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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. I personally have had exceptional good rolls... So that means I am pessimist because I remember good things and Expect failure as a norm? )
  2. The same *1.5... The intersting thing is. Is there vault limit to treasure box / chest cards and of there is, what the limit is?
  3. I did get that in the beta and then the reinstall was only hope... But first try to create new party and remove characters From the old and then remove the corrupted party and make new using experienced characters. Then you don't lose character progress.
  4. Try again restart the game Center app in the iPad. And then restart the Pathfinder app. I did have the same problem because I was forse shudded the game Center sometimes last year because it was total pain in the.... Well I did not get logged in the game untill I get game Center to work. Without that logging most things Are not working in the game.
  5. I heard this From another players and desided to redo it. The problem. When game event for example villain increase its own difficulty, the difficulty leaks to other checks. In this example Seoni meets Justin Ironbear alone and there Are some temporary closing checks as well as one summoned enemy. Also very nice example of well known Sealah future seing bug ;-) Have a good Ride! First Seoni meets Justin, and Justin rolls 2 with his D4 to increase his own difficulty second Sealah tries temporary close her location. It should be Divine 6 but instead it is Divine 8 https://www.dropbox.com/s/v77rt8ncv97ub2p/Photo%204.5.2016%2022.05.17.png?dl=0 Why? Because Justin difficulty modifiers bleeds to closing check. https://www.dropbox.com/s/bf7rjnrxjx7wszo/Photo%204.5.2016%2022.05.20.png?dl=0 Next Justing summoned Goblin cutpurse and the wisdom 6 is visdom 8 instead... Same bleeding effect... https://www.dropbox.com/s/mnjufk9uvxmjmqr/Photo%204.5.2016%2022.06.31.png?dl=0 And so on to all checks, but... Last poor Justing fight without his +2 difficultu modifier https://www.dropbox.com/s/9zdr93xiamx849r/Photo%204.5.2016%2022.08.42.png?dl=0 And lose his fight... And They lived happily there after... Or did They? Justing come back later and and summons a boar. Seelah try to make wisdom check and use her power and well known fortuneteller bug strikes again and Seelah get some spanking ;-) 10 damage From wisdom check failure that converted to be combat check via fortuneteller power and boost by Justin like before. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ncpe7f7j5dy06mb/Photo%204.5.2016%2022.19.24.png?dl=0 Hilarious ;-) Summasummarum, some difficulty check modifiers affect in all the wrong places!
  6. This is automatic, you don't have to chose it. Or at least it was automatic in the beta. I will test it later, but ther was not reason to change that so I supose that it still is automatic.
  7. If the fixing will take a day or two to make (so it is an easy error to fix) it will take 3-4 weeks minimum untill the fix is released in the store... http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86577-you-guys-rock-and-suck/ If the problem is harder it will take more time to do it.
  8. We don't have a time table for patches or updates but you can estimate that it will take a least one month From the finding out the bug, to it will be out in the store. 1. Somebody Finds out the bug 2. Developers try to remake that bug 3. Developers try to find the reason for that bug 4. Developers program the fix candidat 1 5. They test that fix. If everything goes ok, They go to next step. Otherwice they make fix candidate 2 and so on 6. Fix goes to store. 7. It will take week or two for game store to approve the new patch. 8. Thenfix is released and soon some one Finds a bug in the new fix... ;-) But seriously. In the best case it will take one month. If the problem is hard to fix it will take longer...
  9. And that is that powers drawback! Those pesky assasins don't wan to have witnesses when They practice their art.
  10. One thing that can happen is that the game save file gets corrupted. One way around it, is making a new croup using same characters. You just have to remove that old croup first. So that you can again play the game. Yes I know that dayly gold thing. It is not suitable to me because sometimes it can take a couple of weeks untill I play the game so I always personally avoid that kind of deals in every game. I just wanted to be sure that you know what possible options there Are to keep on playing the game even one croup save has been corrupted. Here is more information http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86571-experienced-story-mode-character-locked-out-from-new-parties/
  11. One time per check. It is powerfull power!
  12. See this http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86486-more-adventures-coming-when/
  13. Have you tried to remove the party and make a new party using experienced characters? Or making completely new party... I don't have opinion about dayly gold. For me it is like prepaid time period in games like World of Warcraft. If you don't play in some day, you lose that day. But in this case because you have stuck because the game bug, the thing is somewhat more muddy. PM some game developer and ask their opinion.
  14. I have personally never met this problem... 1) you only have full acces to the card pool before first scenario 2) later you first have to try to build Leila deck by using found cards (yes They may be bad, but that is how the physical game works) 3) if there Are not enough cards (like I did not have after clock tower scenario, I press go on arrow (only possible if you use all other possible cards in you characters) and pick up the missing card in the next screen. Some people have had problems in advancing to the next screen. But first check that nobody has not extra cards (that has to be put back to the wault) and that nobody has a card that can be gives to another character. Loot cards does not show in the right section, so you have to togle show all cards button on. It may Also be a bug, one that I personally have ever met. But first check those things.
  15. It is in the digital version too. See purple card icon in the screen.
  16. There is P - mark in the same place where there normally is B, C, 1, 2, 3... Aka card rarity. So P aka promo in the upper right corner.
  17. Yes, Tocix cloud it was, no there was not recharge prompt and no the card was not in the deck anymore. I just found out at the end of adventure that Seoni was missing one spell. So some thing postpone the recharge event I supose.
  18. Interesting situation. Maybe, because not all information is not synced, it can cause some conflicts with the content. Is the same account is used at the same time... Witch one is the correct information? It is like when two people make same document and the Person who save last overwrite anything that Person A has done so far. Same kind of situation can happen here and cause real havok to the saved information.
  19. Many thanks! Easier to help if/when someone ask the same question in the future!
  20. It may Also be reason to some game crashes. When the tablet overheat, it can cause some lockdowns.
  21. Story mode, legendary difficulty a2 scenario 2. Four characters : Seelah, Seoni, Lini, Sajan. Location decegrated wault. Seoni did play Poisonous cloud at Sajans turn. The spell did not come back to the Seonis deck after Sajans turn. When making rebuild after close winning in last turn. Sajan without any cards left in his hand managed to kill the Main villain with the blessings of others... Well the poison gas cloud was not available even after the scenario. Two possibilities, the end off scenario caused the loss of card, or the thing that card was played on another players turn.
  22. Is this wault or your character view? You can only see all items in wault, the character deck Wien does not show all cards.
  23. You could get along well with Londo Mollari! ;-) https://www.google.com/search?q=londo+mollari+cambler&rlz=1C9BKJA_enFI627FI627&hl=fi&prmd=imvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj33562zL7MAhVqK8AKHYyeB8gQ_AUIBygB#imgrc=kC5-J3diLt22tM%3A
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