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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Heating up gives you the recovery boost of 50%. It is faster than Frenzy + Bloodlust, but you have to get flanked - and as soon as you are not flanked or bloodied you are a lot slower than the average joe. So a general decision about what's faster on average is difficult - your speed depends on several variables that may apply or not. And of course Blood Thirst...
  2. Yeah - I guess because the Frostseeker AoE is not keyworded with freeze. Casting Pain Link onto a Ghost Heart's animal companion is a nice idea.
  3. My favored Cipher spell atm is Soul Ignition. Just because it works with the Ring of Focused Flame (+10 ACC) and Magran's Favor (+2 PL). If I have somebody with a Morning Star (+Body Blows) in the party (and I usually have) the fortitude defense is no problem. It's only so that usually more than one party member wants to wear that ring...
  4. Why "still"? It used to be the most powerful one and now got nerfed (pretty harshly). If it's worthwhile compared to a Troubadour... I think it needs proper playtesting because the power of multiple summons is not easily determined by looking at the stats of the subclass alone.
  5. Given how much they talk about his large hands he should really be build with Monastic Unarmed Training. If you want to build lots of crit-phrases quickly you might want to use an AoE weapon like Wahaī Pōraga or Whispers of the Endless Paths in combo with Killers Froze Stiff. Battering multiple paralyzed enemies with one of those AoE weapons should give you crit-phrases rather quickly I guess?
  6. Yes, they were talking about PoE2. The power of Dragon Thrashed in PoE remains unchanged. Especially if you use it as your one and only chant phrase (it stacks with itself). Just note that Dragon Thrashed is an ability that you get no sooner than lvl 9. So be patient with your Chanter. Also don't use a Chanter as your one and only main tank. While it's possible for experienced players especially in the early game he will not withstand all punishment. That's because his endurance/health pool is not very big. After some levels it's all good though. But it's a lot easier if you put two or even three sturdy frontliners so that the numerous enemies (their number is increased on PotD) don't rush by. Single tanks don't work very well on PotD anyway. Some equipment was chosen because of style rather than effectiveness - esp. armor and shield. You can find better ones, for example "Little Savior" as shield. Please note that a shield has an accuracy malus and that malus also affects you accuracy with Dragon Thrashed (and other offensive phrases) as well as with spells and weapon attacks. So a large shield (-8ACC) makes it a lot more difficult to hit stuff than a medium (-4) or a small one (+-0 ACC).
  7. Since Combusting Wounds is fire and Frostseeker's AoE is freeze - do they cancel each other out sometimes? In theory they should... But I guess not because Frostseeker's AoE is not tagged properly. It will most likely not profit from Secrets of Time as well...?
  8. That, or just give the user two modal buttons - one for each dagger. So you could activate one and leave the other inactivated. That way you would get -25% damage only on one dagger but still +10 deflection. I think this would be the easiest change given that it's normal to have two modal buttons if you carry different weapons (like rapier + dagger). But having -12.5% on both would also be nice. Even nicer maybe. However, they have to do something. In the current state it's just unintentionally bad. Thanks for checking by the way!
  9. Oh cool. Thanks for updating me. I've been avoiding rods since beta3 because of this.
  10. Use a Devoted/Paladin with Scion of Flame and push it to 19 PEN with FoD - just because you can!
  11. No idea. Didn't test it again after the patches. I hope they fix(ed) it though and that you can trigger both hands' modals seperately even if it's the same modal/weapon type.
  12. You mean with rod + Blast or Minor Blights? Because they removed the effect of Blast (transporting rogue's afflictons) in beta3 but kept it for Minor Blights. If this got reverted they did it either right on realease or secretly with one of the following patches.
  13. If the level cap increases they would have to make changes to UI as well and also invent some more high level abilities for all classes. I would say that's too much fuzz for a supposedly "smaller" DLC (than WM I and II). But I would be happy if they increase it and add some more cool ability stuff.
  14. I have no idea. They removed that pitfall from Carnage but reintroduced it with Lance and rod Blast. Blast never had this mechanic in PoE so I guess they just reprogrammed the whole stuff and there were people involved that hadn't experienced the nerf history of Lance, Blast etc.
