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Dr <3

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Everything posted by Dr <3

  1. Nice build, i'll give it a shot. Just some points: - not very important, but you can't have both 19 starting STR & CON at the beginning, you can choose only one. Anyway you can boost both later with ingame talents - as other said you can't have anche helmet, so for the strenght boost your only good option is the +3 str ring or a +2 str enchanted armour - if you play with a team is MANDATORY to have a Chanter with the leeching chant always on, plus the beloved Spirit talent for more imba healing - vengiatta rugia does very Little for you. Low armor rating and useless retaliation. A durganized sanguine plate can be a good alternative ( str & const boost ; + 33% attack speed). Other good option can be mahea armour ( + Speed and +25% healing, freeing the neck slot) or even the super late Hunter mail ( healing over time, but is a very bugged ability, i'm not sure it actually works). In the end i will stick with the always good sanguine plate ( expecially the First half of the game) or mahea armor. If you go for mahea you can also try the amulet borragia tear for boosting even more the healing spells, but i'm not sure about what spells will actually benefit from it. - a weapon alternative can also bè dual purgatory, but axes will indeed do their dirty job Edit: pseudo-ninjaed by Boeroer
  2. Obviously we need too see the actual mechanichs of Poe 2 , but monk/druid at the moment feel appealing for sure! The big alternative is obviously druid/ barbarian, for carnage and frenzy mainly. We have also to consider how the tusk dmg will increase with the levels and what kind of spell comes at lvl 20 for druid... :3 Edit: btw torment reach spam with the base dmg of the tusks will be OP per se, without even counting the other bonuses
  3. Take veteran recovery at lvl 2, it gives you huge benefits from the beginning to the end. Sword e shield lvl 4. Gallant focus lvl 6 ( in solo is awesome, il +4 accuracy to everything, spell & chants included, much better than weapon focus. Anyway they stack, so you can even take them both.). And at lvl 10 ( After dragon trashed) take cautious attack too. Ancient Memory & weapon focus are quite useless for this build imho. Two sides notes: - dragon trashed target reflex ( wich is overall the lower defence usually) - the ultimate is not about killing fast, but survive more than others. So i suggest 1000% to take the weapon & shield route, the single weapon gives you +12 accuracy for your chant but you lose up to 30+ to deflecion AND reflex, so is really a bad trade. Wild Orlan racial is useful vs boss, since all the dragons have fear aura, so is always on. Against the dragons i also suggest to bear steadfast with you, due your super slow speed cast scroll of protection will make you lose a lot of time, so an auto fear/terror immunity is very useful. Every non used scroll is a llengrath potion/ healing potion/ scroll of valor/ Seven nights. I would also lower perception to 15 and boost a bit constitition, so you will have a better fortitude.
  4. The easyest and safer is a wild Orlan Chanter focus with Swift Wind of death until lvl 9 and dragon trashed After. 16+ str, 16+ con, 16+ int, dump dex. Pick all defensive talents, a good shield and try to put yourself in a corner during fights. Try to kill all' the boss After you get ryona brestplate. Drink llengrath potion in thoug fights. You will never run out of spell, you will need to rest only when your health is about 50% for safety reason, you can pick the running chant + fast runner if you want a safer start. All' fights will be the same strategy: survive until everything burn down. No enemy is immune to both Fire & slash, you can kill everything and actually also pretty fast. Ti summarize: you will end up with paladin like defences but with the best ( and unlimited) aoe DMG spell of the game, so the many fight "One vs the horde" will not be boring like playing paladin
  5. Ok now we no status need that Spirit of decay actually works with all the corrosion spells and the boar acid druid build is already done!
  6. The most easy will be Chanter, sweet winds until lvl 9 and after dragon trashed + Seven nights. Pick all defensive talents, max str, max int and you are good to go. No summon needed at all.
