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Everything posted by theBalthazar

  1. Theses values are the ones that must be maximum. Can be diminushed for spells with less good effect. For example, I validate the choice of Max for miasma. 4s is the max for AoE buff/afflictions for me (but not minimum...), and miasma is not a direct "killer app" like relentness storm, so 3s is very credible !
  2. I test that now. It is really good. Far better than the actual beta. There is always some problem like : Wall of flame : 6s/0.5s 6s like fire ball, for a damage overtime ? More 3s/0.5s Essential phantom : 6s/0.5s Invocations are good overtime. Not immediately. It is more 4,5s/0.5s Prayer of the body : 4.5s/1.5s Here, there is a problem. It is not personnal only, but 4.5s for one target seems to be too high for me atm... 2s. Must be done quick in few situations. ------------------------- My ideal distribution for all categories of Casting Time In red : Examples. 5s of Casting Time AOE instant damage. (Fire ball with a big amount of damage) 4s of Casting Time AoE Buff/Afflictions (Relentness storm, Devotion of the faithful) Invocations of All classes except Chanter. (Essential phantom) 3s of Casting Time One-target instant damage (Stag's horn) AoE Overtime damage (Shining beacon, Wall of flames) Cipher/Chanter AoE effects (Buff/afflictions (Puppet master, at the sound of his voice) invocations of chanter. (If their bones) 2s of Casting Time Cipher one-target effects (Buff/Afflictions) (Whisper of treason) One target buff (self or other) (prayer for the body) 1.5s-0.5s of Casting Time Only-Personnal-buff (Weapons invocations, Sworn ennemy) Notes : - 6s will be always not possible for me. Because 90 % of the fight are ended in 10 seconds. So, I play once with my dude. - I don't understand Obsidian with invocations. Invocations are interresting overtime, not at the end of the battle in 9s (memories...). Far less effective than a fireball in 6s. - Self or others personnal Buff must be done quickly. 5s for prayer of the body. WTF... Even the boost of Max is not enough for me... : p - Cipher and Chanter must have a preferential rate for their operation. They will either have to wait or do something else to use their power.
  3. There is an other point of view. Indeed, if you can increase your proficiency, there is a risk of stuck on this weapon and stay only soulbound/unique of this kind of weapon. But also, sorry but, there is the pleasure of the build. I choose 5 finals weapon for my 5 party members, and I increase proficiency in fonction. 5x2 weapons is already a big number. And nobody prevents to use a spare weapon with this system (what I did already in POE1 ... without equal proficiencies...) All 4 levels : 7 proficiencies points. 2 at the start + 5 each 4 levels. In my system 3 points for a fully upgraded proficiency : so 3x2 = 6. (So 6 VS 7, one point left) Two proficiency is WIDELY enough for 99 % of players. So... variation is already here. And like Boeroer said, there is respec possibility. For me it is more interresting to create a perfect build. There is more replayability. If in NWN 2, all was available directly like proficiencies, not sure not sure I would have spent so much time trying it. Increase a value is a powerful mental bias in RPG (positive in a sense). Not using it for proficiency is, in my opinion, a mistake.
  4. Without link. Health regeneration is definitely lost. (Like Perfect Dark/Goldeneye in hardest mode) Here "per rest spells" can be restored. Virtually, in POE1, you can already have a per encounter "effect", if you rest after each battle. It is boring, but possible. So... Sorry but... You have already easy mode in POE1... : p
  5. You are not hardcore gamer because you cannot use twice your potential of spells. You are not hardcore gamer because you delay your rest. Never in POE1, I felt a lack of the number of spells with spellcaster. But in exchange, you must return in town when you haven't spells anymore. Me : This is not what holds back not to use them. You : This is why you pay attention to use x or y with per rest system. Me : I love C.C. very fast canon glass team. Nuke, nuke, nuke, fastest way possible to end the battle as soon as possible. You : You probably play the sting to last the longest. That's all I can understand for explain the difference of "feeling" on per rest ressource. You see per rest like a precious ressource to save (And often finally don't use totally... !....). I see that like a normal ressource which will be boring when it is empty (rest or return in town). And for the idea : I have the same feeling for empower. Only explanation to our debate.
