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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Ascension doesn't change the action speed on it's own, though. And that was Teclis' question. Yeah, you can use some methods for speed stacking, like Scordeo's, maybe even the special foods but those are not connected with Ascension. All true. But my answer was not aimed at you.
  2. @Manveru123: Exactly. Except Marksman ring maybe. And using two Rings of Overseeing sometimes. @Teclis23: Erm... isn't that the whole point of roleplaying a Paladin?
  3. The exhortations my be costly, but they are also fast cast with 0 recovery - which means you can remove afflictions immediately. Especially when using a gun. I agree that the costs seem too high most of the time though. Also a single class paladin can get back substancial amounts of zeal on kill (if he takes the right abilites). Also you can get Exhalted Endurance a lot earlier which has more impact on lower levels. That means if you build a somewhat offensive paladin (who is still sturdy - just because he's a Paladin) you can get a lot of zeal back during an encounter. With Exhalted Endurance and Greater Lay on Hands (and some healing bonuses like Physiker's Belt and Practised Healer) you already only lose less than 50 health in total from your Sacred Immolation. If you pick up Voidward even less. With Sworn Enemy, Scion of Flame, Ring of Focused Flame, FoD and Inspired Beacon+Scared Immolation you will kill a lot of enemies, getting back zeal constantly. Later use Divine Immolation and Zeal of Pure Light to heal your people big time while dealing large amounts of damage around you. Also people always argue about Sacred/Divine Immolation as if you'd use it in a vacuum, without your party members present. Or as if a paladin couldn't drink a potion. Sure, the self damage of Sacred Immolation is high, too high. But it's not that hard to circumvent it. If a single class paladin is boring then it's because you build him too defensively. Everything is boring if you build it too defensively. A single class paladin like described above surely isn't boring. Maybe the character would be more useful if he was a Herald or Templar, but he's certainly not boring.
  4. Getting 1 minute of ascension where you can cast cipher powers without cost and increased Power Level (+2 in this case) while having fast cast times is not a questionable outcome. By the way: Salvation of Time adds +20 sec on the first cast and +10 on the second currently. Example: with the first cast of SoT you can "buy" the equivalent of 3 Amplified Waves (if you consider casting speed/recovery bonuses). Three Amplified Waves instead of one Pillar of Flames is a win for me personally. So - not really questionable, but a bit fiddly perhaps.
  5. I agree completely. Also to the indecisive part about multiclass or single class. Eld Nary is so strong when it's empowered... It also makes perfect sense to take the "Potent/Accurate/Penetrating Empower" passive abilites with that sabre as a single class chanter.
  6. Yeah yeah... I also think the spell fits a Priest of Berath thematically very well. Of course on itself it's not very useful. You have to combine it with something else. For example it can extend stuff like Ascended and I also believe it prolongs Spiritshift(?). Too bad you can't cast it to prolong Citzal's Martial Power (I mean on yourself if you are a priest/wizard).
  7. Poor compared to something else. Perhaps I should revise it? I think it's one of the best spells there is (when using smart combos). With decent INT you can extend Barring Death's Door for quite a lot of time - just one example.
  8. Because the hammer raises your MIG by +4 and comes with some spell-like CC which priests lack. It's not the strongest build in the game (if there is any "strongest" in the first place) but it does great damage and healing.
  9. And you don't have to apply them with the gun. You just have to hold it in your hands while casting a spell like Binding Web for example. If you hit several enemies then all hits count. Since Binding Web reapplies "immobilized" in pulses you might hit 30 appliances after one single cast.
  10. But we did buy it. It's called Deadfire - where the thugs on Gorecci Street tear you a new one, then the panthers shred you to tiny bits when you dare to enter their digsite and where the dragons fall over when you sneeze at them. Hatchooo!
  11. The thread's topic title does include patches. I would also like the reputation system to be rebalanced. Right now I can max out every single reputation. I can be cruel and kind at the same time. I was thinking that reputation should decay over time or as you change direction. Oops, sorry. You are right. The title is cut off on my phone.
  12. Yes, the Spine is pretty awesome for a Livegiver. You can also get it fairly early.
  13. I also like a Livegiver. The healing bonus from PL is base healing, so in case you have high MIG and stuff like Physiker's Belt, Blessing of the Dawnstars, Mercy and Kindness from a chanter etc. it pays off big time. You can also use Lifegiver/Priest and use Xoti's Shield as well for lots of good healing spells after Spiritshift wears off.
  14. Although when you use that scimitar you would gimp yourself if you'd not use empowered invocarions in my opinion. You can use an empowered Whirlwind in every encounter - it gets so many jumps it's ridiculous and you'll get 3 phrases AND the Empower point back.
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