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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. You can Also try to start new croup. It may work and use experienced characters in that. The problem is that when save file gets corrupted there is not backup of it anywhere. The dev is planning somekind of online backup system, but how far They have got with it is not known. Not a easy task, because if Local file will get corrupted, the online file can do Also. So They have to be pretty sure that online save file system does not cause havok. But there is hope that in the future we have more options when the game goes south...
  2. Yes you will. Did happen me Many times during the beta. If it is completely Locked down, removing the app and reinstall is the only option. And that means you lose your progress. You maintain your gold and purhases though.
  3. Contact developer with PM or email. They will fix it in the server side.
  4. Quite normal with new games. There Are so Many combinations of Android devices that most likely there always will be some models that just don't work. I have tested this with three Android devices and with two of them this works like a charm, same as with Air pad2. The third (chinece) Android device is out of Luck, maybe for good, who knows. Ofcourse there Are some bugs, there Are so Many card, location and character combinations that some of them causes unpredictable results.
  5. Try forfeit button. If that does not help, the reinstall may be needed.
  6. Yes, those cards Are available later in the game based on their rarity. (As a location boons) You can only build From basic B or C rarity cards. When you get to level 3 you can use level 1 cards to rebuild, aka 2 level below your ovn character.
  7. Quest mode, iPad air 2. Four character party, Sajan, Lini, Seoni, Seelah. Seelah try to recharge cure spell. Use her ability to discard the top card of her deck. The difficulty to recharge change From 8 to 0 so automatic recharge with a card discard. Blashomy! ) Seelah just skyraketed From very good character to OP with this bug! Otherwice that ability works as it should be, only giving you d6. Not sure if it is all spell related. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hojjruq35smnlgt/Photo%2030.4.2016%2013.08.24.png?dl=0
  8. Quest mode, iPad air 2. Four character party, Sajan, Lini, Seoni, Seelah. Seelah try to recharge cure spell. Use her ability to discard the top card of her deck. The difficulty to recharge change From 8 to 0 so automatic recharge with a card discard. Blashomy! ) just skyraketed From very good character to OP with this bug! Otherwice that ability works as it should be, only giving you d6. Not sure is it all spell related. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hojjruq35smnlgt/Photo%2030.4.2016%2013.08.24.png?dl=0
  9. They Are random so you can get the same multible times. Think them like boosters in Magic the Gathering.
  10. Purhased and gold in stored online. Characters in the device. So if you remove old and reinstall you character progress and groups Are in bit heaven. The online storage for characters is coming, but not tested yet fully enough for release.
  11. Eventually yes. But that is just coming in the future.
  12. When Sajan makes his unarmed attack the sound effect is the same as with ranged attacks. Veny minor and unimportant feature, but if you ever happen to have spare time it could be cool to have some smash effect From the old ninja kunfu movies instead of flying arrow )
  13. Ok. I have same email in both google play and iOS game Center, but different player Name and the gold does not sync. But both collect gold individually. Full sync should come later, but interesting to see how different names and email accounts will be tied Together. It requires some kind of user interface where you can input different account informations, and that way Connected different acounts together. But I can see Many problems with that. It has to be password protected or otherwice any possible game accounts could be Connected even if They would belong different persons. I think that account based on email address and password will be better and easier than Connection to game Center, play Center, Windows store and so on when there will be even more platforms where this game will run. But interesting to see how this will work out.
  14. In other words, you get different rewards and different upgrades From different scenarios. Normally you get only one reward for single scenario.
  15. Is Kyra using a weapon? She does not know how, so she will get 4 penalty for it.
  16. No, its is a known bug. They Are fixing in the next update.
  17. Interface issue. I did encounter this in the beta. You have to drag the card to the right part of the screen. Very hard, but can be done... So don't click the card, but drag it to the upper part of the playing area... Yep, you just can not know it. Very unintuitive and very hard to find out without someone telling what to do. I was saved by developer telling what should I do. Would have never find it out by my self.
  18. Noooooooouuuuuu! ;-) that would be pure pain! But maybe a ?-mark that puts the game to explain everything mode...
  19. At least there is penalty of 4 for not having weapon profiency and penalty of two of using weapon in the Dock location. So it is possible that that is not a bug. With those dice it is not possible to win that monster even with the best result.
  20. Yep, Pathfinder adventures seems not to support Bluetooth/ USB mouses or keyboards, nor pens. At this moment at least. Maybe in the future. And it looks very good in large 55" TV, by the way ;-)
  21. Log in game Center applications and then restart the pathfinder game. I personally had disabled that app From iPad because it was so annoying because it was constantly sending messages. But because of that, It was not possible to play Pathfinder. So I was forced to log in the game Center again...
  22. It is still too easy (but not so easy), but difficulty options in this game Remedy that "problem"... ) Really like them!
  23. The game time is 30 blessing. If you have 1 character, you have 30 turns to win. If you have 2 characters, you have 15 turns to win. If you have 3 characters, you have 10 turns to win. If you have 4 characters, you have 7.5 turns to win. If you have 5 characters, you have 6 turns to win. If you have 6 characters, you have 5 turns to win. So the game plays very differently with different size parties! You have to push hard forward, if you have Many characters!
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