Hey Achilles,
I was taking a peek at your account and you go the following items:
5000 Gold - Nov. 13th 9:49pm
Boots of Speed - Nov. 13th 9:49pm
Trusty Scale Mail - Nov. 13th 9:49pm
Farmer's Daughter - Nov. 13th 3:58pm
Tankard - Nov. 13th 3:58pm
Old Friend - Nov. 13th 3:58pm
I also show them still in your inventory. By chance, have you check the "Unclaimed" tab in deck management?
Please let me know if they are there.
Oh, and those items are the first time we have the "Owner" trait on cards. Meaning, you can't sell them but if you banish them they will always come back. So check Valeros specifically to make sure they aren't just waiting for him and him alone.