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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. If you look it in the store it says that that adventure has not been released. Make new Group and try harder level! It will be a blast!
  2. Give us a picture. So that we can see the card ;-) But yeah, it sound like a bug. Some other treasure cards have Also bugs, so maybe it runs in the family... )
  3. I Also have always get him in the Local heroes, so it seems to be scripted.
  4. Holy candle is still good if you can get it From location for one round! This new one is much better for game balance!
  5. Basically at this moment iDevices Are Connected via game Center so if you phone and iPad has same game Center account. They Are Connected. Android devices Are Connected via google play. So if you have Android tablet and you have Android phone They Are Connected if They have same google play account. In the future unknows there may be / should be / will be... Universal account Connection. We just don't know when (and how).
  6. They develop in different ways. In story you resolve scenarios and get boons and rewards. In quest mode you collect experience and gets levels like normal roleplaying system (level based though). So the development is not compatible. But you will like the quest mode! It is really cool as soon as They get it working!
  7. Well the highest character in the croup would define the level ofcourse!
  8. I would suggest that - normal gold when doing legendary scenario of your level. - half gold when doing legendary scenario of one level below your character level - no gold for doing scenarios two level or more below your own level. It is wery easy to farm low level scenarios below you with a team with all the bells and wishles !
  9. A day or two for google. A couple of days for Apple.
  10. The team is small, so I doupt, but if team opens us posibility to translate cards to different languages, then it could be easy task. What is needed is a data sheet where there is original English text in one line and all different languages in their own collumns. But even then it would not be a Cake walk. I don't know if this game was planned easily localised like some open source projects. If it not... Then it will tedious work. If it is, then community support can make this easy to be localised to any language.
  11. Is this the full list of changes? Asking so that we don't send bug reports on features that were not fixed in this patch. And so that we can report bug in features that should have been fixed in this patch.
  12. See my Goblin story! http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86480-worst-luck-stories/page-4 )
  13. Goblins eat and Goblins burn! My first total defeat ever in the Pathfinder adventures. RIP! Approachin thirsletop. Legendary mode, with a party that has only plaeyd legendary mode. So no grinding. Only defeat by time in Local heroes ones. Now we have. Darkest Night: banes +3, Goblins +2d4 and Night approaches : discard blessings ! Joy Ride ) https://www.dropbox.com/s/68j4qnrr7t5p1dd/Photo%206.5.2016%209.29.08.png?dl=0 Are Goblins bigger than normal today? https://www.dropbox.com/s/ki2l5kv4h6ovt9v/Photo%206.5.2016%209.31.09.png?dl=0 Och no more mutant Goblins. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pf9ijzj69ne71za/Photo%206.5.2016%209.32.32.png?dl=0 There can not be more of these... https://www.dropbox.com/s/4fu9jqemdouncvs/Photo%206.5.2016%209.35.16.png?dl=0 That one was small... Maybe They Are becoming weaker? https://www.dropbox.com/s/omdtumuio4lftpl/Photo%206.5.2016%209.38.13.png?dl=0 Well maybe not... What an earth have They been eating? https://www.dropbox.com/s/too1o3a2qvbcjdi/Photo%206.5.2016%209.41.34.png?dl=0 Give me some peace, please? https://www.dropbox.com/s/zun94jtfzjn1ee6/Photo%206.5.2016%209.44.16.png?dl=0 Yeah... Great... Lini is feeling a Little weak... https://www.dropbox.com/s/3rx026hg2nppens/Photo%206.5.2016%209.47.05.png?dl=0 And so on... It was a total annihilation... That was Great! ;-) The smallest Goblin was 17 and there was guite Many of 21 difficulty mutant Goblins... Yes I lost, but it was fun... I will never ever talk bad about Goblins any more! They Are much more meaner and tougher than people normally give gredits. This scenario could be possible with full grinded party but o boy, without that it was refreshing! I managed to close one location by using all possible blessings and boost that I just managed to gather. I hope that you enjoy the Ride, and may the mighty D4 be more mercifull to your soul! ☠ Ps. The second run without that darkest Night power was cake run! Some combinations just Are harder than others...
  14. Maybe so that revealed card would be partly pushed up From the hand. For example one half of the card is above others. Then the card would be marked, but still in the "hand"
  15. I did have the same broblem. The selected character was not selected...
  16. Runelords get naturally harder in the very hight levels. So that is true. I am now in a half way with completely new Group in the legendary level and only one replay so far becauše the time was out in the find the ally quest. It has been allmost a cakewalk... I was sure that it would be much harder, but so far it has been wery easy to do even with no card grinding in low levels.
  17. This should have own animation, so it will be easier to distinguish From the Display card action. It should come down immediately after the effect has been done or something similar. So no bug, but could be easier to understand by ui change.
  18. Good! I was searching this for some Pages, but didn't find it. Then it may be an the next update.
  19. Well most often than not I want the check have the Magic trait so it would be irritating to put in on every time. So this is better this way. I may togle it off if needed. Even better if the game togles it off against mosters that Are immune to fire or immune to Magic.
  20. Carry on proudly toward inevidable dead in the coming battles. There is a urban story that one Finnish general say something like this in the military hospital. "Be Healthy soon, so that you go back to the Front line and die." That general was famous of not speaking Finnish very well. )
  21. Yes, this should be in the tutorial, because if you don't know it it may be difficult to figure it out.
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