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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Yep. The you get the "game" as a rewards for completing the tutorial succesfully.
  2. The game would definitely need better tutorial to non Pathfinder players! It is a complex game (for a tablet game). And it has so Many terms that should be defined to the new player. Maybe even onscreen help where you could get rules and explanation of all things that you can do at your current situation. Like there is for example MS-word program.
  3. Ok. I can see what is happening. The 6 is for accuiring the spell. It is in the upper right part of the card. You Are trying to recharge the spell and that requires you to get 8, so it is working as it should be. It is in the low end of the card.
  4. Hmm... You can rename them. Also removing the game and reinstalling should work. But it could be usefull feature, if you really want to get rig of some of them.
  5. It was easy when coming From the physical game, but really hard for non pathfinder players. I would recommended to read Paizo rulebook for pathfinder, but Ingame help is even better.
  6. I have not seen any basic versions, so you have to play and hope to see them ;-)
  7. Then it would be different than in the basic game. I would not recommended to do it! There would be no penalty to banish cards.
  8. They Are randomly put in location decks during scenarios. Based on level ofcourse .
  9. Those two Are definitely the best pair! They Are good solo characters and Kyra can even help Merciel in trouble.
  10. Poison pill make poison traps more powerfull, but have to check out real cards Until I can say anything usefull...
  11. Also the digital game handles card removing differently than physical game. Certain amount persent of basic cards Are culled off From the box. It is semi random or random what cards Are removed, based on their "rarity" There was some programing special reason for that, but I don't remember what exacly. The reason why you can not chose auto fail is quite obvious. You encounter the ultimate +Holy cow weapon and accidentantly press that auto fail button... Uuuppss. In physical game that can not happen, in this digital version it could and would happen wery easily. "Wow what a nice item. Roll! And puff the item is gone... " Ofcourse it would need some serious fail safe features to prevent that From happening. It is a feature that may come later though, but at this moment there Are more important thing to do first.
  12. Combat is always based on strength unless some special power says otherwice. Like weapon or Special feat (like Sajan has) Linis special ability allows her to change her strength or agility die to d10. It does not give her ability to use agility in the combat!
  13. Sounds a lot like scenario or wildcard power. What scenario, what difficulty level?
  14. It seems to be that Bluetooth keyboard and pen does not work with current edition of this program. They are not Main issues, but when everything else will be running smootly, it would be nice to get support to these devices! They would definitely help game play in the smaller devices!
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  15. You have to drag that card to the right place.
  16. Yep... You need to have the same game Center account in you devices... http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86196-network-connection-disconnects-and-connects/?p=1803676
  17. See treath: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86196-network-connection-disconnects-and-connects/?p=1803676 Shortly: Log in google play in Android Log in game Center in iPad It has issues but see that link I put above.
  18. See this threath: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86196-network-connection-disconnects-and-connects/?p=1803676 I did make some testing and there Are some problems like trashmyego said above... It seems that one option that was in the beta is missing in the final version.
  19. In beta the money did sync, nothing else didn't. But the bigger sync was coming.
  20. Longer explanation: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86196-network-connection-disconnects-and-connects/?p=1803676 Short version: I will inform my findings later. But this information should help all those people who has difficulties to log in the game. - Android: log in the google play Center and after that log in the game - iPad: log in the game Center and after that log in the game. I really hope that the create Pathfinder account via the game log in screen comes back! It will allow much easier game sync between different platforms! The more important this will be when PC version comes out some month later!
  21. Ok. I did study the issue and find out that: In Android you have to have an active google play account to log in. In Apple you have to have active game Center account to log in. And that is bad! The only way to get the game synch work between platforms is that you have same user account email assosiated to your google play account and game Center account... I don't even normally keep these activated because They Are so annoying with their announcements. So if someone does not get logged in the game he has to log in either of those two. If he is really lucky he did make both accounts using the same email address... I personally did make my iPad user account using my Gmail address so I can do it. I will try if the account sync work in the weekend. In beta the money did sync I don't know yet what happens in the real game. But I am really curious to know. I will inform my findings later. But this information should help all those people who has difficulties to log in the game. - Android: log in the google play Center and after that log in the game - iPad: log in the game Center and after that log in the game. I really hope that the create Pathfinder account via the game log in screen comes back! It will allow much easier game sync between different platforms! The more important this will be when PC version comes out some month later!
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