  6. 0 Comes if you use 4 per rest ressources in one battle. ...like per encounter style. And yes, I want to use all my possibilities each battle. I don't want the "Oh I don't have level 4 spell priest anymore, I must return in town". Pay attention : I don't say I use/used per rest x4 in one battle. BUT IF YOU WANT it, you can... Like now. Break yes. But for good reason : because I want return in town for x or y (finish a quest etc.). I don't want return in town while I would like to continue visiting the dungeon.... BIG difference... Same problem than first version of tyranny with trainers : I don't want return in town for avoid the loss of the trainer... (the future has given me reason^^...) True but it is not the fault to per encounter choice. You can give full list and stay with per encounter style. Not an argument. Yes but I can do the same in POE1. I don't see your point. Except for full spell list that I can trully understand (diversity etc.), I don't understand where is the problem. On one battle : you have same possibilities. On two battle or more, you can rest in POE1, and it is auto-regen in Deadfire. No difference. It is a mental bias. Feeling of loss : In POE1, you can spam like POE2. AND if you do that, indeed, you must rest. But after the rest, you have again the same possibilities. It is the only difference. And yes dude : when I could not do the key spells (devotion of the faithful/relentness storm etc.), yes either I would rest/or return in the town. I will not continue the adventure without all my tools. Like "I am too strong, I have no more spells but...I continue !!". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Your point of view. I prefer this system. I have less sense of reserve to use all my possibilities. You want honesty? On POE1, very often I had an ambivalent slot (on 6 possible places of my team) For all trash mob I took a barbarian. Very low cost on its resources (especially post 3.0 with heart of the fury) I only took a wizard for BOSSES. So a minor change for each boss (because wizard is a crazy debuffer with a lot a different damages Ice/fire etc.) Why ? Because otherwise I did not like playing it. It may be a bias, but the per rest has always put me off. Fortunately, there was level 0 ability with raw damages (which made me love this class.) That's why I have greatly appreciated heart of the fury passing per encounter for exemple. Aside from the boss areas, I never knew when to use it. (before arcane assault) The druid ? He still has his transformation. It will always be useful, even without any spells. The priest ? At worst, he could make his holy radiance +10 accuracy. The wizard I took out only to kill the bosses. Only the spell per encounter chosen specifically from a certain level made them more pleasant to play against trash mobs. Per encounter solve a lot a problems...
  7. In fact, I think Josh Sawyer want equal efficiency between proficiency and non-proficiency. So with this way of thinking, you can't give level of upgrade like my proposition. Because if you do that, Proficiency become far more interresting than non proficiency. But finally, I think actually, this is already the case, partially. I explain : Actually, for me, EVEN with that system perfectly equal of MALUS/BONUS, I don't change of weapon all 20 seconds.... I take ONE weapon (like 90 % of players) often a Double sword (two kind of damages and a good modal) and I stay with that. So, in that case, levels of proficiency are better. Indeed, fews players play with two kind of weapons, it is true, But in the "3 levels of proficiency system", there would be a place for at least 2 proficiencies fully upgraded (3 x 2 = 6 and you have... like 7 proficiency actually ?) Let's see that.... : ---------------- ACTUALLY HALF SWORD (COST : 1 proficiency) +2 penetration -20 deflection ---------------- POSSIBLE SYSTEM HALF SWORD (COST : 1 pt of proficiency) +2 penetration -20 deflection IMPROVED HALF SWORD (COST : 2 pts of proficiency) +3 penetration -20 deflection SUPERIOR HALF SWORD (COST : 3 pts of proficiency) +3 penetration -10 deflection I don't say this is perfectly balanced or what, it is just to see visually the concept. EDIT : WHAT THE ? XD All 3 levels ?...
  8. Less Ressource Management isn't an Improvement, it's the opposite, but that's my opinion. You mean this one ? 4 per rest. If 0 is coming --> Rest. 4 again. Where is the problem ? No that's not an improvement. If I need rest, I return in town. 0/2 in Path of the Damned doesn't change anything... (for me) There is only a loss of time, no more, no less. It is often like that "holy crap, I must return at the tavern : 2-3 loading screen to come up..." So no, it is not an improvement. No need spam 4 spells, one devotion of the faithful per encounter is enough... (And you use other spell level for damage) so 12 battle and you return in town (base 4 + 4x2). Exact same cost for per encounter system, except you don't need to return in town... Sorry but... in actual system, you have a limit per encounter. Your class ressource. So, it is false to tell this is no-limit. (like tyranny for exemple). You can't spam infinitly, dude.
