I could break out the stop clock Some more feedback on Abydon's: I like how it makes more sense to sell a regular sword than it does to repair it, since it costs less to purchase a new sword, makes you rely on vendors more, at least in the beginning. But it would be nice if the needing repair icon shows in the vendors inventory once you have sold - I found myself selling a bunch of shield and buying new ones, but in the vendors item list they all looked brand new.
  23. Hi! 1) Not sure if a bug or not, but I let the time expire on the Eothas challenge, and I am not sure what is supposed to happen next. Currently after I let the time expired the clock just showed a negative time and keeps ticking from zero to -56 seconds when in an area. I have a save right before the Egwithan digsite where there is some time left (16hours), and a save game with the clock ticking from zero to -56 at the digsite after I let the time expire (I went to the old battleground and did some searching until the time expired then went to the digsite). I had assumed the quest fails when the time runs out but not sure how it works so am posting. Here is the link to the save games: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lb9DNP4cJgBasPb1_-3IoEkMKbyV38FB 2) Also, seen this posted before what is with some areas, some of the times not resetting after battle encounters? I was in the sea cave playing solo and it was impossible as once I engaged the the first battle with the beetles it wouldn't leave combat mode - I also tried restarting, entering/exiting the cave and once it was loaded couldn't get the area to act normally. Interesting it was like this until a started a new game today to see if I could recreate or at least post and give a comparison between the two saves. In the new game I went to the cave it was acting normal, and then I loaded my previous game where there was an issue and it was acting normal now too I can see how this would make Trial By Fire impossible if someone is in a large dungeon and they couldn't get the area to reset and behave normally - unless this isn't a bug - not sure. Anyway, any feedback is helpful Sincerely, Aaron
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