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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. The developer calls it multiclass. The designer calls it multiclass. The marketing guys call it multiclass. The official wiki calls it multiclass. Everybody in this forum and their pedantic moms call it multiclass. The only person who doesn't call it multiclass besides you is Groot. You call it dual class. You can call it whatever you like - but here the correct term is multiclass.
  2. My new Voyager which has a flamethrower on its stern is named "Flaming Fanny".
  3. I say it's one of the nicest mechanics in Deadfire. Adds a bit of puzzle to the game. Because you just have to activate the wardstone or snipe them. By the way it doesn't matter if Classic or PotD: 4 injuries is perma-death on all difficulties afaik. Actually I have no idea about Story Time though...
  4. Nice list. I would suggest racial abilities that are easy to implement (e.g. being passive or no UI elements needed) so the chance of implementation is higher. Because of that I think that your proposal for Nature Godlikes may be too complicated. I also don't think they should be pushed towards healing with extra power levels. Else we will see only Nature Godlike healers in the future. I think the minor change of Minor Threat is unnecessary. Pun intended... The suggestions for Avian, Moon, Fire and Marine Godlikes are nice. Maybe the second racial ability for Moon is a bit to complicated (would need UI element if it's not passive)?
  5. You didn't finish it? Then how can you know that there aren't any more difficult encounters to come?
  6. Well - some don't need to scale (e.g. Wellspring of Life). But Battle Forged and Silver Tide are just really bad as long as they don't.
  7. It profits from Scion of Flame but not the Fury racial ability. Which is kind of odd. How did they do that?
  8. Arcane Reflection can't work against it because it only reflects targeted spells - those you have to cast onto an enemy and not those that are cast onto the ground. You need spell resistance. But as I said: it's not reliable. Maybe somebody else knows how to resist it reliably. I just use interrupts (Monk with Flagellant's Path + Force of Anguish, Fighter with Charge and then Knockdown or Rogue with Escape + strikes as well as ranger with Concussive Shot or even a Wizard with Thrust oTV) and it works fairly well.
  9. My Aloth is nearly always a Spellblade because of Infuse + Spirit Lance + Arterial/Gouging/Toxic Strikes - which is so much fun. Spirit Lance with Riposte is great as well: AoE Riposte. Good alternatives are Watershaper's Focus (+Ondra's Wrath) or dual mortars or Minor Blights + mortar.
  10. I like it that my requested mod for a visible queue of commands is queued .
  11. Maybe they thought that Silver Tide is good enough and changed their minds. Except it doesn't scale and therefore it's crap.
  12. In fact the whole point was to give you a nice round number, easy to remember, so you can do the math by yourself. I couldn't because I'm not home and don't know how high the lash starts. And last time I checked the Essence Interruptor wasn't in a wiki yet. So I assumed one could get a simple answer instead of trying to search for that stuff. Since I guessed that the bow doesn't start at 0 lash but rather starts at something like 10 or so and then reaches 20 with 40 Metaphysics it was impossible for me to do any math with a definite outcome. You needed to provide either the value for 20 Metaphysics or even better the value for each point of Metaphysics - I mean between lifting the jester's cap and pulling up the smarty-pants. But I've checked again and found the bow in the fextralife wiki. It starts at 5. So if it reaches 20 at Metaphysics 40 that would mean each point of Metaphysics will add 0.375. Is that correct?
  13. While it doesn't mention DVDs I guess everybody who read this assumed to get them and NOT a physical piece of cardboard with a code for a digital download on it. I personally don't care for that stuff at all and really don't want to have those discs flying around - but I can totally understand anybody who feels p!ssed because of this. I also think it's a very stupid decision on Obsidian's part. If they couldn't get DVDs in time or if it turned out that it was too expensive or whatever they could at least put a paper in there with an apology and an explanation. Maybe that they will ship out DVDs later or that they offer a partial refund - just anything. Saying nothing about it at all and hoping that nobody will notice is so short-sighted. Can't believe somebody with a bit of business experience and experience with customer relationship went for this option.
  14. So... weren't you the one who opened that thread about the dragon in BoW being too tough for your party, eh? Anyways: I agree that it the general difficulty is too easy from mid- to endgame. Even at lvl 8 I do mostly red skulls encounters just to get certain gear and it's not much of a problem.* I just don't think that a general character or item nerf or a general enemy buff will do the job. The encounters themselves need to be improved. That's something that takes time and effort and can't be done with a broad brush. )* For example I just grabbed Rekvu's Scorched Cloak from the Flame Nagas at lvl 8/9. The Naga marauders and archers themselves are fine - they just lack one nasty boss who makes things harder. They have this Sorcerer guy named Uvvhateverhisnameis who spams some damaging spells, but he's quite squishy despite his level.
  15. And FoD already has an ACC bonus. It's almost a guaranteed crit with that item setup.
  16. That may explain it. It also says "character" build instead of class build and I usually search for [CLASS BUILD]. Not that character build is wrong or so. I just didn't check that combo I guess. Will put it in when I'm home!
  17. As feared. How high is the lash with 20 Metaphysics (which would be realistic in an uncheated playtrough)? Or let's put it differently: what is the gain per point of Metaphysics?
  18. That's just because she's a woman. Since your mommy is a woman, too (I assume) and she always told you what to do until you had the balls to move out but still did your laundry you now feel patronized when listening to a female narrator. ... Nope, I'm not serious.
  19. If you make every fight equally difficult then there will be no feeling of progression in character development (in terms of power). Most players want to feel that their character evolves and turns into a powerhouse. For that you need easier encounters where your char shreds things to pieces with his fancy new abilities. But you also need hard, tricky encounters every now and then to hold up the tension and to get a feeling of accomplishment. This is not done with general buffs or nerfs on all chars or items or enemies. It is done with proper encounter design and certain high level enemies who have some tricks in their sleeve or are exceptionally hard to beat because of insane stats. And then look at people who complain that PotD is too easy at higher levels - and at the same time the same people post about Concelhaut using Arcane Dampener and that it is unfair - or that the BoW dragon is too tough. The kids these days...
  20. I also had this situation: I took Sacred Scarifice so that I get revived after unconsciousness while Sacred Immolation is running. I also put on Effigy's Husk with Skean's Resentment to trigger that high raw dmg AoE retaliation on unconscious. Same with the Mantle of the Seven Bolts which does a Shock AoE on unconscious. I kept Espirs. Blade Feast (Ghost Blades + healing) also triggers on the effects above. When I triggered those effects above at 0 health I sometimes didn't get an injury. I believe because Blade Feast got triggered by one of the retaliation effects that killed an enemy and did heal me before the injury got applied? I cannot reproduce it reliably.
  21. I did a bit more testing and the best way to ensure a steady flow of zeal so far is to send in Beckoner's skeletons first besides a tank (can be the Beckoner himself) - or to have a Troubadour tank with Many Lives Pass by. Too bad summons can't be called from stealth. I thought Beckoner with Ancient Brittle Bones and Many Lives Pass By, a Ranger with Animancer's Bow and a Berserker-Lord of the Imps in the team could be hilarious. Beckoner summons skeletons, Ranger marks them for transforming, Berserker kills them, turning them into imps AND another creature. And endless stream of summons and tons of zeal I presume. Also tons of micro...
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