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Everything posted by Manveru123

  1. Yet you can still bang pretty much anyone else (who is bang-able) and they don't care.
  2. i feel like obsidian must have PTSD from how stupidly powerful traps were in BG2 and Throne of Bhaal. You could beat the demogorgon in a split second with enough spike traps. Yeah but that's mostly because they could be stacked on top of each other. A single trap was nothing, now 20 traps in the same spot.. dragon goes "poof".
  3. Any fighting game. I recommend Tekken.
  4. You learn these things by working in the biz. It's often hard to find compromise between your vision and the player's needs, especially if you're Josh Sawyer, who doesn't seem to compromise at all. Except Josh has gone on record several times about the way he had to compromise his own personal vision and needs in favour of players' and backers' expectations with Pillars, especially when it came to adhering to the format/formula of the IE games. He's straight-up said he doesn't like class-based systems, prefers tactical turn-based combat, and so on. But then the game couldn't be marketed as a "spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate and old IE games" or whatever, because it would be completely different. This is something he had to do to even get as much backing as he did. Also, I was talking more about his "post-release" vision. Wanna see a well-managed, recent cRPG that was actually successfull, check out DOS2. INB4 "dos2 sux jamie oliver wah wah".
  5. You learn these things by working in the biz. It's often hard to find compromise between your vision and the player's needs, especially if you're Josh Sawyer, who doesn't seem to compromise at all. @Boerrrrr You can think it's "nonsense", I don't really care. I said this behaviour will F up the sales last June or so, and surprise, it did. But of course believe what you want.
  6. The sales were lower than expected because the whole post-release development proccess tried to cater to a vocal hardcore minority, instead of a casual majority. By trying to fix the game for some players, they effed it up for everyone else. All I can hope for is that Microsoft holds their horses a bit next time, and we won't get a finished product (from the perspective of mechanics and gameplay) a year after the initial release It's not just Obs fault though. Their publisher did a horrible job at marketing.
  7. Console-only is extremely unlikely because Microsoft loves when a developer is making a game for both Xbox and Windows 10.
  8. All dialogue is changed to "Nemnok! Nemnok! Nemnok!"
  9. Well, yes. It sold over 3 million copies in less than 6 months. You're saying it's not worth it to make POE3? Well, let's wait and see how it sells on consoles, with its turn-based mode now implemented and many bugs and issues squashed. I feel like Microsoft would not buy Obsidian if it didn't believe in their biggest IP, so I try to be positive.
  10. My guess is, it will receive Dragon Age treatment. Microsoft will fund it, but force them to make it more console-friendly.
  11. Here's a better DLC. It's also free https://www.nexusmods.com/pathfinderkingmaker/mods/79
  12. Well yeah, that's what I said. It was possible. But it was just a challenge you do for the lulz or achievement.
  13. Just because something is possible, it doesn't mean it's supported. Solo in POE1 was always nothing more than a challenge for the player, the game was designed with party play in mind.
  14. Most of the companies you mentioned make turn-based RPG games. Not really something BioWare cares about, so not a replacement. Also, Obsidian already sold themselves to MS just as BW sold to EA, the result will probably be similar. And by CPR you mean that BioWare needs CPR because it's about to die or something?
  15. Will buy it next year. Assuming it will turn out to be something more than a shooter.
  16. Hey that's just the way Russians talk. They're trying to translate talking with your hands to text, so lot's of exclamations. RUSH B
  17. Fun game, but the characters are mostly.. UGH. Hard to say much without spoilers, but these are some of the most idiotic characters I've seen in a jRPG game so far. I wish I had the option to drown Estelle. I ****ing would. Not all of them are like that, of course: Yuri has some very interesting moments, Repede is best boi and Raven seems like someone I could go get drinks with. Everyone else, burn in hellfire pls.
  18. I love when game devs add options like that. That was how I ended my tediously long Prey playthrough. I just stole my father's private escape pod and willingly ended it all, instead of doing the last bit. I just had enough of it all. Yeah me too. And on the other hand you have Fallout 3, where you finally find your dad, and welcome him with a bazooka shot to the face. He gets up and says "stop that". Immersion.
  19. He's allowed to be wrong. But the fact is, Beamdog is probably done with the enhanced editions now. Aren't they doing, like, Axis & Allies now?
  20. Best part is, you can instantly forgive Tristan and go bang him like nothing ever happened.
  21. In the first sentence, you are intentionally misunderstanding what other people mean. In the second, you are basing your action on metagaming, which is fine but nicely illustrates the problem with basilisks. I'm not misunderstanding anything. There is no difference in luck between a do-or-die spell and hit-or-not melee swing. Both have a % chance of occuring, and only that % chance differs. Also, having a single Protection from Petrification scroll is metagaming? They're not rare, High Hedge is not far away.
  22. Uh, except that every attack you make is a "luck" roll because you either have to overcome AC or deflection, and you do that with rng attak rolls. Basillisk map was awesome, you run in with a single Fighter with Protection from Pertification, slaughter them all easily and get all that juicy, massive XP. Yum yum.
  23. I want a monster named "BS Skeleton" in POE3 plz. Perhaps an idea for a Megaboss?
  24. I'm pretty sure the subclasses for companions and sidekicks were chosen with their Lore in mind. If you take that away from them, you take away their personality. I mean imagine if you could change Pallegina's or Xoti's subclass, that would be horrible from the story PoV.
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