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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Hi, I will be on vacation in the mountains for a week. Maybe there's no internet connection - so your new builds have to wait till Thursday or Friday next week. Also I did some tests and the forum indeed is buggy when it comes to editing links. When I insert a new build, naturally I copy & paste an existing entry and alter links etc. Sometimes (or let's say a lot of times) I will alter the link but when saving the forum restores the old link (or doesn't save my edit properly). Please double-check if the link to your build thread is correct and send a PM when not. Sorry for that!
  2. Whisper of the Endless Paths was nerfed in 1.1. It does half the damage to the initial target now as it used to. The deprecated tag was put on request of the OP. Actually he wanted me to remove the build from the list entirely - I went for a deprecated tag instead. It will eventually be removed from the list at some point if nothing changes. Run Through only hits the initial target and procs no cone. It has very high base damage though (works well with lots of dmg mods sure as Backstab) and its prone effect lasts a long time (compared to others).
  3. It works differently with Citzal's Spirit Lance: there the AoE attack gets projected over range correctly. I did not test Whispers of the Endless Paths.
  4. You need a Priest of Eothas (as MC) for those dialogue choices. Yes, for a solo game The Long Stride is very helpful. The ealry game is the toughest part where you have to kite and pull. Fast Runner + Long Stride is also not bad: you will still be faster than most enemies if you get blinded or hobbled.
  5. I can confirm now that Charge has no hit roll. It just stuns everything it touches. That makes it superpowerful against bosses. I chain-stunned Concelhaut with it - he couldn't get off one single spell before Edér finished him off with DoT-based attacks while he was just tumbling around. He was way above my level.
  6. Yes, like 2 Chillfog and 2 Malignant Clouds and some other stuff. Try Arduous Delay of Motion + Pull Of Eora... :D I also think Rymrgand's spells (both) are crazy powerful. Terrify takes a character out of the game completely (like hard CC), the spells have big AoEs and long durations (for such a powerful CC effect). Dito Chillfog.
  7. Yes - besides graphics (which can be taken from any in-game Grimoires) I guess this should be modable quite easily...?
  8. This is the PoE (1) technical support subforum. Xoti is in Deadfire (PoE2) - so you might want to put your bug report there.
  9. AoE spells in PoE will also follow enemies if you target the enemy directly and not the ground. Can it be that Charge also is an auto-stun without attack roll? Because I ALWAYS stun even the biggest Eotun with a gazillion fortitude when using Charge. I didn't check the log yet since I'm not at home... In PoE the appliance of the monk's resonant touch charges was bound to a dmg threshold: you would have to do >= 10 dmg to apply a charge. Isn't this still the case or do blunderbusses always overcome that threshold? The Whispers of the Wind ability should not work with reloading or even ranged weapons. I guess it's an oversight.
  10. Nah the game is terribly inconsistent with checks. Lifting a wagon? Strength. Swimming? Athletics. Or not athletics. This one is constitution. Swinging on on a rope. Athletics. Grabbing gems. Dexterity. Wiping a party on such ambiguous terms is ridiculous.On that I agree. More consistency with checks would be nice. I would only use skills, not stats. But again: you were told that an athletic check follows and you could have cancelled the whole action. Because the situation seems to be rather dangerous without sufficient athletics, right? But you chose to take the risk, thinking "Screw it - what can possibly go wrong?" That wasn't the wisest decision in the first place - but I can understand your frustration (especially when considering the mushy skill checks implementation). However, now calling the designers of this obstacle sub 60 IQ retards because you went the foolhardy way doesn't shine the brightest light on you as you can read from the reactions your initial post gets. It's like playing Russian Roulette and complaining that on the fourth try a shot fell when three times before nothing happened... AND calling the guy who loaded the gun a sub 60 IQ retard... By the way: in PoE you could also die when failing skill checks. That's nothing new. Remember the elevator in Durgan's Battery?
  11. That is the same behaviour as in PoE where your Essential Phantoms could be made supergood with some cool per-rest gear (that got its uses refreshed with each summoning). They removed that quickly. I wonder why they re-introduce it now. There are several items with powerful per-rest abilites in Deadfire. I'll put money on it that it's not gonna last. It's just too prone to abuse.
  12. You are correct. Same with proc chances on weapons attacks (a bit offtopic, just fyi ).
  13. I hope so. In its current form the elemental twins are only good as body blockers, not at dealing any damage. I saw changes about the wizard's phantoms - I just hope they forgot to mention Dichotomous Soul.
  14. Yes. It's a bit silly. Raw self damage (see Alacrity or Destructive Channeling like I said above) also removed Mirrored Image and Wizard's Double at some point in the past - but that got fixed. I think they just forgot to fix GIlded Enmity so that it filters self induced raw damage. I still couldn't test Iron Skin so far, but will do so today. I don't think that this is intended - fixing the other abilites is a strong hint that it's just an oversight. I wonder if that self damage stuff also triggers Confounding Blind or The Shield cracks on you - but I guess not, but maybe...?
  15. It's not properly done. If Arcane Dampener wouldn't suppress new cast buffs then fine. But it supresses everything while active. It's not really a bug that the AI tries to refresh the buffs, but it surely is annoying as hell. Game mechanics that are there to smoothen your game experience shouldn't turn out to be annoying as hell. It's neither in the interest of the developer nor in the customer's. So either make the AI a tad smarter so that it can check if a buff would be supressed immediately or nerf Arcane Dampener so that newly cast buffs don't get suppressed.
  16. You are doing Trial of Iron without any meta knowledge about certain areas. You get angry when something unexpected happens. Erm... Also: you can examine the rope before AND the game tells you that an athletics check will follow. What did you expect when failing an athletics check while trying to cross a very, very deep chasm while hanging on a dangling rope?
  17. I guess it's because of the Frenzy self damage. This was also a problem with Destructive Channeling/Alacrity and Mirrored Image/Wizard's Double - but that seems to be fixed. Maybe they forgot Gilded Enmity. Maybe Iron Skin has the same problem.
  18. Cool. Thanks. I thought about that combo while plannig my Firebrand build. Maybe with some decent parallel healing from the Druid side it's not that hard to survive Sacred Immolation...?
  19. It was planned to introduce special trinkets for every class: Grimoires for wizards, instruments for Chanters, token of faith for priests and stuff like that. Unfortunately this got cut during development. Maybe we can have it in an upcoming DLC.
  20. Instruments of Pain doesn't work well with Wahaī Pōraga: only the "normal" intital single target attack roll is ranged - the circular AoE attack still takes place around you monk. That is an interesting behavior: doing ranged dmg AND melee AoE at the same time. But since the base damage is pretty low it's not really worth it.
  21. I read Rot Skulls instead of Root Skills. Haha oh my. Major fail on my part, sorry. I blame it on sleep deprivation... But now seriously: did somebody try Rot Skulls with a Ranger? Should be quite cool with Driving Flight (=double AoE splash?).
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