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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. How do you switch from "getting bloodied" to "stay at bloodied" without getting knocked out too quickly? Besides the wound buildup that works for you automatically. Switching from INT to CON after getting bloodied maybe?
  2. The spells' ACC and damage do scale. Only PEN doesn't. It's an oversight and I hope it gets fixed soon. Nick Carver stated that all Imbue-spells should scale like their normal counterparts. For CC imbues PEN doesn't matter at all. Doing 3 Pull of Eora or Bindig Web with one shot and combining it with Binding Roots is a very powerful powerful CC effect. Of course you can go Geomancer. Why not. You can even do Wizard/Arcane Archer. The only real downside of the Arcane Archer compared to a vanilla one is the ACC penalty with normal weapons. If you circumvent that: how can the Arcane Archer be worse than the vanilla one? I think people still believe that subclasses have to be more powerful than the vanilla ones and are somehow disappointed if they are only slightly - or not obviously.
  3. If the animal companion would do comparable damage to those of PoE1 I would be ok with the class.
  4. Reducing PER or DEX by 5 means that Reflex will go down by 10, not 5. If you reduce both it's -20. Miasma reduces PER by 10. That means -20 Reflex as well. Stacks with a DEX-affliction: then -30. Afaik this stacks with other effects that directly lower Reflex - like Nature's Mark. The highest single-effect debuff comes from flails (-25). You can cause it in an AoE with Heart of Fury, Clear Out (+Upgrades), Whirling Strikes and Whispers of the Wind.
  5. Then you haven't figured out how Arcane Archer works yet. Some points again: - certain weapons that do elemental dmg don't get the ACC penalty - Imbue spells get triggered on every jump. That means that you can trigger up to 3 Fireballs, Pull of Eora, Death Rings etc. per shot (initial hit, Driving Flight, jump form enchantment like e.g. Watershaper's Focus). Even five procs when using Wild Barrage. Try to use 5 Death Rings per shot on a group of enemies: usually it's insta-win with such high ACC. - All ACC bonuses (including Arcana) also apply to the spells. - if you take Spearcaster and scale Arcana you will have crazy high ACC when using Imbue spells and still plenty plenty when not. If you pick the right weapon you will only have one Malus: a bit less health. While you get some nice CC and AoE option. How is that worse as a vanilla ranger?
  6. For a Sage Morning Star is also a great pick. Force of Anguish targets fortitude as well. Even on a melee Geomancer it's great because Takedown Combo targets fortitude and works very well with high dmg single target spells like Killing Bolt etc.
  7. Why don't you test it in-game and report? Then you know for sure and don't need to say "period" when just speculating.
  8. Did this with a Warlock some time ago. Wall of Flame hardly penetrates. You will have a lot of pulses where you get 0 health because only 10% of fire dmg turns into healing. It's not an effective source of healing. But it can be convenient to stand on your own wall and engage enemies. Fireballs work ok. Best is Delayed Blast Fireball. You want to wear Rekvu's Fractured Casque. Since you need an injury anyway (cast Fireball on yourself between fights) you also want the immunity to interrupts. Then use Grimoire of Vaporous Wizardry. Immunity to interrupts is perfect for this. The best source of fire healing is if you can catch Combusting Wounds (e.g when being confused) and then stand in your own Wall of Flames. Use Otto Starcat as pet.
  9. I meant: Because everything that goes through attack resolution (ACC vs. defense roll) is considered to be an attack. Static Charge only gets applied by melee attacks afaik. But maybe the triggering on crit that releases the charges can be done with all kinds of attack rolls? Didn't use it for a while...
  10. Yes. Although something like Blade Cascade (Scordeo's Edge) or Blade Feast (Engoliero do Espirs) or even Riven Gore (Amra) seems to be more interesting.
  11. Brisk Recitation only kicks in from lvl 4 and starts with -10% chanting time but doesn't touch linger time. Nothing else affects chanting time and INT influences linger time. That should be it. What doesn't work? Sometimes you need to change the name of the composed chants in your book and re-activate them to clear a hickup of the chanting mechanics.
  12. I don't know if I look at a whole playthrough. You get some nice Druid Spells as Invocations, combined with ever refreshing resources. With Sasha's Singing Scimitar you can Empower an invocation for free (basically), get phrases back - and stuff like Tornado and Eld Nary scale very well with Power Levels and thus Empower. And you get "endless" Avenging Storm. Foe-only Chillfog is really nice though.
  13. 1. Instruments of Pain does not work with ranged weapons. It takes your melee weapon's range (usually 1 - but 1.8 for the reach weapons pike and staff) and does multiply it by 6 (or +500% in other words). I can't remember if the ability button simply greys out when a ranged weapon is equipped or if it's just does nothing. I think the first. 2. No, because of 1. But it works with melee weapons which have a similar enchantment.
  14. Why? Lord Darryn's Voulge also has two damage types and works very well with Barb/Devoted.
  15. By the way: Victor Creed (YouTube) = Raven Darkholme (Obsidian forums)
  16. If you stand very close he will hit himself with fire - which will heal him. Only a fraction of the damage though (like Rekvu's Scorched Cloak or Flame Naga's passive). The fire damage will get turned into 10% healing if I'm not mistaken.
  17. It's been like that since release. I don't think it will get "fixed". Still playing a ranged monk for over a month now... I assume if something gets fixed it's the description. Because for a ranged monk neither Iron not Turning Wheel would be useful if they made Turn. Wheel melee only.
  18. DEX affects action time (animation time) and recovery time. It's the only thing in PoE that influences action time. All other speed buffs in the game "only" affect recovery time.
  19. Ah sorry, I forgot you're soloing. You could maybe use the Giftbearer's Cloth for an additional weapon set though.
  20. Haha, no. But I don't know the exact numbers without checking in game. Tooltip will tell you. Power Level scaling is (+5% base damage per additional PL point) * bonus/malus from MIG.
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