  9. Yes you misreading. You have always all your possibilities. You think a strategic man do something with less possibilities ? He play with all his cards. Here, in each battle, you have all your cards. Example : When you are at a boss battle, you don't want 4 spells by level of spell ? You rest, end of the problem in POE1. And in this situation, you have a full list, like per encounter (like now). You are just prepared for that. It is a tiny difference we do not feel. Also avoid the "I did not rest and it's a surprise fight, I'm without anything". What has changed is the rest. Simple. So those who rest often give the illusion that it is by encounter. There is almost no difference between Encounter / Rest in this case. Eventually is a mental difference, no more. And since we are talking mental/illusions, for me, per rest are problemetic like "I do not know when to use / I don't use them for now". I do not use them enough (as Josh found that too few people use empower = the same phenomenon). The feeling of loss is a mental effect. The only difference in fact, it is for trash mob, you do not have to come back to town every time when you have nothing left. It is an improvement. False. In POE1, I spam Devotion of the faithful, it is no less no brain. You don't read what I say exacly. I tell you Full list of spells AND per encounter/per rest are two differents problems. I am for a full list because it is more strategic.
  10. You have already a limit (class ressources). Contrary to Tyranny for exemple. But now, it is more strategic because you can use all your spells for each battle, each new situation. Problem is more full list of spells for casters (druid/priest) which has been removed. This limits possibilities.
  11. Viable yes. But compared to melee, not equal. I think I am more effective on a group with melee than with Wizard ! When there is 3 ennemies or more, Wizard MUST be more effective. Not the case actually. Except for few single class. Problem is here.
  12. Johnny Halliday 1943 - 2017
  13. BEST EXPERIENCES + Multiclasses/Subclasses : To create cool associations. Always a good thing. + Rest food : I like the idea, works at the moment. + Per encounter spells : Better feel of liberty. I like this choice (even if it seems obvious that I am an exception among hardcore gamers) + Concept of Empower : If there is a debate for me with an eventual additionnal empower for single class (per encounter) This concept is globally satisfaying. WORST EXPERIENCES - Battleship : Ashamed right now. Not interesting, the most disappointing thing currently. I hope it will not be mandatory with exploration... Actually only a scrolling text... Solution : Add a tactical/strategic element. Passive/active abilities for each members of crew and for Watcher. - Stacking rules : Potentially a game killer, a bad pendant of the choice of multiclass. If the pleasure of association is stopped = end of the pleasure, and replayability dies. Solution : All stack, except containers (like Tenacious etc.) - Casters Cast time : Still problematic... 5s... 8s... don't work with that system. Most fights end too quickly for that. Even with recent double boost of two last successives Beta... Solution : 5s for instant AoE damage (fire ball) with increased damages. 4s Cast time for AoE buff/invocations, MAX. 3s for instant damage for one target spells, or AoE overtime damage. 2s MAX for chanters/cipher spells and one target buff. (Actually, for Priest : 5s for a one target buff/counter WTF) - Proficiency : Here, it is more because I see a HUGE potential for this and... it is only... like that now. It is a waste. And honestly bonus and malus are too gross. Solution : 3 pts of evolution per proficiency. 1 acquisition. 2. Increase the bonus. 3. down the malus. Like that, as much proficiency (points in our case) becomes useful. - Single class : Actually no interrest to pick up this solution. Indeed, you don't SEE level 10-20 (and specifically 16-20 for the last uniques level to single classes). OK. But generally in a RPG, the crucial part is the start. So actually, everybody will take multiclass... Solution : Better use of power level for single classes (e.g. FoD : 20 accuracy +50 % fire damage for single class, against 30 % fire damage for multiclass) and +1 empower per encounter ? (Single class essence : PERFECT control of ONE class...)
