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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. p.s.: I did a quick sketch to illustrate what I meant: red dots: enemies in range of HoF initial attack red circle: HoF AoE grey dots: possible targets of carnage if carnage is centered on the enemies that get hit bei initial HoF full attacks grey circles: carnage AoE
  2. So, I did a quick test and made a barbarian with 4 weapon sets and 8 sabres. Each set had a different elemental lash so that I could easily see which set was used when executing Heart of Fury. Turns out that only the active weapon set is used. I had burning lash on my first set, then freezing and so on. The combat log only showed hits with my burning weapons - but a lot of them. Luckily I landed 10 crits (on 5 Ogres) witth Heart of Fury. That should result in 40 hits/crits altogether with carnage, or not (best case)? 10 full attack hits * 4 times carnage = 40 hits. I didn't count the hits in the combat log, but it looked like that. This was a very lucky hit and even then it didn't reach 100 or even 160 hits. So I suppose it really is a bug that the enemy barb scored so many hits. And of course it's a bug that the wurm was counted as a target. But it'S very difficult to tell because HoF attacks all enemies in a huge area and each hit causes carnage - What I don't know is where the centre of tha carnage are is. What I mean is that if you attack the center of a group and you will hit let's say 4 enemies with the HoF AoE, it may be that the carnage area of the hits that you land at the edge of the HoF AoE stretches out beyond the initial HoF AoE. Do you unterstand what I mean? So in THeory you would carnage-hit many more enemies than the initial 4 (if there are more of them standing around these 4).
  3. I never heard nor read about that. Attacking with the other weapon sets also? Sounds really weird. What is your source of information, Kaylon? Edit: not that I'm saying it isn't right - is just sounds so... don't know... yeah, weird. If that's intended I'm rolling an arms-bearer-island-aumaua-vengeful-defeat-dual-wielding-barb with lots of sabres. I will call him Shiva - or Doctor Octopus. Edit 2: now that I read the description again it seems that Kaylon got his information from the game itself. It says "each equipped weapon" - I never interpreted it this way, but now...
  4. Remember that you get +20 ACC for the FoD shots. I'd say your PER is sufficient.
  5. Every hit from Heart of Fury triggers carnage. Every additional foe lets the number of hits grow exponentially. That can stack up to great numbers - but 162 hits sounds a bit... over the top. I have to think about this and do some tests myself before I can give a clear answer. I know the ability is very powerful - that's why it's only 1/rest.
  6. I like the "structure" of enchantments and that you can put on your own improvements to a weapon. It would have been even better if you had a smithey in the stronghold which you could upgrade and so on - but I won't complain. It would just be nice if there were more unique or special enchantments on unique weapons. They don't have to be super overpowered though - just different. We have some in the game: Stormcaller's DR reduction for example. Or the "Herald" and "Harbinger" enchantment on shields. I really like that sort of enchantments that are truly special so that you might want to build a char or even a whole party around it.
  7. His name is "Naroc the Prophet". The bounty has the same name. I can't remember which class he was. But I always had the impression that this bounty was easier than most others.
  8. I also like it a lot. +2 move speed makes you faster than 99% of the enemies. If you retreat they will quickly realize that they can't get you and stop chasing you. It's also great for doing things the AI likes to do: rushing squishies. The good thing is: the AI is even worse than us players when this happens. Zealous Focus is also very nice - especially in the early game. Later on 6 ACC and stuff are not superimportant anymore - but at the beginning it's really great. And that's the hardest part of the game. The correspondig talent is very weak though. Zealous Endurance is good throughout the whole game. I always wanted to build a fighter/paladin double team with Zealos Endurance and see how high you can push the crit-to-hit and hit-to-graze conversions with abilities and items. I think the devs did a great job on these three auras. If you ask three people there will be four opinions about this topic. Best thing is to use three paladins and have all three auras at the same time. Take Coordinated Attacks and Inspiring Triumph. Then use Outworn Bucker, Little Savior and Redfield for +13 defense on top of their FaC bonuses. They should be nearly unstoppable. edit: darn - now I want to do that.