  7. I like most adra beetle for tanking, Door/corner blocking ( he's fat) and aoe DMG when needed ( his lighting spell). Shadow figurine: for when you can reach them (lvl 5-6) they are totally op, but remains useful also in late game, since they are 3 and do blind in hit. Ogres are strong but works ONLY in 1 map ad far i remember, wood beetle are ok in the beginning and weak late game, spiders are too fragile, delegman if you need his spells, magma blight is strong but difficult to reach;
  8. I agree, the only difference is that the core of paladin's High defenses (30 base + faith&conviction + shield + shield talent + 5 to all def from the shield aura ecc) are ALWAYS active and not require any kind of casting. And are ALL High, not only deflecion. This is a huge benefit if the enemies manage to disable you at the beginning of the fight. As a Priest you are 100% death, as a paladin you can laugh until you are operative again. If as a Priest you manage to chain cast your spells on the other side your defenses skyrockets and your massive aoe spells will clean the field much faster then the paladin's hack and slash.
  9. 100% the same 1 addition: playing mainly as a solo player in potd i have to say that i like much more the First part of the game, where every fight is diverse and you didn't have many option. In late game all fights become "you vs the horde", when you have to fight costantly 10+ enemies, their type and abilities matter much less, and the fight is reduced to survive alpha strykes/ do massive aoe DMG until you remain the only one alive. I would have liked much more some fights in end game against only 2-3 very powerful enemies, instead of constant floks of lower ones. The grey bear in wm1 can be a rare example of sigle Monster fight
  10. Sorry for some mistakes / missings in my previous post. these are the resaults i found after some testing base char: orlan max lvl with 19 base RES + siegebreacker gautlets + 9 def ring + hatcet + little savior + superior deflection + sword & shield talent --> base 123 deflection // 69 fort / 127 ref / 131 will (also carrying + 4 agi boots, + 4 int ring, mantle of protection +9) About boosting defences: the fastest and easy combo is symbol of ethoas + shield for the faithful + crowns for the faithful --> 193 deflection add minor avatar for 121 fort / 179 ref / 217 will moonwell is useless for our porpuses; scroll of defence is a possible substitute for symbol of eothas and a bit better alternative than circle of protection (+20 vs +15 to all defences) llengrath potion grants + 20 to reflex, +25 to deflection gets suppressed by shield for the faithful cautios attack get suppressed by shield for the faithful (and eventually also by llengrath potion), so maybe is not worth a talent pick About debuff effects: - the -15 accuracy from desponet blows SUPPRESS the -10 accuracy from fear (so you get only a -15 debuff) - the -20 accuracy from devotion for the faithful debuff SUPPRESS BOTH fear and desponent blows debuff (so you get only a -20 debuff) - DAZED effect STACKS with desponent blows / devotion for the faithful, adding a -12 to enemy accuracy (-10 accuracy, -2 perception, *0.85 attack speed) --> -32 accuracy - BLINDED effect STACKS with both dazed and devotion debuff (actually it gives -22 accuracy instead than -25 but wathever) --> -54 accuracy so the fastest and easy combo is devotion for the faithful + blind (symbol of megran/searing seal) + instill doubt / interdiction considerations: - for maximize the actual chance of "not beign hit" the symbol of megran is better than the ethoas one : we can still use circle of protection for have +15 to all defences insted than +20 provided from symbol of ethoas, but we get a blind effect that lower enemy accuracy by 25. So we lose 5 to all defences for get a -25 accuracy debuff, gaining a straight + 20 to effective defences - the combo i suggest is 1) crowns for the faithful 1b) ev. minor avatar 2) shield for the faithful (if enemies are not in range) or devotion for the faithful (if enemies are already in melee range) 3) devotion / shield 4) symbol of megran 5) circle of defence 6) instill doubt / iterdiction 7) start spam your aoe dmg spells Edit: with my setup the max deflection reached is 193. Maybe i can slight empower it using mantle of master mystic vs deflection ring (+ 3 gain) and actually maxing out resolution at the character creation (18 int / 20 res instead than 19/19, with a +1 gain). Another +3 comes out if i make little savior legendary instead of excellent Another +3 could arrive if you use a legendary tower shield insted than little savior, but is not worth the hassle, since you lose the +5 to all defences aura and you get a wonderful -8 to accuracy Eventually a +10 comes out from wild orlan racial I wonder if i can do better but i think that at 200/203 i will be maxed out. What is the best that you can achieve with a paladin for comparison?