  15. PL alters the healing base, it's multiplicative (same with durations). So if you combine PL, MIG and healing bonuses like Physiker's Belt and Experienced Healer that results in a more powerful healing quickly. So the rel. small boost of PL can lead to a substantial increase if you stack some additive healing bonuses. At least that was the case. Hope that didn't change. But that's why a shifted Livegiver's +7 PL makes his healings so ridiculously powerful.
  16. Svef works. Or multiclassing with a paladin for the ability that gives you a resistance to intellect afflictons. Caroc's Breastplate and Modwyr obviously only work if you cast Frenzy first and then shift like you assumed. I know of no other way (except intellect inspirations of course).
  17. The burn damage targets reflex. I don't think that the raw self damage has to do a hit roll. It just gets applied. You can wear Voidward (ring) to reduce the raw damage of Sacred Immolation. It works. If you combine it with some other "transform damage to healing" stuff like Unbending or a strong healing over time (Moonwell or so) then you can work with Sacred Immolation without killing yourself.
  18. Yeah... But a resistance to intellect afflictons completely removes confused since it's the lowest tier intellect affliction. And that removes the problem with Terrify immediately without the need to tinker around with your self induced resolve afflictons. The only thing is you need two Vithrack brains for the enchantment of the Breastplate. You can buy those at Splintered Reef. Breastplate is the best way for a Berserker/something to remove confusion because it also has a speed buff and gives you +2/+2 resource points (in this case +2 Rage and +2 Guile).
  19. Yes - everything with an AoE attack that transports procs from abilities is crazy. I'm pretty sure that we will see a nerf of those mechanics at some point like we had in PoE. There I once showed how you can use stuff like Knockdown or Envenomed Strikes in an AoE with Spirit Lance or Minor Blights and soon after that it got nerfed so that the AoE "blasts" didn't do that anymore. I wonder why they did the same "mistake" in Deadfire again. They already nerfed Rod Blast from transporting rogue strikes but did not nerf Lance and Blights or Hand Mortar etc. So either they forgot or they follow a "step by step" nerfing protocol.
  20. Reading really weird texts that were written while under the influence of narcotics gives you headaches... No wait, that was real life.
  21. The most powerful combo is Lance + Stunning Surge. In addition to that you can get +10 INT for your Lance AoE via Duality of Mortal Presence. Lance + Arterial + Gouging Strike solves most encounters as well. Also Riposte with Lance is pretty hilarious. Lance with high INT (cast Infuse wVE first) and Toxic Strike does enormous AoE DoT damage. Lance with Cleaving/Mob Stance is also very nice - but you need multiple engagement slots for getting attack speed bonuses from Mob Stance. Besides that, Mule Kick + Lance is hilarious as well. And also Clear Out + Lance. All three combos are very nice. Even Wizard/Barbarian and Wizard/Paladin are great when using the Lance. Blood Thirst + Lance: ouch...
  22. Right. I mean you can multiclass Fury with Bleak Walker and Take Scion of Flame, Spirit of Decay and Heart of the Storm in order to have +3 PEN with Fury's natural weapons in addition to the stacked lashes of Wildstrike and FoD - but actually the +1 PEN and increased range of the Fury are enough to make it a viable Nuker. You can just skip the Spiritshift. However - the Fury/Bleak Walker idea is a bit more versatile because it combines +3 PEN with FoD attacks and +2 PEN with your spells. Of course the lower power level hurts the spells a bit.
  23. I don't know how it scales now to be honest. I guess with MIG and PL but it was some time ago I tested WFlames myself. And I don't know how Spirit Lance + White Flames would behave either. I tested the Lance a lot recently but White Flames was not yet among my "test subjects". The Lance is not always triggering stuff in an AoE - for example it doesn't trigger Carnage on its AoE hits. It also doesn't apply the pike modal (-10 deflection) to all enemies, only the initial one. It does apply stuff like Flames of Devotion's burning lash with the AoE though and also the Sickened affliction of a Bleak Walker's FoD. I would really like to test White Flames with the Lance because I'm curious myself - but unfortunately I'm not at home until Friday. Maybe somebody else can step in?
  24. Yeah yeah. Luckily I never had to repeat a year so I can't give you any tips how to survive the 4th grade as a 16 year old. Pants with stripes and a Capt. Sharky backpack maybe? Good luck with the fraction arithmetic this time!
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