  9. Paladin is good in combination with guns and sword & board. You just have to watch out for your Weapon Focus choice. Weapon Focus gives tou more accuracy. Accuracy is an important thing in PoE's combat. Arquebus and pistol are not in the same group. That's ok if you don't want to take a Weapon Focus anyway. Since your shots with Flames of Devotion get a +20 accuracy bonus it's OK to spare a talent point and don't take a weapon focus. Dropping resolve and constitution is not advised if you want to take part in melee fights. That's only OK if you stay away from melee combat. edit: Also, if you want to play a paladin for rp reasons, I wouldn't drop resolve because it opens up a lot of special dialogue options if it's high. Only the main character's stats will be taken into account for dialogue options by the way.
  10. The paladin is really great for Alpha Strikes and his damage with FoD and stuff is huge. But if you consider all the rogues passive and active dmg mods, his damage on hit will be higher than the paladin's. Not only has he Sneak Attack and Deathblows, but he can add another 20% or 30% ( Sap) from one of his special attacks plus Deep Wounds. This all stacks with the 80% from Runner's Wounding Shot. He even could add Backstab to this as I said above, but that's very situational. If the circumstances are right, his damage per hit will be higher than the paladin's, even with Enduring Flames and the like. The rogue has to cause two afflictions before it gets that high. The paladin can just shoot and that's it (leaving Apprentice's Sneak Attack aside for now). That's a plus. And not only his damage is very high, but also his ACC with these shots because of the +20 bonus. But he only has two of these high damage shots per encounter - three if he manages to shoot from stealth before encounter officially starts. The rogue can shoot a limitless amount of high damage attacks as long as the target is debuffed (but only one Runner's Wounding Shot ). Another thing is that you need quite a number of abilities and talents for the paladin to get high damage per shot. While a rogue "is born" with Sneak Attack and only has to take one ability (Deathblows, plus one talent if he wants to use Runner's Wounding Shot) to make his damage go up significantly, a paladin has to buy one ability (FoD) and 3 talents (Intense Flames, Enduring Flames/Remember Rhakan Field and Apprentice's Sneak Attack). Of course the paladin has many other great features that make him good that are not part of his shooting. I think we agree that the paladin is a great class. Why I don't recommend a paladin is because the OP wanted to only use guns and doesn't want to go into melee fight. Although I love paladins with guns as openers (that's what my aforementioned build is all about ) I think that it's not the right class for this requirements - except some special builds like I said.
  11. But didn't AndreaColombo report that a priest with no armor and very high deflection doesn't get targeted as often as as priest that has low deflection? I mean that's one major point of his priest support build. I think he wouldn't have posted that if it wasn't true - because he alsways does a lot of reserach and testing you know. Maybe there's kind of a prioritiy chain: DR>Deflection>???. So basically "Attack the guy with the lowest DR in reach - if they are all the same, go for the guy with the lowest deflection". Could that be the case? However - I noticed that your common glasscannons get rushed if they wear no armor at all - but if you put on armor value of 12 or higher this changes. Enemies don't try to rush them any more - or less than before.
  12. I have three class recommendations for a gun based character: - rogue His damage per shot will be awesome since his dmg mods are the best in the game. If you reach level 11 and take deathblows it will be jawdropping. Overkilling might be an issue then. He needs not much micromanagement if you stick to one gun and take the Gunner talent. There are two very good pistols in the game that totally fit a rogue. If you want to invest some micromanagement I also would like to recommend Quick Switch. That way you can fire some shots at the exact time you desperately need a foe to die quickly. The rogue also has Deep Wounds which compensates a bit for the low firing rate: with high migh and intellect it can do like 15 raw damage over 5 seconds if you hit. This damage also ticks while you reload and you can't stack it. It's like a flat +15 raw dmg bonus on top of your shots. It also stacks with Runner's Wounding Shot. One of the few builds that can make good use of Backstabs also: you can open the fight by sneaking to a foe and fire a wounding shot. This will trigger Backstab plus Sneak Attack for a total damage of 330%. If you take Shadowing Beyond you can even use this to combine Deathblows, Backstab, Sneak Attack and Wounding Shot for a total damage of 430%. A hit from a pistol shot with 30 base damage will deal about 130 damage - and that's not even a crit. So long story short: damage per shot can be very, very high. Also the rogue class leaves a lot of room for your personal backstory. Anybody can be a rogue: merchants, soldiers, mercenaries and so on. - cipher His damage modifiers are great and a shot with a gun will give