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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Fury's weapons are now one-handed now (dual wielding like all others). It got patched. I don't know about Tekehu's Spiritshift but I guess that got altered as well?
  2. I haven't checked pistols for some time ... but is the recovery/reload cap bug for pistols fixed in the current state of the game? see: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/98617-bug-attack-frequency-on-guns-capped-at-36-sec/ Yes, it works like it's supposed to for some time now.
  3. Moning Star's modal "Body Blows" brings fortitude down by a whopping 25 points.
  4. One-handed pistol + modal is pretty decent. Not really a crit build since you lose 3 ACC, but you gain 20% hit-to-crit conversion which makes up for it and gain 50% recovery speed. I guess with Priest/Streetfighter (for the very long blooded state) you might be able do great things with it since you will add +100% crit damage and another 50% recovery speedup. Or using a ranger with Driving Flight/Twined Shot and Eccea's Arcane Blaster for amazing and rapid multishots?
  5. Erm... That's like saying: "Coffee quenches thirst best because I never get thirsty when I drink 2 liters of it per day".
  6. He should get +10 Fortitude no matter his CON value. This seems to be a bug. One thing you could try is to enter combat once to see if it activates then (and stays). Also unpause. Sometimes this helps. If not it would be nice if you could search the technical support subforum here and file a bug report if you don't find a similar bug report. Or a mod moves this thread there.
  7. PotD in Deadfire is very tough until you leave the first island and level a bit. Later on it's easier than PoE. It's not you, it's the front-loaded difficulty of PotD.
  8. Arterial Strike + terrify is pretty strong. Also Arterial Strike + immobilize - because most enemies are just too dumb to realize they can't move and try desperately to get somewhere. Arterial's DoT also triggers then - even if they don't move, the action/intention seems to count. Wahaī Pōraga + Arterial Strike, then Force of Anguish is also cool. Or with WotEP. Arterial + Ram's Sprint is also very nice.
  9. I also thought about this "kill enemies with three injuries" - but I couldn't test because I can't find the thing anymore. Maybe I just imagined it or something.
  10. That would be nice. Doesn't even need to be 30% like in PoE.
  11. I was speaking in defense of Ansalon in this case which he might have missed.
  12. I think there is one item that causes injuries on hit. But I can't find it anymore. That would most likely be the most convenient way if the injuries are not too severe. Console would be addinjury play<tab> AFF_Severe<tab> false
  13. Dirty Fighting, I guess? Fighter and Barb both have access to higher hit to crit bonuses than Dirty Fighting. Also self accuracy buffs which the Rogue lack. In other words; they don't. I admit is was a trick question. Players might still think that the rogue is the king of crits in Deadfire because he was in PoE.
  14. Just compare the 1H/2H weapons that have the same advantages: Sword/Great Sword: dual damage, higher base --> Great Sword gets +1 PEN War Hammer/Morning Star: dual damage, medium base --> MS +1 PEN Stiletto/Estoc: higher PEN, single damage type, lower base --> Estoc +1 PEN Battle Axe/Two handed Battle Axe: medium base, single damage type, higher crit dmg --> ??? The +1 of all two handers (see how they behave compared to their one-handed variants in terms of game mechanics) was added because the higher base damage alone was not sufficient to balance them with dual wielding, +shield or one handed wielding. This was discussed here in length prior to 1.2 and it seems that Obsidian listened and chenged it in 1.2. Which is great. Now, with that in mind it is obvious to me that Obsidian simply forgot to put +1 PEN on the Oathbreaker's End. But on the other two handers it seems to be just fine now? Can't see how they have too low PEN...?
  15. Knock yourself out via corrosion spell (e.g. Necrotic Lance) or fire spell and you will get an Acute Rash or Severe Burn. Or let party members do it. Both are light injuries that don't do that much harm. You can do it outside of combat where you'll have unlimited offensive spells. Don't know if that is the "best" way but it works nicely.
  16. Why does a Shadowdancer crit more than other Monk multiclasses with Stunning Surge?
  17. It can be very useful but is also a bit of a hassle. I can't say if it's worth the trouble in he long run - that may differ from player to player. It's hilarious and fun - but nothing I personally would do a whole playthrough with.
  18. All two-handers got +1 PEN with patch 1.2 to improve them for balancing reasons. Because of that this special two handed battle-axe should also get +1PEN compared to a one-handed battle axe. If it hasn't that's clearly an oversight and should be reported and fixed. Of course it's not useless, far from it, but this is only due to its unique enchantments, not because it's a two handed axe. THis case is a precedent for all the folling ones where weapons of a certain proficiency but different handling style get introduced (think of Abydon's Hammer). For example: if Obsidian introduces a unique great sword that could be wielded with one hand once you reach 20 MIG, it should get -1 PEN compared to "normal" great sword once you use it with one hand only. If Obsidian introduces a two handed sabre that should get +1 PEN - because it occupies both hands.
  19. @Ansalon: with Grave Calling and Hel Beckoning a Chanter can kill his own summons and turn them into imps. A great multiclass combo for this is a Beckoner/Berserker because his Carnage kills his very weak skeletons with the blade which will then spawn two big skeletons and one imp. If you kill those two as well you will have three imps. Since you are starting with 6 skeletons you can get 18 imps very quickly and as a bonus trigger Bloodlust and Blood Thirst. Also works with the skeleton you can summon with each phrase with the high lvl summoning chant. Same with Hel Beckoning and puny phantoms - but obviously the Grave Calling/Skeleton thing is better because you simply summon more skeletons than phantoms. Killing enemy vessels is just a nice bonus then.
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