  11. Interestingly this discussion inspired me to try exactly the opposite: a full defensive priest. Let's therorycrafting a bit about what you should be able to build: As a priest you start at 15 deflection + 10 for a base 20 RES + 15 for circle of defence / even +20 for symbol of wael + 25 crowns for the faithful + 30 (more or less) for using a good shield + talent + 48 (3*15) from lvl ups + 5 superior deflection talent + 4 for siegebreacker gauntlets --> about 155 full buffed deflection - 10 enemy accuracy for fear (es: divine terror / fear aura) - 10 enemy accuracy for dazed (instill doubt / interdiction) - 20 enemy deflecion for devotion for the faithful / - 15 accuracy desponent blows --> about -40 to enemy accuracy (if everything stacks, but i'm not sure) and there are more tool to consider for further optimization (mantle of comfort / llengrath potion / little savior aura or Redfield aura/ blind from erlyn jacket or searing seal/ images from Weal robe, ecc ecc ) but i'll need some testing to see what effectively stacks with other bonuses... considering all this, maybe we will not be in the total "unouchable zone" but we should be near enough...
  12. But the pledges given so far are already updated in kickstarter or i will be refunded and i have to pledges only on kickstarter?
  13. Big thumb up to fluffle for the organizzation so far anyway. Edit: how work the discord Channel? You must register?
  14. I soloed the game potd with every char execpt ranger, in my opinion Chanter is by far the easiest one. But is more about how you want to play than anything else: i like to never run and do encounters without cheese tactics ( kiting, split pull ecc), and atm my fav chars are1) Chanter ( builded full def, dragon trashed) 2) Druid ( storms, cc spells, more storms, shapeshift and eat survivors) 3) Barbarian ( more builds possible, i most like Godansthunyr+dragon maw or spelltongue) 4) Monk ( more builds possible, i enjoyed my anvil build, search in the build archive) They are all robust and capable for good aoe dmg. Clearly other very good choices are wiz and Priest, but as i said is a matter of playstile. But returning to your question: Yes, Chanter is an Easy and fun way to complete the game solo potd, imho also the best one of you want to try the "ultimate"
  15. The most suited Hero to kill a God... If Durance manage to come back in Poe 2 i DO WANT to multiclass him with with Assassin... He is one after all...
  16. Oh, that's a bummer. That really cuts down on the motivation to use it on a dual-wielder. But immunity to fear and terrore is also very useful nontheless
  17. Ad Elric said, you will never have enogh fortitude. I consider it the most important defence, at least when soloing, since is the defence targeted by near all "stun" effects ( stun, prone, paralyze, petryfied ecc) and most debuff effect ( blind, blocked, weakened, ecc). In particolar with this build and the critical defence girdle, you can eat critical strikes all day ( since they dmg you takr is just a bit over a normal hit), instead beign critted by a blind or permastunned/permaparalyzed or later in game beign petryfied by and adragan for 10+ sec have much bitter consequences. Edit: Happy that you are enjoing the build so far!
  18. Lol in bg2 magic missiles were One of the best dragon slaying tool... At least in Poe dragons have both High defences and great health pools... Nice news btw
  19. Should work for everything, but i'm not 100% sure about chants
  20. That's not possible in CRPGs because it's not possible in any RPG. If you look up "player character" in a thesaurus one of the synonyms is "murder hobo" One Word : "undertale"
  21. - the days should be right, actually the random loot list got "upgraded" some times... To be honest apparently even an updated loot table is not 100% reliable, since with 2 different charachter with different names the order of the items in the days remains the same, but the day in wich you find an item can change. Is like if the same list can "slide" forward or upward of some days. - no weapon focus because defensive talents are more important imho. If you want you can take it in the last level instead of body control. Before Gallant focus > weapon focus since it applyes to spells and retaliation effects too. - when soloing i hate to run away, Split pull, kiting ecc, since i consider them kind of cheap tactics. So my builds usually have good tanking capabilities. The anvil in particolar is a real man, never run away and endure any kind of pain
  22. updated @ Boeroer: i have discovered with great sadness that you can upgrade a torch up to legendary, give it any slay enchantment and any lash EXEPT the fire one XD
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