you lots of focus. The problem of the long reloading time can be overcome by quick switching if you need more focus quickly. Since a cipher needs more micromanagement anyway (as all casters do) quick switch will not add a lot of work to this char. Mainly you will cast your spells and if you run out of focus you switch to a loaded weapon and fire at the foe with the weakest armor and/or defenses to gain max focus. Blunderbusses are perfect because they work perfectly well with a certain drug that gives +4 focus per hit - and blunderbusses hit 6 times per shot. Plus: the cipher has a spell to reduce DR. That's good because blunderbusses suck at hurting high DR foes. But if you don't like blunderbusses the pistols I mentioned above will also be good for him. - ranger Rangers have the best ability for guns: Swift Aim. It reduces reloading time by 50%. If you take the Gunner talent that's another 20%. He will be the fastest gun shooter you can build. He lacks the huge dmg mods that cipher or rogue can get, but he has some nice talents that make up for this. Driving Flight let your bullets pierce through the initial target and hit another one standing behind. So you get two hits from one shot. Wounding Shots - like mentioned before - are best with high dmg weapons, namely guns. Stunning Shots are good. You can't stunlock enemies with it like you can with a bow, but it's still useful. And you will have an animal companion that can do A TON of damage if you give it the right abilities and talents - and it can stop foes that try to reach you. I wouldn't use Quick Switch on this ranger because the micromanagement will be more on the pet and less on you. I would use arquebuses with this guy. The flexibility of the three is cipher>ranger>rogue. Ciphers have spells - so you can do a lot of different stuff with them besides shooting. Rangers are two chars in one and therefore they can do things that others cannot - like helping out a friend with the pet while shooting another foe. Rogues are for killing single targets only - but they are best at it. Other classes also work - paladins and fighters for example - also priests. But to be honest it's either a bit of waste to not use their advantages in melee or their good defenses at all (fighter, paladin) - or you will be casting a lot and don't fire a lot of shots anyway (priest). That said: there are always special builds that will prove me wrong. Like the Darcozzi Commendatore for example. He uses a special pistol only and is a great supporter with it.
  13. Yosharian is right - I also like them a lot. The orlans are also very appreciated, thanks!
  14. Was more about "barbs are crap" than politeness - you are obviously right.
  15. One could think that brindle88 created a new account... Only speak for yourself - I like barbarians a lot. With the right items and fitting abilities/talents they can be awesome. Edit: Oh, the Wayfarer was quicker. They are absolutely viable for PotD. By the way.
  16. I totally disagree. They just need a bit of creativity to make them decent. I admit that they are not the best choice for solo games.
  17. Go for interrupts and CC and drop MIG.
  18. If you want your DPS to really go through the roof at level 13 then you need MIG and INT for Sacred Immolation. But a DPS/tank hybrid with low INT also works. I did a build for that and it was lots of fun. But it's more about burst damage with guns and then switch to tank modus: The Dull Runner - caster clipper paladin tank
  19. I see. Then shoot him from behind to get more ACC and damage! Tehe - you could even create a special char for that, "The Traitor" or "Brutus". Also useful for generating monk's wounds.
  20. Man - weird. Who understands computers anyway?
  21. Don't type "iroll20s additem...". Don't know if you did - but that doesn't work. I also tried this and it works in my game (2.03 Linux). Step by step: First you open the console. Hit enter. Then you type "iroll20s" -> enter. Then you open up the console again -> enter. Now you type "additem crossbow_wendgar 1" -> enter. The crossbow should now be somewhere in your inventory (not the stash). It will go into the stash if there's no place left in the inventory As AndreaC said, you will get messages if the command was executed successfully. They are green if an item was added to your inventory. Hope this works for you.
  22. I once had issues with my trackpad. It accidentially was treated as a second display and messed everything up. So... It's just poking about in the fog - but maybe you could try to deactivate the trackpad (if you have a mouse) and try again? If this doesn't help I think we have to wait for the devs. Sorry for that.
  23. But sounds solid. I seldomly use more than two casters (ciphers included) because I don't love all the micro that comes with them. And that was never a problem. Two CC guys are sufficient. What race do you use for your Commander? Wood Elf?
  24. I know that Marking stacks with Coordinated Attacks. But does Marking stack with Marking? And Coordinated Attacks with Coordinated Attacks? That would be so powerful. I never tested that - and I really don't know why. Right, it's the Hazelhoff. Thanks for looking it up. I'm online with the phone... aaand still in bed.
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