  14. Personnally : I prefer less damage and fast speed. But even with that, there is a misunderstanding : 30 % more damage OK. But 6s = More than average speed in POE1 like said Boeroer. (between slow and average) So... Fast speed was = 2.20s Yes... you gain 30 % of damage, but you are 66 % slower !! Our perception is true. Numbers don't lie...
  15. True. Have a list is good thing. Now you are bad with cast time and you have only few spells. In fact, Grimoire WAS VERY important. BUT did not bring any function. Now the choice of grimoire is more strategic but he is less important than before. Casters are still slow 2.0 : p Exactly. With the first adjustment, armor is good for me now. Casuals come from Twitter : p More seriously : I think there is a part of talents that was generic. But not all. It is a good thing to remove '+10 defense against disengaging" and all theses crap. I disagree here. Per encounter spells are an excellent news. Mentally is more comfortable. PoE2 casters don't work but that because cast time is awful, not because per rest change. For some players, per rest abilities lead to non-use. "It will be more useful later." And with that you don't use 100 % of your character. Or, you use at 100 % your possibilities, but if you meet a boss and you have nothing : surprise ! You have nothing (And a casual "don't know the future" like a new game + of an hardcore gamer...). Globally, for casuals and hardcore gamers this decision is a good decision. On the other hand, I agree with you : if you have no choice, do again and again same spells is boring. In this case, I prefer a full list (like POE1) But, with per encounter style. __________________________________________ For the main change : I am OK with +abilities each power level. But... single class is always deeply behind. It is an equal boost. He don't gain anything compared to multiclass. Why not an additinnal empower per encounter ?
  16. I hope a new class in extension (like White march part I and II but for Pillars 2)
  17. Actually, everything of this mini-game must be absolutely optional, otherwise it will ruining the adventure.
  18. That's why multiclass have already win the battle in POE2. Sadly. Solo class will have two short lines with few spells (Highter = less spells) and not particulary powerful. I prophesy.
  19. same bug in crypt with auto-kill minions if you kill the boss. One time, one skelletton still alive and non targettable. Not reproductible each time... Seems to be random.
  20. Dragon thrashed is now laughable 4 damage / 3s. (Was 10 damage / 3s) = LOL... 60 % of nerf. Useless now. https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/The_Dragon_Thrashed,_The_Dragon_Wailed If Obsidian wanted to nerf : 7 damage / 3s, was a better approach. 4 damage is crap.
  21. Question : Bonus of damage of sabre is additive or multiplicative, base damage or not ? There is a diminushing return with upgrades ? (exceptionnal etc.)
  22. True, actually I even not cast devotion of the faithful, too long... THEN I should do it... I prefer shining beacon because 3s CT. Buff are a bet, overtime. It is not instant like a fireball (even if fireball need a boost of Cast time or damages : p ) Benefits are overtime so 5 seconds is far too much. To me : AoE nuke/instant damage : 5s (Why not stay with that IF damages are slightly increased...) Instant advantage, instant damage AoE. AoE Strong Buff / Invocation : 4s (Yes 8s is totally a nonsense... Then Invocation must do damage overtime, to be useful...) Nuke/instant damage one target : 3s One target buff : 2s-0.5s (5s actually WTF...^^) Cipher / Chanter case : 2s max. They pay an another ressource : Time. It is a constraint.
  23. Me too. I think Tyranny is now a good exemple. This game is not perfect but customization is crazy is this game. Unique enchantements, like unique grimoire are always a great pleasure.
  24. Yes. The end of the game : p And only 20-30. During this time with Wizard. 50-80 on a cone. (level 9)
  25. Best starters for me : (top 4) - Ranger - Barbarian - Monk - Druid - Wizard - Cipher - Priest - Rogue - Paladin - Fighter - Chanter Wizard and priest needs few levels (even if wizard is not weak as people say with his level 0 ability AoE raw damages..) . Chanter need level 9+. etc. Rogue is too frail. Paladins and fighters are slow and mono-target. Cipher have not crazy possibilities but catch up quickly with a few levels. Barbarian with a full start concept of carnage. Range with his pet is very safe. Druid is a beast with spiritshifting with glass canon approach.
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